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IT-PR-23 C
1,1 Precautions that are due to consider before initiating to paint.
The dew point will be due to check to avoid the humidity condensation during the application, the temperature of the
surface will have to be at least 5° above of the dew point.
The temperature of the surface during the cured application and of the covering will have to be between 50 and 100 °F.
The thinner recommended by the manufacturer will be due to use solely.
The anchorage profile will have to be the solicited one by the client or to be between 1,5 and 3,0 thousands, according
to ASTM D4417.
It will have to repair tracks, bucklings, hollows, drainings or drippings, lost of adhesion, overspray, bubbles,
decorticated, cured inadequate or roughness.
This will have to be checked after the application of final covering and until is touch dry.
Not to use coverings with greater antiquity of 12 months or more.
1.2 Application of covering.
1.2.1 Primary covering hand factory. (This covering is not recommended for coastal zones until 200Km of the
To open the container and to shake up the mixture by average mechanics until homogenized it.
Thin with xylol or tuolol until obtaining a viscosity from 180 to 200seg. Measurement with glass ford no. 4.
It is recommended like degree of cleaning SP3.
Maintain the pistol of aspersion to an approximated distance of 15 20cms. Of the surface to cover, using a fan of 12 to
16 cm. Applies to a hand joining 50% in each step. Apply an additional hand on the welds, corners or other irregularities
to avoid to leave parts without covering.
1.2.2 Inorganic primary post cured zinc covering (CFE P10).
A preparation of surface SP5 is recommended.
Shake the base perfectly, and without letting shake, it slowly adds all the pigment until dispersing it completely.
Prepare mixtures that can use before 8 hrs. Filter the material with a sieve of 30 meshes.
To fit the viscosity of the mixture from 13 to 15 sec. Glass ford no. 4.
Pressure of the air of 50 to 70Pounds/in².
Maintain the pistol of aspersion to an approximated distance of 15 20cms. of the surface to cover, using a fan of 12 to
16 cm. Applies to a hand joining 50% in each step. Apply an additional hand on the welds, corners or other irregularities
to avoid to leave parts without covering.
After 2 hours of applied the covering, to apply the curing solution, leaving it during 24 minimum Hrs., later washer with
natural water, carving it with a smooth brush.
It does not allow that the surface this exposed to excessive humidity within next the 24 hrs.
1.2.3 inorganic primary auto self curing zinc Covering thinner base (CFE P11).
Recommends a preparation of surface SP5, with pattern of anchorage from 1,5 to 2,5 thousands.
It is recommended to use an equipment CLEMCO SCWB 2452 of a single camera or CADWB 2460 of double camera
with fuze SSR 6 of 378“ of inner diameter. The used abrasive must have a mesh from 30 to 60 to a pressure of 100psi.
Pot of pressure with mechanical agitator.
Separated regulators and pressure gauges for air control and flowed.
Compressor that produces 3.5Kg/cm² (50 PSI) in the pistol. A humidity filter must be used in the line of air between the
compressor and the pot of pressure.
Hose for air of 7.9mm (5/16") or of 9.5mm (3/8") of inner diameter.
Flowed hose of 12.7mm (1/2") of the Thiokol type.
Standard equipment of conventional aspersion with needle and nozzle of 70 thousands. For inorganic of zinc.
Procedure of application for painting NAPKO
Stir perfectly the base, and without letting shake, slowly adds all the pigment until dispersing it completely. Prepare
mixtures that can use before 8hr. Thin with the recommended one by the manufacturer.

IT-PR-23 C
Filter the material with a sieve of 30 meshes.
Perfectly wash the equipment with thinner before using it.
To fit the viscosity of the mixture of 13 to 15seg. Glass ford no. 4.
Pressure of the air of 60pound/in².
Maintain the pistol of aspersion to an approximated distance of 15 to 20cm. Of the surface to cover, using a fan of 12 to
16cm. Apply a hand joining 50% in each step. Apply an additional hand on the welds, corners or other irregularities to
avoid to leave parts without covering.
After passed 15min. After his material east application it reaches a complete state of insolubilidad in cold water. The
cured one is reached quickly when high humidity and temperature exist conditions of.
Procedure of application for painting Amercoat
Mix as it is indicated immediately, it slowly incorporates the dust in the liquid with permanent agitation (mechanical
agitation), continues shaking until the dust well is dispersed and the mixture has a homogenous consistency.
Precautions: It does not make the mixture in inverse form, it does not vary the proportions, it stir before and during the
Pass the material mixed by a sieve of mesh 30 to remove the material that has not dispersed and thus to prevent the
obstruction with the equipment.
It does not mix materials that cannot apply in the following times: 16Hrs. to 21°C, 8Hrs. to 32°C, 4Hrs. to 38°C
Maintain the container of the mixed material perfectly closed until he is ready to be used, to prevent the formation with
creams. Reject the creams.
Normally it does not require thinner, but if outside necessary, to avoid the roughness of the film or to avoid a dry
application due to a fast evaporation of the solvent by the warm atmosphere, it becomes thin with not but of 10% in
volume of thinner AM 101.
Regulate the pressure of the air of 5.2 to 7kg/cm² (75 to 100psi) in the pistol and of 1.4 to 2.1Kg/cm² (20 to 30psi) in the
container of the material, so that it obtains a humid layer with minimum sobreatomizaton. The necessary pressure can
vary according to the length of the hose and to the room temperature.
Maintain a slow agitation of the material during the application, to maintain the mixture homogenous, avoid the fast
agitation since of this form the temperature of the material can rise and shorten its life utility.
Apply a heavy and humid layer, doing happened parallel, overlapping each layer 50%, giving to special attention to
welds, corners, avoiding naked areas or pores.
Maintain the container of the material to the same height that the pistol of aspersion to maintain a material provision
adapted. Later check the thickness of humid film.
Allow that the product dries a minimum of 4hr to 21°C and avoids the contact with the water until is touch dry.
When the covering is dry for handling, it measures the thickness of dry film.
Note 1: To greater thicknesses of dry covering of 2,5 thousands, the covering film loses hardness, cures but slow
(more of 72hr), it presents/displays draining, it tends to cuartear itself and in general their physical and
chemical properties are diminished.
Note 2: In zones of high temperature, if the relative humidity is smaller of 60%, the cured time of can be more of 72hr,
in these conditions if it is desired to accelerate the cured one, for dunking with water 2 or 3 times to the day the
surface until it hardens, after the primary one is touch dry presents/displays draining, tends to cuartear itself
and in general their physical and chemical properties are diminished.
In order to repair small zones with pores, brush can be used.
Clean to all the equipment of application with AM 12 cleaner, immediately after using it, because if it remains in the
equipment of aspersion Dimetcote 9 this hardens and he covers it.
Precautions: This product is flamable. Maintain far from the heat and flames. Use with suitable ventilation. Avoid the
prolonged aspirations of his steam avoids the contact with the eyes and the skin.

IT-PR-23 C
1.2.4 Primary zinc chromate epoxi polyamide (CFE P3).
A preparation of surface SP6 is recommended.
Stir both components, soon mixes in volume a part of base with one of converter, shaking perfectly until obtaining a
homogenous mixture. Prepare mixtures that can use before 8hr to fit viscosity becomes thin with the recommended
one by the manufacturer. Filter the material with a sieve of 30 meshes.
Perfectly wash the equipment with thinner before using it.
To fit the viscosity of the mixture from 13 to 15seg. glass ford no. 4.
Select the pressure according to the following criterion: Of pressure to the container where it is the material and it
opens the spill valve of the fluid in such a way that the material flows to the aspersion pistol, it closes the valve of air
atomization in the container where it is the material and when this it falls in the floor on approximately four feet of
distance of the painter.
Maintain the pistol of aspersion to an approximated distance of 15 to 20cm. Of the surface to cover, using a fan of 12 to
16cm. Applies to a hand joining 50% in each step. Apply an additional hand on the welds, corners or other irregularities
to avoid to leave parts without covering.
1.2.5 Covering of finished epóxico solid high (CFE A3).
In order to be applied on a primary CFE P10 or P3.
Stir both components, soon mixes in volume 2 parts of base with one of converter, shaking perfectly until obtaining a
homogenous mixture. Prepare mixtures that can use before 8 hrs. In order to fit viscosity it becomes thin with the
recommended one by the manufacturer without exceeding 25%. Filter the material with a sieve of 30 to 60 meshes.
Perfectly wash the equipment with thinner before using it.
Homogenize perfectly the base and the catalyst using mechanical agitation. Its application lets rest the mixture 20
minutes before, when the temperature is low.
All the dust or another material small change that the adhesion damages must be eliminated.
To fit the viscosity of the mixture from 13 to 15seg. Glass ford no. 4.
To fit the pressure until obtaining a uniform atomization.
Maintain the pistol of aspersion to an approximated distance of 15 to 20cms. Of the surface to cover, using a fan of 12
to 16 cm. Applies to a hand joining 50% in each step. Apply an additional hand on the welds, corners or other
irregularities to avoid to leave parts without covering.
Applies the second hand after 4hr. of applied undercoat, it does not let pass 3 days to apply a new hand.
In order to repair affected areas, all the area must be cleaned with thinner.
Before putting this material in good condition hrs leaves cures at least 24 to 21°C.
All the equipment must immediately be washed with thinner after its use.



A To New Creation
B Audit of second part
C General revision by unification of categorias of certification of the AISC


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