Types of Graphs

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Types of Graphs

Learning Intention

 WALT –
 WILF –
 TIB -

Match the appropriate graph to its heading

considering the type of data it shows.
Learning Intention

 WALT –
 WILF –
 TIB -

Understanding of the purpose of each type of

graph and its key features.
Learning Intention

 WALT –
 WILF –
 TIB -

In future lessons you will be constructing your

own graph, you need to choose the appropriate
graph to represent the data.
List as many types of graphs you can think of
Picture Graph Bar Graph Histogram

Scatter Graph Line Graph Pie Graph

Picture Graph

A graph drawn with pictures that

represents real objects.

 Heading
 Key
Bar Graph

A graph which uses vertical bars

to represent various kinds of
information. Can also be called a
column graph.

 Heading
 Axis – independent and
dependent variables
 Data
 Space between columns

A column graph with no spaces

between the columns.

 Heading
 Axis – independent and
dependent variables
 Data
 No spaces between columns
Scatter Graph

A scatter plot is a diagram where

points are plotted to show the
relationship (correlation) between
two variables.

 Heading
 Axis – independent and
dependent variables
 Data points
 Trend line
Line Graph

A graph formed by segments of

straight lines that join the points
representing certain data.

 Heading
 Axis – independent and
dependent variables
 Data points
 Line joining data points
Pie Graph

A graph using a divided circle

where each section represents a
percentage of the total.

 Heading
 Display division of total
quantity (sections)
 Variable and percentage
What graph best fits?
1. Age of family members
2. Class members favourite ice-cream flavours
3. Pictorial representation of pets of a class
4. Relationship between year and internet access
5. A graph to show the time and number of people in a store
6. Class representation of the ways you travel to school
7. Pictorial representation of ball sports player
8. A graph to show the year and average global temperature
9. Smart phone use among children
10. Class members favourite movie type
11. Relationship between height and size of feet
What graph best fits?
1. Age of family members Histogram

2. Class members favourite ice-cream flavours Bar Graph

3. Pictorial representation of pets of a class Picture Graph

4. Relationship between year and internet access Scatter Graph

5. A graph to show the time and number of people in a store Line Graph

6. Class representation of the ways you travel to school Pie Graph

7. Pictorial representation of ball sports player Picture Graph

Line Graph
8. A graph to show the year and average global temperature
Pie Graph
9. Smart phone use among children
Bar Graph
10. Class members favourite movie type
Scatter Graph
11. Relationship between height and size of feet

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