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Energy Scenario in India
Role and potential of new and renewable
Environmental Impact of Solar Power

• Land use and habitat cost

• Water use
• Use of hazardous materials in
• Life cycle global warming emissions
Physics of the sun
Physics of the sun
• Sun Consists of 80 % of Hydrogen and 19% of
Helium. Others 1%
• In the Energy created by reaction of Hydrogen
and Helium.
• Sun Diameter = 1.39 *10^6 km
• Sun outer layer temperature =5485º C
• Sun center temperature =20*10^6º C
• Distance Between Earth and Sun = 150 million km
Solar Constant (Isc)
The rate at which energy reaches the earth's
surface from the sun, usually taken to be
1,388 watts per square meter.
Solar Radiation
• The energy produced and radiated by the sun
is called solar energy.
• The energy from the sun reaching the top of
the earth atmosphere consists of
8% of ultraviolet radiation
46% of infrared radiation
46% of visible light
Solar Radiation - Unit W/m2.
Direct or Beam radiation
Which is not absorbed or scattered and reaches
the ground directly from the sun is called direct
radiation or beam radiation.
Diffuse Radiation
Solar radiation received from the sun after its
direction has been changed by reflection and
scattering by the atmosphere.
Total radiation
Sum of diffuse and direct radiation.
Measure of power density of sunlight and
measured W/m2.
Measure of energy density of sunlight and its
measured in kWh/m2.
Extraterrestrial Radiation:
The extraterrestrial radiation is the radiation 
which is incident outside the earth’s surface.
The extraterrestrial radiation is 1367 watts/m2.
Due to the change in distance between earth
and sun, there is a seasonal variation in the
extraterrestrial rate.
Terrestrial Solar Radiation:
It is the electromagnetic radiation which originates from
earth and its atmosphere.
Terrestrial Radiation is a longer wavelength which is
totally infrared.
When the terrestrial solar radiation reaches the earth’s
surface,it is broken into two components i.e.,diffuse
radiation and beam radiation.
Beam Radiation is the solar radiation which moves
through the atmosphere in a straight line without being
scattered, reflected or absorbed by particles in the air.
Diffuse Radiation is the solar radiation which is being
scattered, reflected or absorbed by the particles while
passing through the atmosphere but ultimately reaches
the earth’s surface
solar Radiation Geometry
Latitude or Angle of latitude(φ): The
latitude angle is the angle between a
line drawn from a point on the earth’s
surface to the center of the earth and
the earth’s equatorial plane.

Declination angle (δ):

If a line is drawn between the center of
the earth and the sun, the angle between
this line and the earth's equatorial plane
is called the declination angle (δ).

Hour angle (ω): is the angular distance between the meridian of the observer and
the meridian whose plane contains the sun.
(or) The hour angle at any moment is the angle through which the earth must turn
to bring the meridian of the observer directly in line with the sun rays.
Solar altitude angle (α): is defined as the angle between the central ray
from the sun, and its projection on horizontal plane containing the

Solar zenith angle (θz): Angle between the sun ray and the normal to the
horizontal plane.

Solar azimuth angle (γs): measured clockwise on the horizontal plane,

angle between due south and the projection of the sun’s central ray.
Slope or Tilt Angle(β): It is the Surface azimuth angle(γ): It is the angle
angle between the inclined plane in the horizontal plane , between the
surface of collector and the line due south and the horizontal
horizontal. projection of the normal to the inclined
+ve when sloping is towards plane surface.
south +ve when measured from south
towards west.
Angle of incidence (θi): is the angle between the sun’s ray incident on the earth plane
surface and the normal to that surface.
1. Pyrheliometer
An instrument for measurement
of direct beam solar irradiance.
Sunlight enters the instrument
through a window and is directed
onto a thermopile which converts
heat to an electrical signal that
can be recorded. The signal
voltage is converted via a formula
to measure watts per square
A pyranometer is a type of
actinometer used for
measuring solar irradiance on
a planar surface and it is
designed to measure the
solar radiation flux density
(W/m²) from the hemisphere
above within a wavelength
range 0.3 μm to 3 μm.
3 Types of Pyrheliometer
1.Angstrom Pyrheliometer
2. Abbot silver disc Pyrheliometer
3.Linke- feussner Pyrheliometer
Angstrom Pyrheliometer
Abbot silver disc Pyrheliometer
Linke- feussner Pyrheliometer
Pyranometer and Its Types
• Eppley pyranometer
• Yellot solarimeter pyranometer
• Moll gorezynski pyranometer
• Bimetalic Actiongraph
• Yanishevsky pyranometer
• Dirmhirn sauberer or star pyranometer
Eppley pyranometer
Yellot solarimeter pyranometer
Moll gorezynski pyranometer
Sunshine recorder
Measurement of Solar radiation Data
Solar radiation Data
Types of solar radiation data
Typical meteorological year (TMC) data sets
A typical meteorological year (TMY) is a set of
meteorological data with data values for every hour in a
year for a given geographical location. The data are
selected from hourly data in a longer time period
(normally 10 years or more). For each month in the year
the data have been selected from the year that was
considered most "typical" for that month. For instance,
January might be from 2007, February from 2012 and so
• Solar radiation atlas map
Solar radiation in India
• Available solar energy
• Surface area of the solar collectors
• Rating of solar plant.

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