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Purification, Isolation, and DNA Extraction of Microbacterium foliorum

Phage Rencha
Jordan Barzensky, Faith Dent, Lauren Kosslow, and Lauren Villone

School of Natural and Health Sciences, Seton Hill University, Greensburg PA 15601

Introduction Restriction enzyme digestion and gel electrophoresis. A

calculated amount of DNA, restriction enzymes, buffer, and ddH 2O
were combined in six micro-tubes before being incubated at 37°C for ● The concentration of DNA isolated is 201 ng/uL. 150 ng/uL
Bacteriophages, viruses that infect a bacterial host with their above the minimum concentration of DNA required for
DNA in order to replicate, are one of the most abundant organisms 2 hrs before being placed in a freezer for ~48 hrs. A gel
electrophoresis was performed by loading samples into the wells, then sequencing (3), Rencha is high enough in quality and
on the Earth (1). Despite this fact, they have not been as intensively quantity for genome annotation (Figure 2). In the restriction
electrophoresing at 120V until the samples are out of the wells, then at
studied as have many of the other organisms of the biosphere. What 80V for ~60 min. digest gel, zero of the seven enzymes produce any cuts in
little research that has been conducted on them has found that they the Rencha DNA sequences (Figure 2).
are useful for many reasons; most importantly fighting off drug- Results ● Rencha most nearly matches the EH cluster with an 83.3%
resistant bacteria (2). More and more, antibiotics are being used to similarity score in cut sites (Table 2). This cluster consists of
treat bacterial infections, and more and more these bacteria are 2 sequenced phages, Floof and Percival. Floof and Percival
becoming immune to the antibiotics (2). Table 1. Identifying information for soil samples #51-58
and Rencha, a Microbacterium foliorum phage grown on consist of an average of 47,932 bp and are both lytic phages
PYCa plates at 30◦C. that infect Microbacterium (4). The next three closest
The bacteria used to isolate the phage, Microbacterium foliorum, sequenced phages to Rencha are Appa, KaiHaiDragon, and
is a common type of actinobacteria. A majority of the phages that KayPaulus share a 66.6% similarity score and also exhibit
infect this bacteria, like Rencha, belong to Cluster EA (3). It is Sample GPS Bacterial Isolation Date Bacteriop only lytic life cycles (Table 2). The lytic life cycle of Rencha
important to study these phages because we do not know all that Name Coordinat Host Method Collecte hage
describes the bacteriophage’s ability to lyse Microbacterium
much information about them, and they could be useful in many es d Isolation
cells in ideal conditions.
different ways, including the treatment of drug-resistant bacteria, #51 40.004727 Microbact Enrichment 2/25/18 No ● DNA sequencing and genome annotations are the next step
and many more (2). , erium
-79.58680 foliorum in studying the Rencha bacteriophage. Since the phage and
6 Figure 2. The restriction digest gel of Rencha DNA introduced to its nearest relatives are virulent, they have the potential to
In this experiment, bacteriophage phage Rencha was purified, its multiple enzymes. The enzymes in the photo are as follows: 1 = infect targeted bacterial cells and show usefulness in
#52 40.309662 Microbact Enrichment 2/28/18 No
DNA was isolated, and a restriction enzyme digestion and gel , erium 1kb ladder, 2 = uncut DNA, 3 = Bam HI, 4 = Cla I, 5 = Eco RI, 6 = medical research involving phage therapy..
electrophoresis were performed. Serial dilutions were used to purify -79.55635 foliorum Hae III, 7 = Hind III, and 8 = Sal I. The concentration of the
the phage, done multiple times to ensure accuracy, and once 4 Rencha DNA used was 201 ng/ul.
isolated, the phage DNA was extracted using various reagents. #53 40.310204 Microbact Enrichment 2/25/18 No
, erium Future Directions
-78.87753 foliorum
9 Table 2. Information from the Phage Enzyme Tool website
demonstrating the cluster assignment of Microbacterium Phage • Laboratory DNA sequencing is necessary for Rencha to be
#54 40.310105 Microbact Enrichment 2/25/18 No
, erium Rencha. studied and identified genomically. With a very high
-78.87754 foliorum concentration of 201 ng/uL, Rencha is pure enough to be
Materials and Methods 8 studied with different restriction enzymes in another gel
#55 40.308535 Microbact Enrichment 3/1/18 No electrophoresis. To observe the expanse of Rencha’s
, erium infection capabilities, Gordonia terrae can be exposed to the
-79.55557 foliorum
Culture conditions of Gordonia terrae and Microbacterium 2
phage in a similar laboratory purification protocol.
foliorum. Cultures were maintained on Peptone-Yeast-Calcium
#56 40.308502 Microbact Enrichment 2/27/18 No
(PYC) media (1.5% peptone; 0.5% yeast extract; 4.5 mM CaCl2; 10 , erium
μg/mL cycloheximide; with 1.5% agar for solid media). Liquid -79.55394 foliorum Acknowledgements
cultures were grown to saturation with shaking at 250 rpm at 30°C 1
for approximately 2-4 days and stored for a maximum of 14 days at #57 40.313655 Gordonia Enrichment 2/26/18 No We would like to thank Dr. Kristen Butela, our research advisor, the
4°C before use. Phage buffer was prepared as 10 mM Tris (pH 7.5), , terrae Seton Hill Division of Natural and Health Sciences, and the HHMI
10 mM MgSO4, 68 mM NaCl, 10% glycerol, and 4.5 mM CaCl2. -79.57842 SEA-PHAGES program for their help and contributions to this
PYC Top Agar was prepared as 1X PYC liquid media with 0.3% research endeavor.
agar. #58 40.313802 Gordonia Enrichment 2/26/18 No
, terrae
Phage purification. A pipette tip containing positive phage was 2 References
swirled into a micro-tube containing 100 uL of phage buffer. 180 uL
Rencha 40.308622 Microbact Enrichment 2017 Yes
of phage buffer was added to four micro-tubes. 20 uL from the
, erium
micro-tube containing the enrichment sample (100) was serially -79.55588 foliorum 1. Kasman, L. M., & Whitten, R. A. (2018, February 26).
diluted to 10-4. Six tubes of 250 uL M. foliorum were retrieved, 9
adding 10 uL of phage buffer to the negative control and 10 uL of
Bacteriophages. Retrieved May 9, 2018, from
each dilution to the corresponding tube of M. foliorum. After 10
min, 3 mL of top agar was pipetted into each tube, and evenly
dispensed onto a plate. The plates were then incubated for 48 hrs at 2. LaVergne, S., Hamilton, T., Biswas, B., Kumaraswamy, M.,
30°C. Summarize the main “take home” points of your work here, Schooley, R. T., & Wooten, D. (2018, April). Phage Therapy for
discussing each figure/table in order a Multidrug-Resistant Acinetobacter baumannii
● From all eight soil samples collected in various areas of
DNA isolation. 4 mL of phage lysate and 10 uL of nuclease mix Craniectomy Site Infection. Retrieved May 9, 2018, from
were transferred to a 15 mL conical tube, then incubated at 37°C. western Pennsylvania in February 2018, zero phage is found
After 10 min, 1 mL of lysate was added to four micro-tubes. 25 uL with the Gordonia Terrae host or Microbacterium foliorum
of a 2M ZnCl2 solution was added to each tube and incubated at host (Table 1). Rencha, a known M. foliorum phage, is used 3. Poxleitner, M., Pope, W., Jacobs-Sera, D., Sivanathan, V., &
37°C for 10 min. The tubes were centrifuged for 1 min at 10,000rpm for enrichment isolation and is grown on PYCa plates at Hatfull, G. (2018). Phage Discovery Guide. Retrieved May 3,
until a pellet formed, then resuspended in 250 uL of TES buffer. The 30◦C. With three sequences of serial dilutions and plaque 2018, from https://
resuspended pellets were combined into two micro-tubes and assays, the Rencha phage is purified to a high concentration copyright
incubated at 60°C for 15 minutes. 60 uL of 3M CH3CO2K was added Figure 1. The morphology of plaques of a pure culture of of 3.66 x 108pfu/mL for DNA isolation and analysis.
to each tube and incubated on ice at -20°C for ~10 min before being Microbacterium phage Rencha. The plaques were cultured on ● The plaques of Rencha are on average 1 millimeter in 4. The Actinobacteriophage Database | Cluster EH Phages. (2017).
centrifuged for 1 min at 12,000rmp. 1 mL of C3H8O was added to the PYCa plates at 4◦C for 48 hours. diameter with several interspersed smaller plaques (Figure 1). Retrieved May 3, 2018, from
supernatant, then incubated on ice at -20°C for 15 min before being The plaques are clear and transparent, indicating lysing of the
centrifuged for 20 min at 13,000rpm and decanted. The pellet was Microbacterium cells and the presence of a lytic, virulent
washed with 1 mL of 70% EtOH, then centrifuged for 5 min at phage (Figure 1).
13,000rmp and decanted. The pellet air dried and was resuspended
in 100 uL of ddH2O.

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