Being Competitive With "CAC": Final Presentation

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Final Presentation

Being Competitive with “CAC”

Team Kusuka
The rising of digitalization eradicate conventional jobs, creating new jobs

Where we are now Where will we be in the Future

Situation Currently, Indonesia is in growing Conventional institution, including
era where there are a lot of rising of conventional banking are changing to digital
digital companies. based companies because of the advantages.

Question With the impact of IOT, AI, and Big Data, how human capital can compete and fill the gap to keep
existing in the job market?


Executive Insights & Analysis Recommendation Conclusion

How IOT, AI, Data science transform the finance industry?

Payment integration Understanding customer

ecosystems behavior

Commercial real estate

FRAUD DETECTION monitoring Customer behavior

Singular identity
TRADING Targeting customer
management system


Executive Insights & Analysis Recommendation Conclusion

How IOT, AI, Data science transform the finance industry?

Payment integration Understanding customer

ecosystems behavior

Commercial real estate

FRAUD DETECTION monitoring Customer behavior

Singular identity
TRADING Targeting customer
management system


Executive Insights & Analysis Recommendation Conclusion

Humanics :

Technical skill
How we can collaborare with machine
and increase job productivity. Human
with no skill to using machine more-
likely to lose their job

Executive Insights & Analysis Recommendation Conclusion

Study by Microsoft show in Indonesia
in 2021, using AI lead to Inovation
and productivity up to 1,9x

Executive Insights & Analysis Recommendation Conclusion

Improving Creativity in human resources will allow people to have a competitive advantage facing the digital

1. Creative Learning

Promoting Competitions Supporting Work Immersion

Students still found the difficulty in finding Graduates lack the experience to real working
competitions related to finance industry process in an industry

• Allows graduates to put the technical knowledge

• Increase the competitiveness of students
GAIN and professional acumen you
• Allows students to learn interdisciplinary studies
gain during college to work

Barriers Resolved: Human Resources lack creativity

Executive Insights & Analysis Recommendation Conclusion

Improving Adaptivity in human resources will allow people to be have more value and be more flexible to
changes in the digital era…

2. Adaptive Learning

Courses Reformation Adaption of technology

Human resources lack the hard skills which are crucial Lack of exposure towards the advancement of
in the current job market technology affect the flexibility of people

Creating additional values and flexibility for the human resources

Barriers Resolved: The difficulty of utilizing and Collaborating with AI, IOT, and Big Data

Executive Insights & Analysis Recommendation Conclusion

Continuous learning will allow people to be more competitive in the job market which are becoming more and
more challenging…

3. Continuous Learning

Promoting online courses Making programs as a media of learning

People currently believe that formal learning is the only source of knowledge

Allows human resources to stay competitive in the job market

Barriers Resolved: Human Resources are not competitive enough

Executive Insights & Analysis Recommendation Conclusion

Continuous learning will allow people to be more competitive in the job market which are becoming more and
more challenging…

3. Continuous Learning

Promoting online courses Making programs as a media of learning

Executive Insights & Analysis Recommendation Conclusion

People Have to Increase their quality by creative learning, adaptive learning, and continuous learning.

Executive Insights & Analysis Recommendation Conclusion

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