Tutorial 9 Week 11 - 2020 Discovery Tute

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Business Process Modelling


Tutorial 9:
Process Discovery
CRICOS No. 00213J

• Weekly quiz
• Exercise 1:
Interviewing a Domain Expert
Modelling without input from
current process participants
• Exercise 2:
Discovery of a Credit
Application Process
• Exercise 3:
Discovery of a University
Admission Process
CRICOS No. 00213J
Arrange the process discovery tasks
• 1

• 2

• 3

• 4

Gather information Conduct the modelling

Define the setting Assure model quality

CRICOS No. 00213J
Provide one strength and one weakness for each
Process Discovery method
CRICOS No. 00213J
Classify some challenges of
Process Discovery?
Methods Overall
• a) Document analysis may require refinement

• b) Fragmented process knowledge

• c) Observation can contain participants’ bias

• d) Domain experts think on instance level

• e) Process modelling knowledge is not common

• f) Exceptional behaviour tends to be neglected in interviews

CRICOS No. 00213J
Exercise 1:

(a) How would you, a process analyst, prepare for an interview

with a domain expert?

Before the Interview

• Review and study all available written documentation. It is important
to get familiar with the terminology of the processes
• Setup an interview guide, which includes questions that aim to collect
details of matters that are not clear from the documentation.
• Consider additional information sources which may be of value (e.g.
other stakeholders, documents, websites, etc.)
CRICOS No. 00213J
Exercise 1:
(b) When might you derive a process model, without the direct
engagement of those executing the process? Who would you engage
with and what methods might you use then?
- When the process been modelled is a brand new one, perhaps one that
does not exist.

- Who would you engage with? Process owners/ project sponsors, and
Potential process stakeholders. While such ‘to-be’ processes may be
created, it is still good to get feedback from ‘potential’ process
stakeholders (if the current process stakeholders do not readily exist)
prior to finalising such processes.

- What techniques can be used here?

Brainstorming, Story boarding, Use Cases, Role playing, Prototyping
CRICOS No. 00213J
Exercise 2: Discovery at a university
admission process
As a process analyst working for a university, you are engaged in a
project that aims at improving the university’s admission process. The
first step is to model the as-is process.
You have interviewed a few representatives for three key roles
participating in this process: student admission officer and member of
the academic committee.
Using the information gathered during stakeholder interviews, as well
as your experience testing the process, create a draft BPMN model of
the as-is student admission process. This draft will then be
validated with the people that have been interviewed, before sign-off by
the process owner.
CRICOS No. 00213J
Exercise 2: Discovery at a university
admission process
Student admission officer:
My process starts when I receive an application from an applicant; I first
check the completeness of the documents. If the application is
incomplete, I send the request for clarification to the student. If I assess
the application as complete, I forward it to the academic committee. I
then receive a response from the academic committee which could be
either of the below:
• A notification of acceptance from the academic committee. In this
case, l prepare the acceptance letter and send it to the student. I then
receive a signed offer from the student.
• A notification of rejection. In this case, I send a rejection letter to the
CRICOS No. 00213J
Exercise 2: Discovery at a university
admission process
CRICOS No. 00213J
Exercise 2: Discovery at a university
admission process
Member of the academic committee:
When I receive the documents from the admission officer, I assess their
quality. If I deem that the applicant is qualified, I send an acceptance
notification to the admission officer otherwise I send a rejection
notification and then archive the results in my database.
CRICOS No. 00213J
Exercise 2: Discovery at a university
admission process
CRICOS No. 00213J
Exercise 2: Discovery at a university
admission process
In order to apply for admission, the applicant needs to prepare an
admission application and send it to the university. They will then receive a
response from an admission officer, which can either be:
• an acceptance letter. In this case, the applicant needs to sign the offer
form in the letter and return it to the admission officer.
• a notification of rejection. In this case, the applicant does not do anything
further and the process is finished.
• a request for clarification from the admission officer. In this case, the
applicant provides the required documentation to the admission officer
via an updated application and then gets a response that is one of the
three types above (accepted, rejected or request for clarification).
CRICOS No. 00213J
Exercise 2: Discovery at a university
admission process
CRICOS No. 00213J
Exercise 2: Discovery at a university admission process -
CRICOS No. 00213J
Exercise 3: Discovery at a credit application

As a process analyst working for a financial institution, you are engaged

in a project that aims at improving the company’s credit application
process. The first step is to model the as-is process.
You have interviewed a few representatives for two key roles
participating in this process: customer service, corporate risk assessor
and risk management.
Using the information gathered during stakeholder interviews, as well
as your experience testing the process, create a draft BPMN model of
the as-is credit application process. This draft will then be validated
with the people that have been interviewed, before sign-off by the
process owner.
CRICOS No. 00213J
Exercise 3: Discovery at a credit application process
CRICOS No. 00213J
Final Notes

• Must register groups for assignment 2, whether or not you’re

working in the same groups as for assignment 1

• Tools => Groups => Assignment 2 Sign-up sheet

• Support session still running. Go as early as possible.

• Practice exam is available on Blackboard.

CRICOS No. 00213J
We’re Here to Help
Unit Coordinators Tutors
Dr. Ir. Sander Leemans Mr. Rob McMullen

Dr. Wasana Bandara Ms. Mythreyi Velmurugan


Mr. Ryan Dunn Ms. Casey Ninnes

Mr. Joshua Guy
CRICOS No. 00213J

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