Game With A Purpose To Filter Spam From

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Game With a Purpose to

Filter Spam From Indonesian

Twitter Trending Topics
Presented By :
Rian Hardinata
What We’re Going to Talk Today
• The problems Happening on Twitter Trending Topics
• Root Of The Problem
• How Twitter Handle the Problem
• My Solution
• Experiment Result
Why This topic
• Spam is often malicious.
• We hate badly placed and unrelated messages.
Example : Real World Case in Spam
Spam in Twitter
Introduction to Twitter Trending Topics
• Tweets clustered by its hashtag
• Hashtag is a keywords that used (and hopefully not abused) by user to
self-clustering their own tweets into twitter trending topics.
• So, if I said #Tolakerdamiras, you will likely see “HEBOH! Perda miras
dicabut pemerintah” rather than tweets like “Jual Obat Penumbuh
Jenggot, hubungi 08xxx xxxx xxx” because the later is not related to
the hashtag.
Real Condition : Spam Tweets from
Advertisement to Cyber/Real Crime
The Problem : They Want The Room to Be
Clean But Hides The Broom in the closet
Where should I place the ball?
It is an easy task for human
Keyword : Sajadah Panjang, spam tweets?

Tweet 1 Tweet 2
Nantikan pemutaran single Cari Follower dan Likes Instagram
perdana @NOAH_ID - Sajadah Gratis ?? klik instaindo[dot]com ~
Panjang pukul 15.15 . @ [Sajadah Panjang] ~ 6
Keyword : Sajadah Panjang, spam tweets?

Tweet 1 Tweet 2
Nantikan pemutaran single Cari Follower dan Likes Instagram
perdana @NOAH_ID - Sajadah Gratis ?? klik instaindo[dot]com ~
Panjang pukul 15.15 . @ [Sajadah Panjang] ~ 6
My Solution
• Build Game
• Make people compare tweets and its hashtag by playing the game.
• Get Statistics created by the player to filter spam tweets.
The Game
• Told people to compare between tweets and hashtag and gives their
• Every opinion is recorded for EACH word in database
The Main Game
How my spam filter works

•If half or more words in a tweet

consisted as spam words, then it is a
spam tweet.
My way to filter spam
If this is a spam tweets

Then this is spam tweets too! (even though there is minor differences)
Twitter way to filter spam
If this is a spam tweets

Then this is not (because of slight differences)

Some Filtered Spam
• follback dong thanks
• sewa laptop kerja sama dgn perusahaan kami aja
• prilly with keju lagi promo bakmi rn bakminya aa love
• ready admin panel twitter up follower bot amp real cp bbm dfd
• ready admin panel twitter up follower bot amp real cp bbm dfd
• thanks kak dan kak udah nyobain bakmirn thanks juga captionnya
• jual software sms massal iklan massal jasa tambah kontak bbm follow
• bantar gebangsola aoi brand ambassador
• jasa tambah follower instagram follower rp via atm cp bbm dfd
• semangatt kak
Thank You

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