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CII4F3 / Pengolahan Citra Digital

Image Fundamentals
Dr. Eng. Ir. Wikky Fawwaz Al Maki, S.T., M.Eng.

Intelligent Computing and Multimedia (ICM)

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Elements of Visual Perception
- Light Perception
- Eye Physiology
- Image Formation in the Eye
- Visual Phenomena
Brightness Adaptation and Discrimination
Light and Electromagnetic Spectrum
Image Sensing and Acquisition
Image Sampling and Quantization
Use of Digital Image

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Light Perception
Light : a form of electromagnetic radiation lying in a relatively narrow region of
the electromagnetic spectrum over a wavelength band of about 350 to 780
nanometers (nm).

A physical light source may be characterized by the rate of radiant energy

(radiant intensity) that it emits at a particular spectral wavelength.

Light entering the human visual system originates either from a self-luminous
source or from light reflected from some object or from light transmitted
through some translucent object

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Light Perception

Spectral energy distribution

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Light Perception
A human being viewing each of the light sources will perceive the sources
differently :
a. Sunlight appears as an extremely bright yellowish-white light
b. The tungsten light bulb appears less bright and somewhat yellowish.
c. The light-emitting diode appears to be a dim green

These observations provoke many questions. What are the attributes of the
light sources that cause them to be perceived differently?

There are three common perceptual descriptors of a light sensation: brightness,

hue and saturation.

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Light Perception : Brightness
If two light sources with the same spectral shape are observed, the source of
greater physical intensity will generally appear to be perceptually brighter.

However, there are numerous examples in which an object of uniform intensity

appears not to be of uniform brightness.

Therefore, intensity is not an adequate quantitative measure of brightness.

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Light Perception : Hue
The attribute of light that distinguishes a red light from a green light or a yellow
light, for example, is called the hue of the light.

If two light sources with the same spectral energy distribution are observed
under identical conditions, they will appear to possess the same hue.

However, it is possible to have two light sources with different spectral energy
distributions that are perceived identically. Such lights are called metameric

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Light Perception : Saturation

Saturation : the attribute that distinguishes a

spectral light from a pastel light of the same

In effect, saturation describes the whiteness of a

light source.

It is possible to speak of the percentage

saturation of a color referenced to a spectral
color on a chromaticity diagram

Saturation is not usually considered to be a

quantitative measure.
Perceptual representation of light

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Eye Physiology #1
The front of the eye is covered by a
transparent surface called the cornea.
The remaining outer cover, called the
sclera, is composed of a fibrous coat that
surrounds the choroid, a layer containing
blood capillaries.
Inside the choroid is the retina, which is
composed of two types of receptors: rods
and cones.
Nerves connecting to the retina leave the
eyeball through the optic nerve bundle.

A cross section of the human eye(Gonzalez & Woods, 2002)

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Eye Physiology #2
Light entering the cornea is focused on the retina surface by a lens that changes
shape under muscular control to perform proper focusing of near and distant
An iris controls the amount of light entering the eye.
The innermost membrane of the eye is the retina, which lines the inside of the wall’s
entire posterior portion.
When the eye is properly focused, light from an object outside the eye is images on
the retina.
Retina has a blind spot which does not have receptors. Therefore, it can’t receive
and interpret information
The central portion of the retina is called fovea. It consists of many receptors.

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Eye Physiology (3)

Fovea at retina consists of two


– Some cone receptors are sensitive to color.

Cone vision is called as photocopic vision
or bright light vision.
– Rod receptors gives an image of the scene
and are sensitive to low illumination level.
Rod vision is called as scotopic vision or dim-
light vision

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Image Formation in the Eye
Light intensity is captured by iris and will fall at retina.

The object image at retina is formed.

Eye and the brain nerve system will interpret the image

In the human eye, the distance between lens and imaging region (the
retina) is fixed and the focal length needed to achieve proper focus is
obtained by varying the shape of the lens.

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Image Formation in the Eye #2

Distribution of rods and

cones in retina.
(Gonzalez & Woods, 2002)

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Visual Phenomena
Visual phenomena:

a. Contrast sensitivity

b. Color blindness

c. Chromatic adaptation

d. Simultaneous contrast

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Visual Phenomena : Contrast Sensitivity
  response of the eye to changes in the intensity of illumination is known to be
Consider a patch of light of intensity surrounded by a background of intensity I
(Figure a). The just noticeable difference is to be determined as a function of I.
Over a wide range of intensities, it is found that the ratio , called the Weber
fraction, is nearly constant at a value of about 0.02
This result does not hold at very low or very high intensities, as illustrated by
Figure a.
Furthermore, contrast sensitivity is dependent on the intensity of the surround.

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Visual Phenomena : Contrast Sensitivity
  the experiment of Figure b, in which two patches of light, one of intensity
I and the other of intensity , are surrounded by light of intensity I0.
The Weber fraction for this experiment is plotted in Figure b as a function of the
intensity of the background.
In this situation, it is found that the range over which the Weber fraction remains
constant is reduced considerably compared to the experiment of Figure a

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Visual Phenomena : Color Blindness
Approximately 8% of the males and 1% of the females in the world population are
subject to some form of color blindness

There are various degrees of color blindness.

Some people, called monochromats, possess only rods or rods plus one type of
cone, and therefore are only capable of monochromatic vision.

Dichromats are people who possess two of the three types of cones.

Both monochromats and dichromats can distinguish colors insofar as they have
learned to associate particular colors with particular objects. For example, dark
roses are assumed to be red, and light roses are assumed to be yellow.

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Visual Phenomena : Chromatic Adaptation
The hue of a perceived color depends on the adaption of a viewer.

For example, the American flag will not immediately appear red, white and blue if
the viewer has been subjected to high-intensity red light before viewing the flag.

The colors of the flag will appear to shift in hue toward the red complement, cyan.

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Visual Phenomena : Chromatic Adaptation
The hue of a perceived color depends on the adaption of a viewer.

For example, the American flag will not immediately appear red, white and blue if
the viewer has been subjected to high-intensity red light before viewing the flag.

The colors of the flag will appear to shift in hue toward the red complement, cyan.

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Visual Phenomena : Simultaneous Contrast
The simultaneous contrast phenomenon is illustrated in the following figure.

Each small square is actually the same intensity, but because of the different
intensities of the surrounds, the small squares do not appear equally bright.

The hue of a patch of light is also dependent on the wavelength composition of

surrounding light.

A white patch on a black background will appear to be yellowish if the surround is a

blue light.

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22 11/03/2020 CIG4E3 / Pengolahan Citra Digital

Brightness level
Subjective brightness
– Brightness level captured by human visual system

– A logarithmic function of light intensity

– It has intensity areas from scotopic threshold to photopic threshold

Brightness adaption

– A human visual system adaptation to distinguish the brightness level

– The border of brightness level that can be simultaneously distinguished by the

23 human eye is smaller than actual brightness level area
11/03/2020 CIG4E3 / Pengolahan Citra Digital
Brightness adaptation

Brightness adaptation is not

a simple function.
However, it can be
described by the Mach
Band phenomena and
simultaneous contrast
Mach Band (invented by Ernst Mach):
The left side of the centre band looks brighter the
the right side.

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Simultaneous Contrast

The small box in the left side looks darker than the small box in the
right side

Both boxes have equal intensity. However the intensity of the

background is different.

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Optical Illusions

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Light and Electromagnetic Wave
Electromagnetic wave can be visualized as propagating sinusoidal
waves with wavelength l, with frequency n.
Hence, we have c = l n , where c the speed of light
Electromagnetic wave can be thought of as a stream of massless
particles, each travelling in a wavelike pattern and moving at the
speed of light
Each massless particle contains a certain amount of energy or
bundle of energy (photon).
The energy of various components of the electromagnetic spectrum
is given by the expression E = h n , where h is Planck constant and
n is frequency

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Light and Electromagnetic Wave #2
The EM spectrum : from high energy radiation (gamma) to low energy radiation
(radio wave)
Light is a form electromagnetic wave that can detected by the human eye. It has
wavelength from 0.43 - 0.79 micron
Intensity is an attribute of light. In a digital image, the intensity of light is
represented by gray level.
White indicates the highest gray level whereas black indicates the lowest gray

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Light and Electromagnetic Wave #3
Three attributes used to describe light chromatic source:
– Radiance, the total energy that propagates from the source
(measured in Watt (W)).
– Luminance, the amount of light energy received by the observer
(measured in lumens (lm)).
– Brightness, the level of subjective brightness (human perception)

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Image Sensing and Acquisition

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Image Sensing and Acquisition #2
Most of the images in which we are interested are generated by the
combination of illumination source and the reflection or absorption
of energy from that source by the elements of the scene being

To obtain an image, we need illumination and sensor

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Image Sensing and Acquisition #3
Passive Sensor
– Recording object data without sending energy

– The source of energy could be sun light, lamp light, etc

– Example : Optical sensor optic (digital camera), human optical sensor

Active Sensor

– Recording object data by sending the energy and receiving the reflected energy

The source of energy could be X ray CIG4E3 / Pengolahan Citra Digital
Image Sensing and Acquisition #4
Energy from the source of illumination can be absorbed or reflected
by an object or scene. Then, it will be detected by the sensor.
The sensor will produce a digital image as the output. In this
process, the incoming energy is converted to voltage
The voltage wave is the digitalized to obtain a discrete output

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Image Sampling and Quantization

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Image Sampling and Quantization

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Industri --- Circuit board
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Medicine--- MRI Scan

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X-Ray Image

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Sensing Image

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EM wave used in Remote Sensing

Band no. Name Wavelength(mm) Characteristic and Use

1 Visible Blue 0.45-0.52 Maximum water penetration
2 Visible Green 0.52-0.60 Good for measuring plant vigor
3 Visible Red 0.63-0.69 Vegetation Discrimination
4 Near infrared 0.76-0.90 Biomass and shoreline
5 Middle infrared 1.55-1.75 Moisture content of soil and
6 Thermal infrared 10.4-12.5 Soil moisture; thermal mapping
7 Middle infrared 2.08-2.35 Mineral mapping

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Vehicle Plate Recognition

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