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Anton B. Darmawan
Introduction of Cranial Nerve Eight:
Vestibulocochlear Nerve
 Arises in the inner ear
and goes to the pons
 Two anatomically and
functional parts:
 Cochlear Nerve
 Vestibular Nerve
 Cranial Nerve VIII
functions in hearing
and balance
Vestibulocochlear Nerve VIII
What is Acoustic Neuroma?
 Non-cancerous tumor of the eighth cranial
Nerve leading from brain to inner ear
 Usually grow slowly over a period of years
 Not Hereditary: Occur spontaneously
without any evidence of inheritable
Common Symptoms
 Major symptom: Hearing Loss 95%
of those with tumor
 Tinnitus
 Vertigo
 Headaches
 Unsteadiness-poor coordination
 Facial numbness, tingling, twitching
Signs of Acoustic Neuroma

 Decreased speech discrimination

 Nystagmus
 Abnormal facial electromyogram
Statistical Information
 Found in autopsy in less than one in
one-hundred of the general population
 Hearing loss and symptoms occur in
about one person in 100, 000
 Diagnosed in patients between the
ages of 30-60
 Cause unknown
Clinical Findings: Test
y test)
Caloric Test

 MRI scan
Treatment Options
 Observation
 Surgery- Microsurgical tumor removal
Partial tumor removal
Total tumor removal
 Radiation
Gamma Knife

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