Computer Language: Which Language Does Computer Understand? Computer Understands Only Machine Language

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Computer Language

Language: language is the medium to express our views and


 Which Language does computer understand?

Computer understands only machine language
Program: is a set of instruction given to
computer to carry out certain activities

Programming: writing instruction to the computer

in a computer language

Programmer: person who writes the program is

called programmer
Computer languages
The computer languages can be classified in to four types

Machine Language

First generation programming language

Assembly Level Language

Second Generation Programming Language

High Level Language

Third Generation Programming Language

Fourth Generation Language

Machine Language is also known as first generation

Machin language

e It is the only language that computer can understand

Langua Machine language uses binary values to represent data 0 &1

0 (zero) represent off State

1 (one) represents Onstate
Features of Machine Level Language :
 It consumes less memory
 Machine language has high speed of execution
 It is machine dependent language
Assembly Language is also known as second generation

Assemb language

ly Assembly language uses symbols or mnemonic codes to

represent the data

Features of Assembly language:

• Assembly language is also machine dependent language so

it is also called as low level language
• Programming in assembly language is time consuming.
• it has to be converted into machine language by translator programs.
High Level Language is called as third generation language

Level It is simple and similar to English language
It is easy to learn and understand
C, C++, Java are example of high level language

Langua It is machine independent language

Compiler converts high level language program to
machine language, and also check for error before
Interpreter is used to translate the high level language program to
machine level language, It translates line by line in case if any error
in the program it will rectify immediately.

Fourth generation language is closer to human language.

Example: Python, Matrix lab.

Features of Fourth Generation Language

 Very high speed of execution
 Minimum efforts from the user to obtain any information.
 The user has to specify only the required output they want

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