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Anna Marlaine V. Litonjua


• Philosophies of education
• Legal basis of education and practices
including Magna Carta
• Professional code of Ethics and their
Philosophies of Education
1. Perennialism 7. naturalism
2. Essentialism 8. realism
3. Progressivism 9. pragmatism
4. Existentialism 10. disciplinism
5. Idealism 11. rationalism
6. Developmentalism 12. social reconstructivism
• to teach ideas that are everlasting, to seek enduring
truths which are constant, not changing, as the
natural and human worlds at their most essential
level, do not change.
• Basic subject matter and great works are the center
• Teacher knows, students show
DECS Order no. 40 s. 1995-
promoting arts and culture
• Schooling should be practical, preparing students to
become valuable members of society.
• focus on facts-the objective reality out there--and "the
• training core/basic skills (3Rs)
• Teaches fundamentals, promoting intellectual growth
• focuses on the whole child, rather than on the content
or the teacher
• stresses that students should test ideas by active
• Learning is an active, social, democratic process
•DECS Order
Teacher acts asno. 67
a guide, 1997 – revitalized
leader, facilitator
Homeroom Guidance
DECS Order no. 91 s.Program
changes in the TLE program

• Help students become self-actualize and become

free agents who decide the course of their lives
• We are what we choose to be
• Students are free to select from many available
learning situations
• Experimentations, self-expression activities
• Emphasizes the importance of mind, soul and spirit
• Education is a spiritual necessity; moral development
• Education leads to highest moral conduct
• Method: questioning, discussion, lecture, imitation
DECS Order
Order no. 3313
no. s. s1998
1996- reiterating the
–revised rules
implementation of RA 1425
on the teaching – inclusion of
of religion
Rizal life, works, writings and virtues
• Material world is the real world.
• Child-centered education
• Education as the natural development of child’s
power and capacities.
Curriculum: no rigid curriculum, self-expression,
based on Child’s psychology
• Objectivism/object studies – Math and Science
• A happy and integrated life by fulfilling
responsibilities (citizenship, religious, social
activities, etc.)
• Studies should be practical and useful
• Students are taught factual information for mastery
 Education as a social necessity
 Does not believe on fixed method of teaching
 Emphasis is on child’s activities, integration and
 also known as formal discipline
 - is based upon Aristotle’s faculty psychology which
asserts that the mind is made up of certain faculties –
memory, reason, will and judgment – each of which
needs special activities for its training and development
 Power of faculty
 reason is the source of knowledge and the sole
determiner of whether a thing or action is
acceptable or not
 - the right of a person to express his/her own ideas
and opinion with freedom
 Learning is developmental, it follows that one learns
better when one is ready to learn
Social Reconstructionism
 Improve and reconstruct society; education for change
 Emphasis on social sciences and social research
 Make education more responsive to social needs
 Teacher serves as an agent of change; students
become aware of problems concerning mankind
National Competency-Based Teacher

The NCBTS is the proposed common framework for all

teaching and teacher development programs in the Philippine
formal education sector.
National Competency-Based Teacher
The seven domains are:
(1) social regard for learning
(2) learning environment
(3) diversity of learners
(4) curriculum
(5) planning, assessing, and reporting
(6) community linkages
(7) personal growth and development
DepEd 42. s. 2017 – National Adoption of Philippine
Professional Standards for Teachers

Ched Memorandum
52. s2007 and
DepEd Memo 32. s.
2009 - NCBTS
DECS Order no. 42 s. 2017 – National Adoption and
Implementation of the Philippine Professional Standards for
• Career Stage 1 or Beginning Teachers have gained
the qualifications recognized for entry into the
teaching profession.
• Career Stage 2 or Proficient Teachers are
professionally independent in the application of skills
vital to the teaching and learning process
• Career Stage 3 or Highly Proficient Teachers
consistently display a high level of performance in
their teaching practice.
Career Stage 4 or Distinguished Teachers embody the
highest standard for teaching grounded in global best
Domain 1: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy
1. Content knowledge and its application within and across curriculum
2. Research-based knowledge and principles of teaching and learning
3. Positive use of ICT
4. Strategies for promoting literacy and numeracy
5. Strategies for developing critical and creative thinking, as well as other
higher-order thinking skills
6. Mother Tongue, Filipino and English in teaching and learning
7. Classroom communication strategies
Domain 2: Learning Environment
1. Learner safety and security
2. Fair learning environment
3. Management of classroom structure and
4. Support for learner participation
5. Promotion of purposive learning
6. Management of learner behavior
Domain 3: Diversity of Learners
1. Learners’ gender, needs, strengths, interests and
2. Learners’ linguistic, cultural, socio-economic and
religious backgrounds
3. Learners with disabilities, giftedness and talents
4. Learners in difficult circumstances
5. Learners from indigenous groups
Domain 4: Curriculum and Planning

1. Planning and management of teaching and learning

2. Learning outcomes aligned with learning competencies
3. Relevance and responsiveness of learning programs
4. Professional collaboration to enrich teaching practice
5. Teaching and learning resources including ICT
Domain 4: Curriculum and Planning
1. Planning and management of teaching and learning
2. Learning outcomes aligned with learning competencies
3. Relevance and responsiveness of learning programs
4. Professional collaboration to enrich teaching practice
5. Teaching and learning resources including ICT
Domain 5: Assessment and Reporting
1. Design, selection, organization and utilization of assessment
2. Monitoring and evaluation of learner progress and achievement
3. Feedback to improve learning
4. Communication of learner needs, progress and achievement to
key stakeholders
5. Use of assessment data to enhance teaching and learning
practices and programs
Domain 6: Community Linkages and Professional Engagement,

1. Establishment of learning environments that are

responsive to community contexts
2. Engagement of parents and the wider school
community in the educative process
3. Professional ethics
4. School policies and procedures
Domain 7: Personal Growth and Professional Development

1. Philosophy of teaching
2. Dignity of teaching as a profession
3. Professional links with colleagues
4. Professional reflection and learning to improve practice
5. Professional development goals
Education Act of 1982
• BATAS PAMBANSA Blg. 232 An Act Providing for the
Establishment and Maintenance of an Integrated System of
• to establish and maintain a complete, adequate and integral
system of education relevant to the goals of national development.
• this act shall apply to and govern both formal and non-formal
systems in public and private schools in all levels of the entire
educational system.
RA #7722 (May 18, 1994) created CHED

• promote the right of all citizens to affordable quality

education at all levels
• ensure and protect academic freedom and shall promote
its exercise and observance for the continuing intellectual
growth, the advancement of learning and research, the
development of responsible and effective leadership, the
education of high-level and middle-level professionals,
and the enrichment of our historical and cultural heritage
RA. 10533 “Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013
• one (1) year of kindergarten education, six (6) years of elementary
education, and six (6) years of secondary education, in that
sequence. Secondary education includes four (4) years of junior
high school and two (2) years of senior high school education.

• Kindergarten education shall mean one (1) year of preparatory

education for children at least five (5) years old as a prerequisite
for Grade I.
• It is hereby declared the national policy to promote the
moral and intellectual well-being of the people: elevate
the literacy level of every Filipino to the end that
illiteracy is eradicated by the end of the century; and
recognize the vital role of knowledge and information in
nation-building by establishing public libraries in
every congressional district, city and municipality, and
reading centers in every barangay throughout the
RA #6655 (May 25, 1988)
Free Public Secondary Act of 1988

RA 10931 (July 2, 2016)

Universal Access to Quality Tertiary
Education Act
RA 7836 "Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994

• the registration of professional teachers begins after

his name has been enrolled in the roster of
professional teachers.
• each teacher shall be required to take his professional
oath so that he can finally practice as a professional
RA NO. 10912
Continuing Professional Development Act of 2016
• ASEAN Qualifications Reference Framework or AQRF refers
to the device that enables comparisons of qualifications
across ASEAN Member States:
• Continuing Professional Development or CPD refers to the
inculcation of advanced knowledge, skills and ethical values in
a post-licensure specialization or in an inter- or
multidisciplinary field of study, for assimilation into
professional practice, self-directed research and/or lifelong
RA NO. 4670
"Magna Carta for Public School Teachers

• Any teacher engaged in actual classroom

instruction shall not be required to render more than
six hours of actual classroom teaching a day
RA NO. 10627 “Anti-Bullying Act of 2013
• 1) Bullying on school grounds; property immediately
adjacent to school grounds; at school-sponsored or school-
related activities, functions or programs whether on or off
school grounds; at school bus stops; on school buses or
other vehicles owned, leased or used by a school; or
through the use of technology or an electronic device
owned, leased or used by a school;
RA NO. 10627 “Anti-Bullying Act of 2013
• (2) Bullying at a location, activity, function or program that is
not school-related and through the use of technology or an
electronic device that is not owned, leased or used by a
school if the act or acts in question create a hostile
environment at school for the victim, infringe on the rights of
the victim at school, or materially and substantially disrupt
the education process or the orderly operation of a school;
RA NO. 10627 “Anti-Bullying Act of 2013
• 3) Retaliation against a person who reports bullying, who
provides information during an investigation of bullying, or who is
a witness to or has reliable information about bullying;
• All elementary and secondary schools shall provide students
and their parents or guardians a copy of the anti-bullying policies
being adopted by the school. Such policies shall likewise be
included in the school’s student and/or employee handbook and
shall be conspicuously posted on the school walls and website,
if there is any.
DepEd Order No. 40, s. 2012
Child Protection Policy

• The Department of Education (DepEd) launched

its Child Protection Policy on May 3, 2012,
through DepEd Order No. 40, s. 2012, to
promote a zero-tolerance policy for any act of
child abuse, exploitation, violence,
discrimination, bullying and other related
RA NO. 7877 "Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995."




• Monitor public education system and schools for public
• Help provide information to better identify instructional
• Measure student’s achievement
• Evaluate student’s; mastery
RA #1265 (June 11, 1955)

• compulsory daily flag ceremony in all

educational institutions
RA #1425 (June 12, 1956)

• teaching life, works and writings of Rizal

especially Noli and Fili in all public and private
• DO_s2016_042 - Policy Guidelines on Daily Lesson
Preparation for the K to 12 BE Program 
• Preparing for lessons through the Daily Lesson Log
(DLL) or Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) and provides
teachers with an opportunity for reflection on what
learners need to learn, how learners learn, and how
best to facilitate the learning process.
• DO_s2016_036- Policy Guidelines on Awards and
Recognition for the K to 12 Basic Education
Higher Education Act of 1994

• Approved on August 25, 1994 by Pres. Fidel Ramos

 Powers and Functions of the Commission world-
class scholarship
 nation building
 national development
Creation of the Commission on Higher Education

• The commission shall be

independent and separate from
• Its coverage shall be both public and
private institutions of higher
Republic Act of 7796
• An act creating the Technical
Education Skills and Development
• Vision: leading partner and catalyst
in the development of the Filipino
workplace with world-class
competence and positive work
Education during the Pre-Spanish Period
• Survival and conformity
• Enculturation
• Result of individual experiences
• Product of the accumulation of race
Education during the Pre-Spanish Period
• Apprenticeship starts at home
• Domestic chores/practical
• Tell me and show me demo
• Observation and imitation
• Teaching is broad, unstructured,
Education during the Spanish Period
• Aimed to propagate Christianiyu
Slide Title

Product A Product B
• Feature 1 • Feature 1
• Feature 2 • Feature 2
• Feature 3 • Feature 3

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