PLANT Fin,.,.

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Plant hormones (also known
as phytohormones).

Plant hormones are signal molecules produced
within the plant, and occur in extremely
low concentrations. Hormones regulate cellular
processes in targeted cells locally and when
moved to other locations, in other locations of the
plant. Hormones also determine the formation
of flowers, stems, leaves, the shedding of leaves,
and the development and ripening of fruit.
The five major classes are:
Abscisic acid
  Abscisic acid also called ABA, was discovered and
researched under two different names before its
chemical properties were fully known, it was
called dormin and abscicin II. Once it was determined
that the two latter compounds were the same; it was
named abscisic acid. The name "abscisic acid" was given
because it was found in high concentrations in newly
abscissed or freshly fallen leaves.
Functions of Abscisic Acid
Stimulates the closure of stomata (water stress brings
about an increase in ABA synthesis). 
Inhibits shoot growth but will not have as much affect
on roots or may even promote growth of roots. 
Induces seeds to synthesize storage proteins. 
Has some effect on induction and maintenance of
 The term auxin is derived from the Greek word
auxein which means to grow.
 Auxins are compounds that positively influence
cell enlargement, bud formation and root
initiation. They also promote the production of
other hormones and in conjunction
with cytokinins, they control the growth of
stems, roots, and fruits, and convert stems into
Functions of Auxin

Stimulates cell elongation 

Stimulates differentiation of phloem and xylem 
Stimulates root initiation on stem cuttings and lateral root development in tissue
The auxin supply from the apical bud suppresses growth of lateral buds 
Delays leaf senescence 
Can inhibit or promote (via ethylene stimulation) leaf and fruit abscission 
Can induce fruit setting and growth in some plants 
Involved in assimilate movement toward auxin possibly by an effect on phloem
Delays fruit ripening 
Stimulates growth of flower parts 
Promotes (via ethylene production) femaleness in dioecious flowers 
Stimulates the production of ethylene at high concentrations
 Cytokinins or CKs are a group of chemicals that
influence cell division and shoot formation.
They were called kinins in the past when the
first cytokinins were isolated from yeast cells.
They have a highly synergistic effect in concert
with auxins and the ratios of these two groups of
plant hormones affect most major growth
periods during a plant's lifetime.
Cytokinin Functions

Stimulates cell division. 

Stimulates morphogenesis (shoot initiation/bud
formation) in tissue culture. 
Stimulates the growth of lateral buds-release of apical
Stimulates leaf expansion resulting from cell
Promotes the conversion of etioplasts into chloroplasts
via stimulation of chlorophyll synthesis. 
 Ethylene affects cell growth and cell shape; when a
growing shoot hits an obstacle while underground,
ethylene production greatly increases, preventing cell
elongation and causing the stem to swell. The resulting
thicker stem can exert more pressure against the object
impeding its path to the surface. If the shoot does not
reach the surface and the ethylene stimulus becomes
prolonged, it affects the stems
natural geotropic response, which is to grow upright,
allowing it to grow around an object.
Functions of Ethylene

Stimulates the release of dormancy. 

Stimulates shoot and root growth and differentiation
(triple response) 
May have a role in adventitious root formation. 
Stimulates leaf and fruit abscission. 
Stimulates flower opening. 
Stimulates flower and leaf senescence. 
Stimulates fruit ripening.
 Gibberellins (GAs) are plant hormones that regulate
growth and influence various developmental processes,
including stem
elongation, germination, dormancy, flowering,
sex expression, enzyme induction, and leaf and
fruit senescence.
 Gibberellins, or GA is transported to the aleurone layer,
which responds by producing enzymes that break down
stored food reserves within the endosperm, which are
utilized by the growing seedling. GA produce bolting of
rosette-forming plants, increasing internodal length.
Functions of Gibberellins

Stimulate stem elongation by stimulating cell division

and elongation. 
Stimulates bolting/flowering in response to long days. 
Breaks seed dormancy in some plants which require
stratification or light to induce germination. 
Induces maleness in dioecious flowers (sex
Can cause parthenocarpic (seedless) fruit
Can delay senescence in leaves and citrus fruits. 

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