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Origin Of The Report

 This report has been prepared to make a study on

“Computerized Accounting System of Agora” as a
part of the fulfillment of assignment required for the
completion of the MBA program of the Accounting
Department of Govt. Titumir College.

 The report was prepared under the supervision of Md.

Jamal Hossain Bhuiyan, Lecturer of the Govt.
Titumir College, Dhaka. We are very much thankful to
him for assigning such type of project work.
Objective Of The Study

The main objective of the report is to find out the supply chain
management system of Agora. Our honorable course teacher
assigns us to prepare this report so that in the job market we
can perform effectively and efficiently and also enlighten the
goodwill of our university as well as our teachers. Other
objectives of this report are-
 To know the business process of Agora.
 To know the organizational structure of Agora. 
 To know the product of their store which is offering to the
 To know the marketing strategy of Agora.
 To know the product promotion strategy of Agora.
 To know the communication structure of Agora.
 To know their additional services of Agora. 
 To know their latest lunching product of Agora. 
 To know its information system. 
 To know their office management. 
 To know their control system.
 To know their strength, weakness, opportunity & threats.
 To know their Security system etc.
 To make a recommendation for Agora.

This chapter presents the design and methodology that the

researchers employed in the study. It presents the research
locale, research methods used, population and sample,
instruments for gathering data and validation and procedure
for gathering data.

Data Collection Technique:

 Questionnaire
 Observation
 Secondary information
Sources of data collection:
 Primary
 Secondary

Sampling plan:
 Sampling Procedure
 Sampling Unit

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