E-Commerce Marketing On The web-IV

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Marketing on the web-IV

Dr. Durgansh Sharma
Session Outline
• Google Adwords
• Banner Ads
Google Adwords
• Google Ads is an online advertising platform developed by Google,
where advertisers bid to display brief advertisements, service
offerings, product listings, or videos to web users.
• It can place ads both in the results of search engines like Google
Search and on non-search websites, mobile apps, and videos.
Google Adwords
• Google is where people search for what to do, where to go and what to buy.
Your ad can appear on Google at the very moment someone is looking for
products or services like yours.
• Whether they’re on desktop or mobile, a well-timed ad can turn people into
valuable customers.
• AdWords works on an auction system, which takes place every time a user
performs a keyword search.
• The relevance of your Google ad to the search query. The relevance of the
Google keyword to your ad group. The relevance of your ad to its landing
• The historical click-through rate (CTR) of the ad and its ad group.
• What Is Google AdWords? How the Google Ads Auction Works Link
• Get more Customers Link
• Exercise – Own Site Ads planning
Banner Ads
• Banner ads are simple ads that fit a specific size slot in a webpage or

Create a new banner ad
• Select File > New... from the top menu.
• In the "Create New Blank File" dialog, choose Banner as the ad type.
• Choose from the following options: ...
• Click OK.
Google Web Designer
• https://cobiro.com/
• https://www.perfectaudience.com/
• https://evadav.com/

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