Image Transform-WKF

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CII4F3 / Digital Image Processing

Image Transform
Dr. Eng. Ir. Wikky Fawwaz Al Maki, S.T., M.Eng.

Intelligent Computing and Multimedia (ICM)

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Mathematical Preliminaries
2-D Orthogonal and Unitary Transform
Karhunen Loeve Transform
Discrete Cosine Transform
Discrete Sine Transform
Welsh Hadamard Transform
Haar Transform
Slant Transform

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3 11/02/2020 CIG4E3 / Pengolahan Citra Digital

Mathematical Preliminaries
Review of matrix and vector
Conjugate and conjugate transpose
Singular matrix
Trace and norm of a matrix
Orthogonal and unitary
Inner product and outer product
Kronecker product
Probability and Statistics
Expected value

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2D Orthogonal
  series expansion for an image

  s are the transform coefficients, represents the transformed image

is a set of orthonormal functions, representing the image transform

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2D Orthogonal

 must satisfies

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2D Orthogonal
The elements are transform coefficients and is the transformed image. The
orthonormality assures the any truncated series of expansion of the form

will minimize the sum squares error

where coefficients are given by the previous equation.

The completeness property assures that this error will be zero for P= Q= N

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Separable Unitary Transform
Computational Complexity of former: O(N4)
With  Separable Transform: O(N3)

Orthonormality and Completeness:
A={a(k,m)}and B={b(l,n)}are unitary:

Usually B is selected same as A(A=B):

Unitary  Transform!
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Matrix Representation of Image Transform

 is the matrix inner product

Image can be described as linear combination of matrix ,

are called the basis images

can be considered as the projection of on the -th basis image

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Basis Images

Example of basis images

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2D Separable Image Transformation


are unitary matrices

Consider the above as the transforming columns of by , then transforming rows

of the results by

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Example of Image Transform

Compute transform =

Basis images

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Properties of Unitary Transform
  ( is a unitary transform)

, i.e. energy-conserved

A unitary transformation is a rotation of the basis coordinates , or a

rotation of the vector u in N-Dimensional vector space

Unitary transform tends to concentrate most of the signal energy on

a small set of transform coefficients

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Properties of Unitary Transform (cont’d)

The transform coefficients tends to be decorrelated, i.e., the off-
diagonal elements of are approaching zero

The entropy of a random vector is preserved under a unitary

transformation (i.e., information preserved)

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16 11/02/2020 CIG4E3 / Pengolahan Citra Digital

Introduction to KLT

Known as Hotelling transform or PCA

The KLT analyzes a set of vectors or images, into basis functions or

images where the choice of the basis set depends on the statistics
of the image set - depends on image covariance matrix.

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Introduction to KLT: Eigenvalues and Eigenvector

  concepts of eigenvalues and eigenvectors are important for
understanding the KL transform.

If is a matrix of dimension , then a scalar is called an eigenvalue of if

there is a nonzero vector in such that

  The vector is called an eigenvector of the matrix C corresponding to the


18 11/02/2020 CIG4E3 / Pengolahan Citra Digital

Introduction to KLT: Vector Population
 Consider a population of a random vectors of the following form:

The quantity may represent the gray values of the image

The population may arise from the formation of the above vectors
for different image pixels

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Introduction to KLT: Eigenvalues and Eigenvector
Example: x vectors could be pixel values in several spectral bands

Formation of a vector from corresponding pixels in 6 images

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Introduction to KLT: Mean and Covariance Matrix

 The mean vector of the population is defines as:

The covariance matrix of the population is defines as:

For M vectors of a random population, where M is large enough

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Introduction to KLT: How to compute covariance
 Compute the covariance matrix of a set of 4 vectors

then and so

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Introduction to KLT: How to compute covariance
  calculate alsos need to know , the mean of the outer products of
each vector with itself


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Introduction to KLT: How to compute covariance

 It follows that equals

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 Let A be a matrix whose rows are formed from the eigenvectors of the
covariance matrix C of the population

They are ordered so that the first row of A is the eigenvector corresponding
to the largest eigenvalue, and the last row the eigenvector corresponding
to the smallest eigenvalue

We define the following transform :

It is called the Karhunen-Loeve Transform

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26 11/02/2020 CIG4E3 / Pengolahan Citra Digital

Inverse Karhunen Loeve Transform
 To reconstruct the original vectors from its corresponding

We form a matrix from the eigenvectors which correspond to the

largest eigenvalues, yielding a transformation matrix of size
The vectors would then be dimensional
The reconstruction of the original vector is

27 11/02/2020 CIG4E3 / Pengolahan Citra Digital

KLT (Karhunen Loeve Transform) of 1-D Vector
  a real random vector u with autocorrelation matrix R, KL transform of u is
defined as

where , i.e., ’s are orthonormalized eigenvectors of R

and is the k-th column of

reduces R to its diagonal form, i.e.,

If we replace R with then eigen matrix of is the KL transform of u-µ

KL transform is independent of the image data themselves, but related to its 2nd-
order statistics

28 11/02/2020 CIG4E3 / Pengolahan Citra Digital

KLT (Karhunen Loeve Transform) of 2-D Vector
 FFT, DCT, DST all are special cases of KL transform

For an image of pixels, its autocorrelation function denoted as (or

an N2 x N2 R matrix), the basis images of the KL transform are :

where is the N2 x 1 vector representation of

29 11/02/2020 CIG4E3 / Pengolahan Citra Digital

KLT (Karhunen Loeve Transform) of 2-D Vector

 If R matrix is separable, then of is also separable


 KL transform : or

Advantages of this separability: reduce the eigenvalue problem of R

matrix () into two eigenvalue problems of R1, R2 ()

30 11/02/2020 CIG4E3 / Pengolahan Citra Digital

Properties of the KL Transform
are uncorrelated and have zero mean
is not unique, not necessarily be the eigen matrix of R

Minimum basis restriction error

Signal u is transformed via A to be v, clip the first m values by Im to

form w, and transformed back to z via B. The basis restriction error
is defined as

31 11/02/2020 CIG4E3 / Pengolahan Citra Digital

KLT Example Images
6 spectral images from
an airborne Scanner

Channel Wavelength band

1 0.40 – 0.44
2 0.62 – 0.66
3 0.66 – 0.72
4 0.80 – 1.00
5 1.00 – 1.40
6 2.00 – 2.60

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KLT Example Images

Original images (channels) and the principal components after KLT

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DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform)
1D cases:

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DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform)

 2D cases:

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DCT Basis

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DCT Basis (Cont’d)

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DCT Basis (Cont’d)

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DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform)
8 x 8 2-D DCT

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Properties of DCT
  is real and orthogonal  and

DCT ≠Real {DFT}

DCT can be calculated via FFT

For highly correlated data, DCT has good energy compaction. That is, for first-
order stationary Markov sequence with correlation ρ≅1, DCT is approximate to KL

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Discrete Sine Transform (DST)
1D Cases :

2D Cases : A=A*=AT=Ψ

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Discrete Sine Transform (DST)

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Discrete Sine Transform (DST)

DST is real, symmetric and orthogonal 

DST and DST-1 are the same in the form (forward and Inverse are identical)

DST ≠ Imagery {DFT}

Fast transform

For first-order stationary Markov sequence with correlation , the energy

compaction of DST is approximate to KL transform

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Welsh Hadamard Transform
Welsh Hadamard Transform  N=2n

1D Case:

Components of HT vector contain only 1 and -1

The number of transitions from 1 to -1 is called sequency (like ω in the continuous case)

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Welsh Hadamard Transform
Welsh Hadamard transform pair:

H= Hn, N= 2n

Notice the disordering effect in the sequency in HT spectrum when

filtering will be performed
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Welsh Hadamard Transform
2D  Cases: 


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Properties of Welsh Hadamard Transform
Real, symmetric, and orthogonal 

Fast computation (only addition is needed)

Can be decomposed into product of sparse matrix

For highly correlated images, Hadamard transform also has good energy

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Welsh Hadamard Basis

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Welsh Hadamard Basis (Cont’d)

Welsh Hadamard Transform basis function


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Welsh Hadamard Basis (Cont’d)

Welsh Hadamard Transform basis image

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Plot Hadamard Transform

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Haar Transform
1D Case:

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Haar Transform
Haar Transform  N=2n

1D Case:

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Haar Transform
Haar Transform  N=2n

2D Case:  Hr*A*HrT

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Haar Transform

Haar Transform Basis Function


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Haar Transform Properties

Real  and Orthogonal: Hr = Hr*, Hr-1=HrT

Fast  Transform

Poor energy compactness

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Slant Transform


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Slant Transform

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Slant Transform
Slant Transform Basis Function N=16

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Slant Transform

Slant Transform Properties:

Real  and Orthogonal S=S*S-1=ST


Very  Good Compactness

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