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Aboriginal Australians

Struglle between British settlers and Aboriginal Australians

Aboriginal Australians are the various Indigenous peoples of the Australian mainland and many of its
islandsAboriginal Australians comprise many distinct people who have developed across Australia for
over 50,000 years. These peoples have a broadly shared, though complex, genetic history, but it is only
in the last two hundred years that they have been defined and started to self-identify as a single group.

Way of life
They lived in small communities and
survived by hunting and gathering.
The men would hunt large animals
for food and women and children
would collect fruit, plants and Hunt Art

Clashe beetween
setlers and aborigines
James Cook arrived at Botany Bay in 1770,
and claimed the territory for Britain.James
Cook took Australia over, without worrying
about Aboriginal Australians opinion. This
movement shows that they didn’t care if
there were already people the land.Indeed
he created the modern Australia, but he
did it in the ignorance of the Aboriginal
Australians. So the reason of this clash is
that the aborogines would take the land by
forcing and It didn’t please to the
aborigines so they defended themselves.
Pemulwuy was a courageous resistance fighter who led a guerrilla war against the British
settlement at Sydney Cove from 1788 through to 1802. Because of his resistance to the invade
he became one of the most remembered and written about historical figures in Australian
Aboriginal history.
Stolen generation
Aboriginal Australians

• 700 000 aborigines

• 500 clans

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