Advent of Europeans in India

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 Reason for the voyages in Eastern seas:-
(a) Trade was the main reason for the voyages by Europeans in eastern sea. Spices were
considered the gold of Indies. The cinnamon, turmeric, Ginger, Black pepper and some
other items were too difficult to find in Europe.
(b) The second reason was to spread the religion of Christianity between the people of
eastern world.
 Two Main routes to enter in the Indian subcontinent:-
(a) Land Route:- The land route across the north-west frontier, The Ghazni, Ghur,
Samarqand, and Kabul came in India by using the land route.
(b) Sea Route:- The Mughal didn’t pay much attention in guarding the sea routes, they only
focused on maintaining large standing army. The Maratha realised the importance to
guard the Indian coast.
 Due to this the European trading nation easily came to India without facing any
The Portuguese
 Vasco da Gama:- He cross the Cape of Good Hopes and found new sea route to
reach India, he reached at the Calicut Port on 17th May, 1498 with merchants from
Portugal. He received friendly treatment from the ruler of Calicut and this open the
way for commercial relation with her.
 Vasco da Gama after coming in India refuse to pay the toll tax and starts molesting
Indian People.
 Pedro Alvarez Cabral:- He came to India from Lisbon on 9th March, 1500 with a
fleet of thirteen vessels with him. He started terrorising the Indian People after
coming in India.
 The Portuguese after coming to India become unduly ambitious to establish their
dominance in eastern world. The Portuguese now started to interfering in the
political function of state.
 The Portuguese make an alliance with the enemy ruler of the Calicut, the chief of
whom was the ruler of Cochin.
The Portuguese
 Alfonso de Albuquerque:- He laid the real foundation of Portuguese power in India.
He first come to India on 1503 as a Commander of squadron and later become the
governor of Portuguese affair in India in 1509.
 He captured the rich port of Goa from the ruler of Bijapur in November, 1510. He
fortified the Portuguese settlement to strengthen the commercial relation.
 He motivate the Portuguese men to marry Indian Women with a view to increase
population in India but it led to bitter persecution of Muslim.
 He died in 1515 but left strongest naval power in India.
 Portuguese settlement in India:- Daman, Diu, Bassein, Chaul, Salsette, San Thome
near Madras, Hugli and Bombay.
 In course of time they lost most of these settlement with the exception of Daman, Diu
and Goa which they retained until 1961.
The Portuguese
 Reason for Coming of Portuguese in Eastern Seas:-
(a) They have great State support.
(b) Political and Military incentives
(c) With the fall of Constantinople in hand of Turks, it is important to explore eastern seas.
 Why the Portuguese didn’t last long in India:-
(a) Religious Intolerance:- They were hostile toward the Muslims, religious intolerance
provoked the hostility of Indian powers.
(b) Clandestine Practices:- They doesn’t pay toll taxes or sink the ship of rivals. They were
also doesn’t fair in trade.
(c) Discovery of Brazil:- They found it as a virgin land which is better for proselytization. It
is better because there was no resistance.
(d) They failed to compete with other European rivals
(e) Indian Power becomes deterrent:- Akbar’s Consolidation
 With a view to get direct access to spice market, the Dutch made several voyages
in S.E Asia. They undertook several voyage in 1596 and eventually formed the
Dutch EIC in 1602.
 The Charter issued by Dutch State General on 12th March, 1602 granted power to
United East India Company of the Netherland to start trading in India. They also
have power to make war, treaties, conclude peace, acquire territories and build
 There was a severe rivalry between the three trading companies it was because
of the same motive they had. There was a contest going on between Portuguese
and Dutch, between the Portuguese and English, between the Dutch and English.
 It is the earliest multinational corporation anywhere in the world during this
 Consolidation:- In 1605 they captured Amboyna from Portuguese, conquered
Jacatra and establish Batavia on its ruin in 1619. Blockaded Goa in 1639.
 They came to the island of Sumatra, Java and Moluccas, attracted by the
lucrative trade in pepper.
 Important Factories:- Masulipatam, Chinsura, Pulicat, Surat, Bimilipatam, Karikal,
Negapatam, Balasore, Patna, and Cochin.
 Chief Export Item:- Indigo, Raw Silk, Textiles, Saltpetre, Rice, and Gangetic
 Dutch established themselves at Coromandel Coast and fortified a factory at
Pulicat in 1610 to provide themselves with cotton goods.
 What influence the policy of Dutch in east:-
(a) The policy to take revenge on Catholic Spain, the foe of their independence.
(b) The other was to colonise and establish settlement in the east.
 The naval supremacy of the Dutch and negotiation of 21 years truce between Spain
and Holland in 1609, by in the spice Islands, encouraged the Dutch to oppose
English in East more vigorously than before.
 The conference held in London and a settlement was made between the Dutch
and English but it hostilities renewed after two years.
 The commercial rivalry between the Dutch and English remained acute till 1759
 The Dutch EIC dissolved due to its own corruption.
To be Continued…….

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