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CII4F3 / Digital Image Processing

Introduction to Digital Image Processing

Dr. Eng. Ir. Wikky Fawwaz Al Maki, S.T., M.Eng.

Intelligent Computing and Multimedia (ICM)

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Image : representation of analog world
Image representation : characterization of the
quantity that each picture element represents
a. luminance of objects in scene
b. absorption characteristics of the body tissue
(X-ray imaging)
c. radar cross section of the target (radar
d. temperature profile of the region (infrared

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Image #2

Important consideration in image representation :

Knowledge of fidelity criterion helps in designing
the imaging sensor (variables that should be
measured accurately)
Image is a function in continuous domain
Fundamental requirements for digital processing :
image must be sampled and quantized
Continuous image and digital image

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Continous Image
Continous image: a two-dimensional function,
f(x,y), where x and y are spatial (plane)
coordinates and the amplitude of f at any pair of
coordinates (x, y) is called the intensity or gray
level of the image at that point.
Value f at (x, y) is proportional to the brightness
of the image
If x, y, and the intensity values of f are all finite,
discrete quantities, we call the image a digital

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Digital image
Represented as a two
dimensional function f(x,y) dan
Value of (x, y) as well as f(x,y) :
discrete and finite
Image size : maxx x maxy e.g.
1000 x 500

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Digital Image Processing
Image processing is developed in response to
three major problems:
a. Picture digitization and coding to facilitate
transmission, printing and storage of the
b. Picture enhancement and restoration
c. Picture segmentation and description

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Digital Image Processing

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Digital Image Processing Definition
Purposes of digital image processing:
– Increasing visual information for human interpretation
– Storage
– Transmission
– Machine perception

Machine Perception Point of View

– Extract information from image and transform it into a
specific form

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Digital Image Processing Definition
Human Interpretation Point of View:
– Image processing = Processing an image to increase its

(a) Blurred image (b) Restored image

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Digital Image Processing Definition
When are the image processing methods

1. Modifying an image to increase its visual quality or

to extract information from the image
2. Elements in the image should be grouped,
matched or measured
3. A sub image is combined with another sub image

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Definition of Image Processing
In computer science, there are 3 areas related to
images. However the purpose of each area is different.
– Computer Graphics
– Image Processing
– Pattern Recognition / Image interpretation

Image Processing
Image Image

Computer Pattern
Graphics Recognition

Description Description
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Computer Vision
Computer Vision imitates Human Vision
An automatic process which integrates most of the
processes used for visual perception:
– Image acquisition
– Image processing
– Classification
– Recognition
– Decision Making

Vision = Geometry + Measurement + Interpretation

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Computer Vision
Processes involved in computer vision:

1. To perform digital image acquisition

2. To perform computation method to process or
modify image data
3. To analyze and interpret an image. The output of
these processes is used for specific purposes
(controlling the equipment, supervising
manufacture process)

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Computer Vision

Image acquisition
Scene equipment (digital Prepocessing
camera, scanner, etc)


Image Pattern Recognition Intermediate

description Processing

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Computer Vision Processes

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Image Processing

Level 0: Image representation (acquisition,

sampling, quantization, compression)
Level 1: Image-to-image transformations
(enhancement, restoration, segmentation)
Level 2: Image-to-parameter transformation
(feature selection)
Level 3: Parameter-to-decision transformation
(recognition and interpretation)

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Image Processing
Image Processing: Levels 0 and 1
Image Analysis: Levels 1 and 2
Computer/Robot Vision: Levels 2 and 3
Computer Graphics/Animation ?
– Image creation or visual effect from a description

Image processing and image analysis focus on

image interpretation, not image creation

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Digital Image Processing Operations
1. Image Enhancement
To improve image quality by manipulating image
parameters. Specific characteristics of an image
become more conspicuous.
– Contrast enhancement
– Image sharpening
– Noise Filtering

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Image Enhancement
– Sharpening

– Noise Filtering

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2. Image Restoration
Purposes :
1. to minimize degradation on an image.
2. to restore a blurred image

Similar to image enhancement.

Image restoration : cause of image degradation is unknown.

blur deblurring

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3. Image Compression
To obtain an image with minimum memory
requirement without losing image quality

Lena.bmp Lena.jpg Lena.jpg

with quality 80 with quality 20

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4. Image Segmentation
To split an image into several
segments by using some

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5. Image Analysis
To extract specific features that can be employed
to identify objects

Edge Detection

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6. Image Reconstruction
To reconstruct an object from projected image
Computed tomography imaging
Method : Radon transform

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Image Processing Applications
• Trading
• Military
• Medicine
• Biology
• Data communication
• Entertainment
• Robotics
• Geology
• Law

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