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Does adaptive scaffolding facilitate

students ability to regulate their

learning with hypermedia?

指導教授 : 陳明溥
學 生 : 王麗君
Roger A. , Jennifer G. C. & Diane S. (2004)
Does adaptive scaffolding facilitate
students ability to regulate their
learning with hypermedia?
Contemporary Educational
• Researchers have attempted to facilitate stud
ents´ learning of complex topics by using :
- scaffolds
- instructional aids
-designed to support students´ understanding
Self-regulated learning
• Reinforcement
-Self-monitoring 、 Self-instruction 、 Self-reinforcement
• Social cognitive
-set goals
-monitor their understanding
-use effective strategies
- reflect on their progress during learning with hypermedia
(e.g. cognitive , motivational , task conditions)
• Developmental
-Observational 、 Imitative 、 Self-controlled 、 Self-regulated
Dimensions of Self-Regulation --Zimmerman
Learning Learner Self-regulation Self-regulation
Learning issue
Dimensions Conditions Attributes Subprocesses

Choose to Self-efficacy
Why Motive Self-motivated
participate and self-goals
Strategy use o
Choose Planned or aut
How Method r routinized pe
method omatized
Choose time Timely and Time
When Time
limits efficient management
Choose observation
Self-aware of
What Behavior outcome
performance self-judgment

Physical Environmental
Where Choose setting y sensitive and
environment structuring

Choose Socially
Selective help
With whom Social partner model, sensitive and
or teacher resourceful
The role of scaffolding in facilitating self-
regulated learning with hypermedia
• Conceptual
-Conceptual scaffolds include hints and prompts that are desig
ned to provide guidance about what knowledge to consider dur
ing problem solving
• Metacognitive
-Metacognitive scaffolds may include human or nonhuman learn
ing agents whose roles may include helping students with spec
ific task-related tasks.
• Procedural
-Procedural scaffolds assist students with learning how to use r
esources or how to perform certain tasks (ex: pretest to postte
st regulated their learning by using effective strategies; plannin
g their learning by creating sub-goals and activating prior know
ledge; monitoring their emerging understanding; and planning
their time and effort
• Strategic
-Strategic scaffolds make students aware of different techniques
for solving problems and expose students to the solution paths
followed by other peers or experts
Research Questions
• Do different scaffolding conditions
influence students´ ability to shift to
more sophisticated mental models of
the circulatory system?
• How do different scaffolding conditions
influence students´ ability to regulate
their learning?
Research Variables
• Adaptive scaffolding (AS)
-provided with an overall learning goal
-human tutor (planning their learning, monitoring
their emerging understanding, using different
strategies to learn about the circulatory system,
handling task difficulties and demands, and
assessing their emerging understanding )
• Fixed scaffolding (FS)
-provided with an overall learning goal
-a list of 10 domain-specific questions(Table1)
• No scaffolding (NS)
Research Hypotheses
• AS condition would lead to significant
shift in students´ conceptual
understanding (from pretest to
• AS condition would use fewer SRL
variables to regulate their learning
1.Participants : N=51(The students were non-biology majors
, and the pretest confirmed that all participants had average or l
ittle knowledge of the circulatory system )

2.Measures : Pretest/Posttest
(four parts of pretest : labeling 、 matching 、 flow 、 essay)

3.Hypermedia environment : CD-ROM 、 Hyperlink

4.1Scaffolding conditions ( 同 P6)
-Questionnaire → Pretest → Instructions for
the learning task →Posttest
4.2Coding and scoring
-Mental models
*mental model refers to the correctness and completenes
in regard to the local features of each component, the
relationships between and among the local features of
each component, and the relationships among the local
features of different components. (Table2)

-Matching task and heart diagram

-Students´ verbalizations
-Learners´ and tutor´s regulatory behavior
*planning, monitoring, strategy use, task difficulty and
demands, and interest variables used for coding the
learners´ and tutor´s regulatory behavior
-Inter-rater agreement
Results and discussion
Question 1: Do different scaffolding conditions influence
students´ ability to shift to more sophisticated mental models
of the circulatory system?
• Shift in mental model ( that the shift in the AS condition was
significantly greater than the FS and NS conditions )
• Matching task
• Labeling task(Table3)
Question 2: How do different scaffolding conditions influence
students´ ability to regulate their learning?
• Planning
• Monitoring
• Strategies
• Task difficulty and demands
• Interest
• Adaptive scaffolding condition
• Fixed scaffolding condition
• No scaffolding condition(Table4)
• Limitations
-we have drawn are limited by the participants´ low prior knowledge,
and the nature of the hypermedia environment

• Instructional implications of scaffolding and

SRL for learning with hypermedia
-a student model would need to assess students´ initial mental model
and create an evolving model of their understanding through
embedded testing

Appendix A

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