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* Purpose, goals and

objectives of the
psychology of
personal health
*Health is granted to us along with life, as a
normal function or belonging - like
breathing, blood circulation.
*Health is subject to the general laws
prevailing in the Universe
*human life is the highest value of society
*In recent years, in our country and abroad,
a scientific direction has formed -
branch of knowledge is a synthesis of
psychology and is an interdisciplinary
science, attracting psychologists, doctors,
teachers, social workers, sociologists, etc.
to solve its problems.
* The psychology of health is a science about the
psychological causes of health, about methods
and means of its preservation, and
development .
* if a person learns to realize and control his
behavior, emotions, thoughts, then he can
learn to,harmonize family relationships, get rid
of habits that interfere with a full life.
* By knowing and improving the psychological
component of health, we can not only prevent
the occurrence of diseases, strengthen health.
* One of the main tasks of health psychology is
the development of ways to motivate people to
maintain, and develop our health.
* The associated task of health psychology is the
preservation, and holistic development of the
spiritual, mental, social and somatic
components of health.
* The formation of mental health involves body
hygiene and mental hygiene, self-education,
*Self-regulation is:

*a special level of programming activities based on foresight

*managing a person’s own emotions, feelings, experiences;

*purposeful change, both of individual psychophysiological
functions, and of neuropsychic states in general;

*purposeful conscious choice of character and mode of action;

*“Internal” regulation of human behavioral activity;

*the interaction of external and internal in the behavior and
activities of the individual, etc.

* Under the psychological self-government (self-
regulation) refers to the conscious impact of a
person on his inherent mental phenomena
(processes, conditions, properties), his
activities, his own behavior to maintain or
change the nature of their course . Mental self-
regulation interrelated as a whole and
particular: management includes regulation.
The transition from self-government to self-
regulation is a transition from concept, idea to
their implementation. If self-regulation, as a
rule, is subordinated to solving the tasks of the
near future, then self-government can be
aimed at a longer term perspective - choosing
a life path, setting goals for self-improvement,
concretization of goals, self-education.

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