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Unit 4 Ȃ Story Telling

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My Objects

á 6rop: Lasso
á Character: Serial Killer
á Environment: Zoo
  ŧThe Gret EsceŨ

á Jorilla serial killer

á Jorilla goal is trying to escape captivity. His
tactic is to take out his zoo keepers one by
one. His use the rope from his gym as a lasso
and to climb over the enclosure and capture
his zoo keepers who are working around the
á Fragmentation (6ulp Fiction)
mer Ker Zoo

á The Future, like Jurassic 6ark, a crazy investor

created a zoo full of serial killers. G 

     Unbeknown to

the investor his collection are hungry to kill
again and as he takes his first tour group
around the exhibits they fall into lasso traps
of serial killers.
á Comedy Theory Ȃ Slap Stick
  ŧGo Wr FshbckŨ

á Serial Killer Jopher

á After being smoked out of his home on the 12th hole. The
Jopher hasnǯt been able to come to terms with his new
home at the zoo. When the rain however suppresses the
top of his cage he has a flashback to the day of his
capture and the heavy bombardment of the golf balls.
The result sees him go insane wanting to achieve the
peace like the days before he attacks all killing them by
strangulation with lassos made out of anything he can
á Opening scene of Saving 6rivate Ryan Ȃ Omaha Beach
Meerkt Dsster

á The Meerkat brought back from a safari hunt

finds himself locked away in the New Orleans
Zoo. Having withdrawal symptoms from his
friends and family back home, he goes on a
rampage killing lasso traps at the entrance of
his hole and pulling his victims in. His aim to
get himself deported back home.
á Hills Have Eyes Ȃ Theory
mer Ker Zoo Keeer

á As the Amityville zoo is running low on funds

and the animals are not being fed. For this
reason the zoo keeper take it into his own
hands setting traps for visitors dangling them
over the enclosure for the animals to eat
them. But by mistake his final trap fails and
sees himself being tangled up in it.
á Road Runner Style animation
©eeo Ker

á The Cameleon captured during a unexpected raid is sold

to the San Diego Zoo, leaving his family to survive on
there own in the Amazon. Lying and waiting for an
opportunity of escape. When the door to his enclosure is
left of the latch he strikes using his skills of camouflage
to get into the supply closet and take rope for his lasso.
As he goes around he kills of the zoo keepers and leaving
them to dangle in plain view as a message to the others.
á Kill Bill Sceneario
Gee mtrkes Bck

á Having enough of being chased around by

predators in the African plain lands when
entering the zoo he decides to get one up on
the local predators . As night falls the Jazelle
uses his leap to get inside the equipment
shed once there he attains rope in which he
create a lasso in which use to throw in to
predator in closure and secure around there
neck strangulating them.
á ǮItǯ style scenario
Fed KerŨs Zoo Vst

á After his thirteenth failed lasso murder

attempt the serial killer decides to take on the
zoo animals as new prey only to be
disappointed once again and eventually find
himself on the wrong end of a rhino horn.
á Tom and Jerry Theme edit
{o Ũs Prde

á After being captured, The Lion has

succumbed to the boring lifestyle of the zoo.
á Yet as the gate to his door is left open the
lion set traps with his lasso as well as using it
to rein in runners in his preys enclosures.
á Western style

á Being sick of performing week after week for

visitors. The animals of the London zoo set
about to escape. Sammy Snake proposes to
kill the keepers and looks forward to it. But as
the reality takes place Sammy spend most of
the escape being used as a lasso to get over
mer Ker Rehb Vcto

á With two years sober of killing, Lasso Louise

(renowned serial killer from the Beverly Hill
area) goes on his rehab vacation to the to the
zoo. Whilst at the Orlando zoo he notices
rope in the monkey enclosure and struggle to
the urge to get the rope and start killing
victims .
á Memento Flashback Edit
t I s ty

á After being encaged for over 5 years. The

Orang-u-tan breaks down and goes on a
rampage killing animals and visitors alike
with a lasso (monkey swing in his enclosure).
His victims hang from his enclosure as
message to display his passion for freedom.
Sadly the next morning faces a barrel of a
á Memento Fragmentation

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