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See your brand through

customers eyes
Brand portfolio molecule

Group 2

Mounika Goddeti (M098-19)

Roshan Shukla (M039-19)
Shipra Singh (M183- 19)
Srishti (M198-19)
Wayne D’Souza (M174-19)
In the traditional approach, the appeal of the
advertising was sufficient to manage them as
stand-alone entities.
What's needed is an entirely new mapping tool that
reflects the way brands actually appear to

In the new approach, the company's portfolio we include

all the brands that factor into a consumer's decision to
buy a product, whether or not the company owns them.

A conventional map arranges all of a company's

brands into a simple hierarchy, with the corporate
brand at the top.

Why This is known as brand portfolio

Why the need.?
The answer lies in a 360-degree perspective, one
Brand portfolio that reflects both the workings of the internal
organization and the perceptions of the external
marketplace. Brand mapping, in other words,
Molecule needs to become three-dimensional.
• The three steps involved in • Taking Inventory - A broad
creating a brand molecule brainstorming effort, asking
managers from across your
• Taking inventory of the brands organization- R&D, manufacturing,
that influence customers' promotions, sales-to list any brands
perceptions and choices they feel should be considered for
the portfolio.
• Classifying those brands
• Existing market research-
• Mapping the molecule
How is it done.? quantitative brand-tracking studies,
focus groups, home use tests, and
so on-can also be a valuable source
of information.
• Classifying Those Brands -

• Five questions:
Mapping the molecule –
• How important is this brand to
• Help you challenge your customers' purchase decisions
marketing assumptions and about the brand being mapped?
gain new insight into your • Is its influence positive or negative?
brand strategy. • What market position does this
• can also identify brand occupy relative to the other
opportunities for brand brands in the portfolio?
extensions (where holes
• How does this brand connect to the
exist), umbrella brands other brands in the portfolio?
(where clusters exist), and
other branding tactics that • How much control do you have over
this brand?
can increase the
effectiveness and efficiency
of your marketing

• The largest atom in the portfolio is the lead brand. Midsize atoms are strategic brands. The
smallest atoms in the portfolio are support brands.

• In any molecule, the central atom is always the most influential brand -what we call the lead
brand. In Miller’s Molecule, the central atom is Miller Itself.

• Colour coding - positive influence (green), a negative influence (red), or a neutral influence
(blue) on the customer's buying decision.

• A single link represent the direct relationship A string of links shows an indirect relationship
The width of the link indicates degree of control. The thicker the link, the easier it is for
managers to wield control over that brand.

• Nodes: Atoms of any size that have open links as well as links to other atoms are nodes.

• The usefulness of the molecule tool lies in its ability to show all these forces in a clear,
graphical way.
Molecular View of Royal Challenge
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