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Paper 752-IRD TU
Presented By -Govinda Ghimire
Area of Presentation
 Background – FP Analysis
 Definitions , Theories & Concept of Small States
 Small States in Terms of Power
 SWOT Analysis of Small States
 Few Promising Small States
 Nepal as a Small State
 Security of Third World Small States
 Prescriptions for Small States
 Role of Diplomats in Small States
 References
Background of FPA
 ‘’Foreign Policy Analysis is action and reaction which states
initiate or react to for the purpose of altering or creating a
condition outside their territorial boundaries’’ –J.W 1980
 The objective of Foreign Policy is to understand the external
behavior of states and of governments as the states
'authorized agents and devise the policies accordingly to
fulfill National Interests
 Foreign Policy is a subfield of International Relations. It
depends on various factors and actors
 Foreign policies are analyzed on the basis of Individual,
State and System level
 Foreign policy is the articulation of national interests &
the means chosen to secure those interests : Both
Material and Ideational
 Material Means : Concrete & Core ; Visible & Tangible (

eg. Rare earth metals, fossil fuels etc.)

- Physical Security
 Trade

 Wealth

 Natural Resources

 Control of Territory
 Ideational Means : Set of Ideas ; Invisible & Intangible
 Values

 Norms

 Ideals

 Political System

 Economic System

Foreign Policy Research is to find out Why’ & How’ a

state behaves as it does; to arrive at generalizations; and
to provide a data for further studies to lead to
regularities and recurrent patterns

 National Attributes : Size-Geography- Natural Resources -

Population/Demography–National Identity-National
Capabilities (Economy & Military Capabilities )- Political
System & Form of Govt.( Federal , Unitary..)
 Internal Determinants : History-Political Philosophy –
Public Opinion-Constitutional & Other legal Provisions –
Political Parties & Pressure Groups – Bureaucracy- Media etc.
 External Determinants : International System –International
Political & Economic Situation –Policies & action of other
actors –International and regional Organizations – MNCs &
TNCs- International Law- World Governance & Regime
Definitions , Theories & Concept

 Several years ago , Small States are often treated as

objects , not as subjects of International relations
 In post- Cold War IR Scholarship , the focus on small
states ‘ possibilities has grown more prevalent
 The Literature lacks a common definition or set of criteria
to define which states count as “small”
 State ‘size’ clearly exists along a continuum, which does
little to distinguish which states are small and which are not
 Relational power or , to be more precise , relational
weakness is the main characteristics of small states
The Concept of Small States
 The international system is full of small states
 With the end of the both World Wars ,decolonization
process in the 1960s and the collapse of USSR paved the
way to increase the number of small states
 More than half (50%) of the member states of the United
Nations ( UN) have a population of under 10 million
 Small states continue to rise due to peaceful ,
economically open & institutionalized international system
 International community remains open to legitimate
claims to self determination
 Size is a relative concept
 Resources and capabilities determine power and influence
.Vietnam- Swizerland -Israel are militarily invincible
 Size of population , territory , economy and military are
considered as determining variables to define the size of
 The most common factor for defining state size is population
 States with up to 30 million inhabitants are sometimes
considered small, although some academic definitions regard
those with less than (10-15) million inhabitants as small
Baldur Thorhallsson- Small States
University of Iceland

 Fixed Size -Population & Territory

 Sovereignty Size – the degree to which a state controls
its internal affairs & borders and is recognized
 Political Size – Military & Administrative capabilities,
domestic cohesion, and foreign policy consensus
 Economic Size – GDP, Market Size & Development
 Perceptual Size – How a state is perceived by internal
or external actors
 Preference Size- the ideas, ambitions ,the priorities of
domestic elites regarding their role in the International
A state with a larger population size may be surrounded
by one or more great powers , making it relatively small
and giving it limited action space in its region
A state with a population below 15 million may also have
some unique characteristics & circumstances that inflate
its influence ( such as resource richness or strategic
importance ) and alleviate the common limitations that
small states face -e.g Singapore , Djibouti
Concepts of Power For Small States

 Power remains both a central and contested term in

IR _ As oxygen’ is needed for the survival of human
being power is essential for the survival of states
 Small sates are fragile in International Relations .
They are internally well suited for democratic
regimes but externally helpless and being constantly
 Both Small states and their power are more complex
as exercise of power is more complicated
Power As /Through Attributes Approach Strength of Small

In economic terms
Population, GDP, Quantitative - small states are not
Material Resources Territory, Small states lack Sum helpless. They can
Military Resources of material produce crucial
capabilities commodities which
may make base of
Realism power for small states.
Strategic Location
can work as a resource
of small states

Eg. Switzerrland ,
Power As /Through Attributes Approach Strength of small

It increases the
Interdependence Complexity involved influence &
& Institutions in the exercise of Liberalism maneuverability of
power .Deemphasize small states. They
military force form rules &
procedures through
institutions to enhance
security and
cooperative efforts.
Small states turn to
International law &
Institutions to limit
the unilateralism of
great powers
,Singapore ,Qatar
Power As /Through Attributes Approach Strength of small

Small states argue for

normative power to
shape or make change
Norms Discourses & Ideas Constructivism in International
Relations .
NGOs –IGOs It works for conflict
Norm Entrepreneurs resolution and
Mediators – Peace environmental
Keepers protection .
Influencing roles in
protection of human
rights , economic &
Social rights

Eg Scandinavian
Countries –Latin
American Countries
Intrinsic , Derivative & Collective Power

Reinterpretation of Power & Small State in the changing

scenario of survival , influence, security , identity and
 Intrinsic Power : Power defined in terms of capabilities or

“potential power “. Morgenthau’s Criteria of power were

largely intrinsic. Population , Territory , Resources ,GDP,
and Military Strength are all inherent .eg Hydrocarbon –
rich States, Panama, Singapore, Scandinavian Countries ,
Qatar, Cuba, Djibouti
However, the amount of power ( as probability of changing
behavior) depends heavily on the context in which
particular-intrinsic power is deployed
 Derivative Power :The diplomatic art of the weak
states ( small states lacking significant material
capabilities of their own ) to obtain, commit , and
manipulate by convincing larger states to boost
their national interests is known as Derived power
–M. Handel
Eg-The United States ‘ open , pluralistic foreign
policy decision- making process allowed small
state-leaders to appeal to US missionary
Colombia –US, Taiwan _US & Israel –US
 Collective Power : The fundamental base of collective power
is the relationship between a small state and associated non-
great powers. It is either compulsory or institutional
 It is compulsory in cases when a grouping of small states
directly pressures a larger state to change its policies through
threats or promises
 More frequently institutions do mediate which may give
some formal protection and voice to small states
 The combination of rules and negotiating strategies can help
small states minimize the effects of asymmetry
Eg-Antigua & Bermuda won its case against US at the every
level of the WTO
 Small states should gain diplomatic support of
other small states to advance their own particular
cases internationally. Supportive countries should
look for reciprocal support or indirect benefits –
eg. Panama in 1970 got numerous small states
support for its position on control of the Panama
Coalitions of small states can be limited to veto on
larger states and in this situation great powers are
likely override a coalition of small states*

Potential & Possibilities

Challenges, Constraints & Limitations
Strength - Potential
 Zone –of –Peace

 Soft Power

 Non- interference , Non- intervention & Peaceful

 Respecting Culture –Hospitality ,Care & Share

 Sovereignty & Distinct Identity

 Culture , History , Legacy , Diversity ( language , caste ,

religion, ethnicity etc.)

 Human Capital & Demographic Dividend
 More than 50% UN members are Small States
 Independence & Resilience
 Strategic Location*
 Strategic Culture
Weakness - Constraints & Limitations
 Small Size - Area
 Small Population
 Relatively Small Military Capabilities
 Resources Scarcity
 Inbuilt Material Weakness
 Struggle to gain respect in IR
 Bio- Diversity*
 Weak nation Syndrome
Opportunities - Possibilities
Ideational Benefits ( Norms, Values, Ideas , Innovation

& Creation )
Development of Technology – AI & e- Governance

Influencing World Politics

World Guru ( teacher ) to spread non- violence, world

peace and brotherhood (World is one Family)

Balancing Climate change, Environmental Degradation

and Ecosystem – Save Planet Earth Mission

Global Integration – Human Security – Food Security –

Energy Security
Multilateralism -Highly Engaging, Representing &

Threats – Challenges
 Geographically & Economically Diverse
 Security Threats – Cyber Security
 Unique Vulnerabilities
 Environmental degradation
 Threat In Sovereignty & Extinction
 Chance of becoming subordinate nation
A 4 minute video about diplomacy of Small States
Comparative study of few but very promising small states
Small States Strength Foreign Policy
& Strategy

Switzerland Defensive Posture-Int .financial center & headquarters of IG&O Neutrality

European crossroads & excellent communication network
Singapore Strategic location, major (aerial & maritime) transport & trading
Large FDI inflows-excellent business climate –large sovereign Non- Alignmen
Djibouti Geo-strategic position ,
Regional trade ,Substantial FDI inflows Better Diploma

New Zealand Proximity to Asia & Australia ,tourist appeal, large & Improved Polit
competitive Military Strate
Agricultural sector ,dynamic demographics
Preservation of
Finland Prudent economic policy, favorable business climate , skilled Identities
worked force –advanced industrues

Luxemburg Collective Power –Skilled multilingual workforce , business

friendly regulation , international finance center

Qatar Collective Power –Massive gas reserves, strong financial buffers

protecting economy from external shocks -Cooperative efforts
Small States Strength Foreign Policy
& Strategy

Cuba Tourism & mining –nickel ,cobalt -Peaceful Co-Existence ( zone –of-
–agricultural potential –sugar peace)
,tobacco-cooperative Pvt sector –
skilled & inexpensive labor force- -Non Intervention
high quality medical & education
sectors –cooperation agreement -Non Interference
with EU

Israel Competitive economy – -Engaging

encouraging business environment-
highly educated work force-strong -Representing
R&D and venture capital
States Area in Km^2 GDP in USD Per Capita Population
(Billion) Income in USD
Switzerland 41,285 704 82,950 85,70,146

Singapore 725.7 391.87 68,487 57,03,600

Djibouti 23,200 2.187 2,084 9,21,804

New Zealand 2,68,021 206 41,616 50,09,950

Finland 3,38,424 277 50,068 55,28,737

Luxemburg 2586.4 69.453 1,13,196 6,26,108

Qatar 11,581 183.807 66,202 27,95,484

Cuba 1,09,884 100.023 8,822 1,11,93,470

Israel 22,072 410.5 44,474 92,26,410

Area in Km^2(in thousand)
Area in Km^2(in
150 thousand)
GDP in USD( Billion )
300 GDP in USD( Billion )
Per Capita In USD (in thousand)
Per Capita In USD (in
40 thousand)
Population ( in thousand)
Population ( in thousand)
d re ut i d d rg tar ba el
n o n n
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Nepal As a Small State
-Strategic Location
-Cockpit of Asia
-Natural Beauty
-Diversify Climate
-Flora & Fauna
-Rich Art, Craft &
-Cradle of all
-Glorious History
-Never Colonized
-Peace Loving
-Highly Tolerant and
Resilient Society
-Study Center of
Area -1,47,516Km^2 Great Powers
Pop. - 2,80,95,714 -A Country of
GDP - USD 30 billion Tremendous
Per Capita - $ 1,048 Possibilities
Foreign Policy of Nepal
amity with all enmity with none

 The fundamental objective of Nepal’s foreign policy is to

enhance the dignity of the nation by safeguarding
sovereignty, territorial integrity, independence, and
promoting economic well-being and prosperity
Guiding Principles
 Mutual respect for each other’s territorial integrity and

 Non- interference in each other’s internal affairs

 Respect for mutual equality

 Non- aggression & the peaceful settlement of disputes

 Cooperation for mutual benefit
 Abiding faith in the Charter of the United Nations

 Value of World Peace

State Policy
To conduct an independent foreign policy based on the charter
of United Nations, non-alignment, principles of Panchasheel ,
International Law and the norms of world peace, taking into
consideration of the overall interest of the nation, while
remaining active in safeguarding the sovereignty , territorial
integrity, independence and national interest of Nepal
Nepal- National Interest
 Safeguarding of the freedom, sovereignty

,territorial integrity, nationality, independence &

dignity of Nepal
 The rights of Nepalese People

 Border security

 Economic wellbeing

 Prosperity
A Tentative Glimpse
Bilateral Diplomatic Consulates Nepal’s Nepal & United
Relations Missions
Saga of Nepal Foreign Policy General of Regional Nations
/Embassies Nepal Affairs
Nepal & United SAARC- 8 Dec- Became Member
Kingdom 1985 On 14 Dec-1955
1816 -Nepal a good
Nepal _USA Nepal has almost -Kolkata- India contributor in
June -1997
1947 30 Embassies all -Hong Kong Peace Keeping
April over the world -Lhasa –China BBIN -14 May- Operations
Nepal –India -New York USA 1997 Permanent
1947 However there -Jeddah ( Saudi
ACD-18 June- Mission of Nepal
June are 25 residential Arabia) 2002 to UN
Nepal –China diplomatic -Guangzhou
Nepal & Asian -New York- USA
1955 missions & 82 Cooperation -Geneva-
Nepal _Russia non- residential Dialogue Switzerland
1956 -Vienna –Austria
Nepal has SCO-15 June UN Agencies in
bilateral -2001 Nepal
relations with Nepal & -FAO
168 * countries Shanghai -IFAD
as of now Cooperation -ILO
Organization -IOM
Nepal-India Relations
 Nepal and India enjoy excellent bilateral ties. Founded on the
age-old connection of history , culture, tradition & religion
these relations are close , comprehensive & multidimensional
and are pronounced more in political, social, cultural,
religious and economic engagements with each other
 Political Relations

 Historical & Cultural Relations

 Economic Relations

Security related issues are of prime concern to both the

Nepal – India Economic Relations
Ongoing Flagship Projects Loan /Grants Trade –Transit Power Trade Multi-
under Ind. Eco. Assistance In USD & Investment Agreement Lateral
MoUs FY 2017/18 &
In USD in Regional
million Ass.

BP Koirala Institute of Health $ 250 million -India Nepal’s Signed In UN &

Science –Dharan grant largest trading 2014 Non
Emergency & Trauma center at $ 750 soft loan partner to trade Aligned
Bir Hospital- KTM -India has electricity Movemen
provided transit across border t
Manamohan Memorial Two lines of facility to Nepal without
Polytechnic at Biratnagar credit -$ 100 & for third country restrictions
$250 million trade
MoU for the construction of Line of credit Exp.446.5 Two mega SAARC
Terai Roads $1 billion Imp.7759.1 hydropower BIMSTE
MoU on Development of Total Trade projects C
Railway Infrastructure 2010 with Upper BBIN
India -8205.6 Karnali &
MoU for Nepal Bharat Maitri Arun III
Polytechnic at Hetauda 2010
Nepal-China Relations
 The relations between Nepal & the People’s
republic of China are age old & deep rooted. Nepal
–China relations has always remained friendly &
 Political Relations

 Historical & Cultural Relations

 Economic Relations

Nepal is firmly committed to one China Policy

Nepal – China Economic Relations

Ongoing Major Projects Trade –Transit Multi-

under China Eco. Assistance Cooperation & Investment Agreement Lateral
MoUs FY 2017/18- & Reg.
USD Ass.

Upper Trishuli Hydropower – Education -China is the Signed 3 Various

Power station & Transmission &Cultural second largest separate UN
Line trading partner bilateral forums
Food /material assistance in For 100 of Nepal agreements
northern 15 bordering districts Nepalese Largest source on economic & MoU
Students of FDI in Nepal technical BRI
Kathmandu Ring road -Commitment cooperation
Improvement Project $8.3 billion 2016/2018 SCO
MoU on
-Tatopani & Rasuwagadi Cooperation Exp.$23 million Grant of 1
Frontier -Inspection Station 1999 Imp.$1.5 billion billion Yuan
Project -Pokhara International TotalTrade- for post –
Regional Youth Exchange $1.82 billion disaster
AirportKodariHighway -2009 projects
Nepal – India – China
 Nepal as a land linked between two giant nations
 A relation of proximity. An age old friends & inevitable
 Non alignment, not to be subordinate & no enmity
 To remove weak nation syndrome and enhance diplomatic
capabilities-new knowledge ,innovation & creativity
 Promote global common citizenry
 To unlearn wrong beliefs & practices
 To unlearn the practice of hegemony of power , dominance &
control of other people, in other’s territory, to control
 China & India suffer from big power superiority complex
 China has Five Finger Policy- Nepal, Ladakh, Bhutan, Sikkim &
Arunchal Pradesh concerning territorial issues
 India has developed Greater India Policy to counter Chinese geo-
political game
 Five Finger & Greater India is the legacy of Colonial Mindset
 China & India Continue to compete with each other
economically & militarily
 Nepal diplomacy course –reciprocity is the golden rule of
diplomacy –including mutual respect & dignity
 Peaceful coexistence in Nepal- India –China
Foreign Policy of Nepal In Changing Scenario
….A to do list

 Zone –of –peace ( global peace- harmony & Security )

 Liberal Economic Policy
 Proximity to China & India
 To review treaties based on equality & mutual interest
 To Produce highly competent diplomats
 Strategic ( follow elites & Political -Military elites views)
 Economy, Science & Technology
 Highly engaging & Representing for global Integration
 Come out of Small Nation Syndrome
 Promote National Economic Indicators
 Global warming mitigation plan, strategy & contribution
 Animal Rights
 To Lead small states bloc’ ( regional or international )
 Focus on ASEAN- BRI & Indo- Pacific without
 Refrain from all type of terrorist activities
 Promote Patriotism
Security of Third World Small States

Security means the protection and preservation of the

minimum core values of any nation : political
independence and territorial integrity
 Size and population being challenged

 Sizable and relatively small economy can not expand the

military capabilities , nuclear weapons etc. for deterrence

 Encroachment & annexation have become frequent

 Human security has been undermined by the big economies

and big countries

 Exploitation of resources , man , materials and machines of

small states
Neutrality , Neutralization & Non- Alignment –

Neutrality : Cambodia , the smallest state in the Indo- Chinese

Peninsula, suffered from ‘an acute sense of national vulnerability ‘
through her history . Her historic enemies were Vietnam & Thailand
-Norodom Sihanouk had a clear perception of Cambodia’s security
dilemma during Vietnam War ( Vietnamese desire to convert the whole
Indo- China into one state –Communist state ) that West (USA) soft
corner towards his country- only for the present not the future ‘
-Sihanouk opted a policy of neutralism to try to maintain an equal
balance between the blocs’ (West- USA providing aid and security to
Cambodia & Soviet Union supporter of communism in the region ) and
successfully retain the security of Combodia through his diplomacy
 Neutralization & Non- Alignment : King Mahendra took
bold initiatives adopting a policy of neutralization and non-
alignment to strike a balance between China & India to
protect the political sovereignty and independence of Nepal
 Landlocked and occupying a dangerous geopolitical
position in between two giants ,Nepal Suffered mainly from
her vulnerability to the Indian side due to India’s strong
cultural pull-sheltering of Nepal’s opposition leaders-
unilateral assumption of defense responsibility for Nepal*,
Sikkhim & Bhutan & Nepal’s total economic dependence
on India
Mahendra after ascending to the throne of Nepal in 1955 took bold
diplomatic strategy to bring Chinese factor into Himalayan –area
politics as a potential counter balance to India
He implemented the strategy by appointing pro- Chinese or Pro-

Indian Politicians as prime Ministers for policy shifts towards either

China or India. When a policy of Nepalese equidistance between the
two countries was needed, Mahendra himself took over the
King Mahendra added a new dimension to his balancing game by

entering into an aid agreement with Soviet Union and persuaded both
USSR & USA to establish their embassies in Kathmandu
 King Mahendra maintained meticulous neutrality during Sino-
Indian war in 1962
 King Mahendra could establish diplomatic relations with more
than 24 countries from a mere previously 5 countries and
recognition of Nepal in UN Security Council during his active
 India and China both accepted Nepal’s policy of -nonalignment
for equal friendship .By bringing external powers and delicately
balancing them , Mahendra was able to offset Indian Pressure
on Nepal’s Sovereignty and thereby diminishing the
possibility of intervention by both India & China
Prescription for Small States
 As a Moderator to establish peace and security in the global context
 Small states should have a separate bloc’ ( International Forum)
‘in international and regional level ( subunits on the backdrop of
International as per regional need & demand) to establish their
solid presence & existence
 Flexible Foreign Policy for economic development keeping their
identities intact
 Invest heavily on Education’ and enhance service sector (produce
professional, advanced and smart human capital )
 Strategic
 Global Governance
FP of Small States at Present be …

 Multilateralism & Patriotism

 Economic & Digital Diplomacy
 Environmental, Energy & Climate Diplomacy
 Non- aggression & non- interference
 Mutual coexistence , cooperation and peace
 Highly engaging for Global Integration
 Collective Security and adoption of Grand Strategy’
 Action against Terrorism
Claim To Be Made By Small States

 Small States Identities

(history,civilization,culture,language,religions &
customs etc.) and Their existence
 Dividend and Equity against Human Capital
 Human Security –Food Security- Security of
Environment/Animal/ Climate /Ecosystem and Security
of Planet Earth
 Their role in minimizing Carbon Gas Emission ( Almost
zero- tolerance)
 Small states as a ‘Zone of Peace’
Role of Small States Diplomats
 Diplomacy is the tool to obtain the objective of Foreign
Policy . It is an art of negotiation to bring the things in one’s
 Diplomacy is an art, a vocation and a project , influencing
others for the fulfillment of one’s own national interest
 This art, vocation and project do vary from one state to
another , depending on the geopolitical situation and the
military as well as the economic strength
 The role of diplomats of small states is highly important to
meet the objective of foreign policy and national interests of
their countries
 Engaging
 Representing
 Communicative ( polite, calm-cool & collected )
 Soft spoken –listen to others and down –to –earth
 Open minded – critical, analytical & optimistic
 Diplomatic wisdom and courage
 Regular observation, follow-up , feedback and implementation
of the job. Grooming of subordinates of office
 Studious , Learned and multidimensional approach of various
scholarships ( the realm of refined learning )
 World Guru’ ( Teacher -Mentor -Moderator ) to promote
 Dynamic Personality ( Innovative- creative – persuasive and
pleasing –Empathetic )
 Situational , Motivating , Personal Character & Behavior

 Small State Foreign Policy -The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics

: Oxford University Press
 Long, Tom, “small states , great power? Gaining influence through
Intrinsic , Derivative & Collective Power , International Studies Review ,
 Maniruzzaman, Talukder , The Security of small states in the Third World
 MOFA-Nepal
 Katak Malla , Nepal – India _ China , Learning and Unleraning of
Diplomatic Conduct
 Coface for Trade
 Professor-Rashed Uz Zaman –DIR –University of Dhaka presentations


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