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Performance & Development Process

User Guide
Performance & Development Process
User Guide


2 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

Performance & Development Process User Guide
Page Page

Introduction Introduction 4 Sign Off 69

PDP Form
Start of the Year 16 Completed PDP Form 72

Performance & Development

Objective Management 38 Reporting 77
Process Dashboards

Interim Conversation 43
Special Cases PDP for new joiners 82

End of Year-Employee’s Input 48

PDP Form
End of Year-Matrix Manager’s
End of Year-Preparation for

Calibration 61

End Year Discussion 66

3 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

Performance & Development Process

User Guide

4 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

Purpose of this document

Illustrate how PDP
Performance &
activities are
conducted in
Process (PDP) to
environment of
individuals and
Success Factors

5 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

Performance & Development Process Purpose

Tool to
Tool to
develop &
inspire our&
people our

Tool to run
ourto run

6 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

Performance & Development Process Purpose

 A tool to run our business well

• linking the objectives-setting process with the strategic direction of the organization and key business
priorities, offering employees a clear direction on what needs to be achieved
• highlighting inter-dependencies between multiple individuals and functions
• ensuring that objectives are cascaded, recorded and evaluated frequently and consistently

 A tool to develop and inspire our people

• engaging through an ongoing developmental dialogue between employees and Managers
• devoting time to address individual needs, concerns, plans and enabling our people to progress
• promoting ongoing development through continuous learning

7 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

How many conversations should we hold?

• Discuss previous year with a view to End of year Q1 Start of year • Set performance objectives
(2018) (2019)
capitalize on things that worked and take Planning • Use feedback from previous year as
them forward to the next year basis for creating a development plan
• Provide & explain final rating (as
confirmed in Calibration meeting)

Q4 Q2
Structured Structured
conversation conversation

• Review and modify objectives if • Offer lucid, constructive and

significant changes in business priorities actionable feedback (specific
have occurred examples) to facilitate achievement
• Finalize form at this stage of the cycle Q3 of objectives & development plan

8 Performance & Development Process_User Guide
PDP Responsibilities

Manager’s Responsibilities Individual’s Responsibilities

 Creates conditions to develop and inspire team  Seeks clarity, taking full ownership for own
members performance
 Provides meaningful context to enable individual  Takes initiative, brings forth proposals in
relation to priorities and objectives
 Designs work for others defining priorities and  Communicates with clarity on support needed
to attain high performance
 Develops others by creating and implementing
 Assumes accountability for results,
tailored development plans
 Offers constructive actionable feedback / contributing beyond formal role
coaching throughout the year  Assumes accountability for developing self,
 Reviews performance (WHAT + HOW) seeking feedback
 Conducts end of year performance discussion  Collects and shares factual information,
and communicates rating prepares for review

9 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

Accessing the Performance Module - Performance Folder (1/2)
11 Access the Homepage 11

22 Click on the arrow next to Home, and track the “Performance” selection
33 The performance folder opens
44 On the left hand side, there is the Performance Main Menu, where “All Performance Folders” are included:
All Forms, In Progress, Completed, Form Status.
By selecting each category the user can navigate across the folder



PDP Form 2019 Employee’s Name

PDP Form 2019 Employee’s Name

10 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

Accessing the Performance Module - Performance Folder (2/2)
11 11
All Forms: All the PDP Forms, related to the user’s folder,
independently of which step they are
22 In Progress: Incomplete PDP Forms are included
Employee’s Name

a. Inbox: The forms for which action is required 22

b. En Route: The forms related to the person’s folder, but, in

this step, action is not required
Employee’s Name
33 Completed: The completed PDP Forms are included and they Employee’s Name

can be filled in separate folders (create a new folder, through

the “create new folder” option). Otherwise, they will be
included in the “Un-filled” category
44 Form Status: The status of the User’s Teams PDP Forms can
be depicted, through selecting the “individual” or the
“aggregate” option 44

11 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

Accessing the Performance Module - Team Overview
11 In the “Performance” option Supervisors have the “Team Overview”

With this option, the user can see in which stage their Team Member’s Performance Reviews are, if feedback from others has been requested; as well as,
how much each employee has been rated, or if signatures have been given
22 Through the “Showing all Reports” option, employees shown can be filtered by:
Direct Reports, Indirect Reports, HR Reports (only HR has this option), or Matrix Reports

11 22




12 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

Performance Review Process Route Map
The Performance Review process requires the completion of the Route Map’s 9 steps.
As you proceed to each stage, the circle with the stage number, gets highlighted with blue color (please, refer to the below screenshot).
In the following pages each step and actions required per user are depicted

11 “Start of the Year”: Setting of objectives 55 “Preparation for Calibration”: Supervisor's proposal on
& development plan WHAT & HOW

22 “Interim Conversation”: Mid year progress review 66 “Calibration”: Ratings validation by Indirect Supervisor

33 “End of Year Employee’s Input”: Achievements based on 77 “End Year Discussion”: Constructive dialogue
indicators & overall input & communication of final rating

44 “Matrix Manager’s Input”: Matrix Manager's input to Direct 88 “Supervisor’s Sign off”: Validation of form
99 “Employee’s Sign off”: Acceptance of form

13 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

“Notes” Functionality (1/2)
 Notes can be added for an employee, through his/her employee profile.

 Notes are useful to be added throughout the year, as it is a helpful feedback “tool”, that can be used as reference during the performance evaluation
11 Go to the Employee’s Profile and click on “Actions”. Select the “Add Note” option

22 The Note Page opens. By default the viewers of the note are you and the employee. Add a viewer if you wish this feedback to be visible to someone else
33 Add Title and Comments
44 Click on “Submit”





14 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

“Notes” Functionality (2/2)
 The notes appear in the Employee’s Profile (to viewers selected) in the “Notes” Section and into a “Supporting Pod”, inside the employee’s PDP Form.

15 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

Performance & Development Process
PDP Form: Start of the Year

User Guide

16 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

PDP Form-Start of the Year
Accessing PDP Form
There are two ways to access the PDP Form and start the performance review process:
(a) Through the “Performance Folder” (analyzed in pages: 10 & 11), (b) or through your “Review Performance” tile, included in your homepage

11 Access the Homepage

22 Check the “To Do” tile, and track the pending “Review Performance” item
33 Click on the “Review Performance” box, & find the “Start of the Year” form. Employee, Supervisor, and Matrix Manager can access the form at this step



Employee’s Name

17 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

PDP Form-Start of the Year
PDP Form Overview (1/2)
11 Once the PDP Form is opened the below information is depicted:

“Incomplete Items”: pending/incomplete items of each specific step of the performance review process, are listed

Open the box, and click on the “Incomplete item”. Afterwards, navigate to the incomplete items
22 Navigate to the “Supporting pod”, placed on the right hand side, which includes Notes (added from employee’s profile: view pages 14-15) and added
Attachments (if any-It is possible to “edit” attachments through this stage when clicking the edit button)
33 “Save” , “Print” , or “Save as PDF” the current PDP Form

2019 Employee’s Name 22 33



18 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

PDP Form-Start of the Year
PDP Form Overview (2/2)
44 Track the “Introduction”, “PDP Cycle”, “My Personal Details” information

19 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

PDP Form-Start of the Year
Objectives at a Glance

Setting appropriate objectives is a vital part of the performance and development process as it
directs where efforts of employees should focus

Objectives are not a repetition of the job description i.e. all the standard job
components that the manager and the organization expect from the individual

The number of objectives should be limited to only a few (3-5) that are specific,
challenging and leading to improved performance

Indicators of ‘what success looks like’ can be quantitative and qualitative (descriptive)

20 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

PDP Form-Start of the Year
Steps for setting objectives
Three steps from broader business context to specific for role

What are the key business
2 3
priorities for the year?
What will you do to improve
Understand the business performance this year?
context How will you contribute to key
business priorities, without
simply repeating standard job
How will you know that you have
Conclude on key areas to fully delivered each objective?
Define indicators of ‘what
success looks like’ for each

21 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

PDP Form-Start of the Year
Defining Indicators for Each Objective
How will you - the manager and the employee- know that the objective has been achieved?
We can list indicators in relation to:
The amount of output QUANTITY
The extend to which schedules and deadlines were met TIMELINESS
The degree of adherence to budget or cost effectiveness COST
How about QUALITY of performance?
If there are no quantitative measures that accurately indicate we need to describe ‘What success looks like?’

Objective Description: Deliver internal training program on effective objective setting
Potential Indicators:
– For all Managers / in all BUs (quantity)
– All sessions delivered in Q1 (timeliness)
– Training delivered without travelling and expenses (cost)
– Feedback from managers post the sessions (quality)

22 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

PDP Form-Start of the Year
Capturing SMART Objectives in the System
You can use the S.M.A.R.T. test to check if each objective and corresponding indicators are well defined:

Outcome clearly defined, in simple verb / noun format.
Objective creates excitement and interest as it challenges employee to stretch and therefore grow
by developing skills and acquiring knowledge.
Objective is challenging yet feasible. The objective is possible, yet invites to greater levels of effort
A and performance.

Objective is important and aligned with business objectives.
Manager and direct report are both clear on practical indicators of what success looks like.
T Completion of objective is specified in the timeline.

23 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

PDP Form-Start of the Year
Add Performance Objectives
11 Scroll down the page, as to add “Performance Objectives”, through clicking the “Add Objective” option
22 Employees and Supervisors can add Objectives from scratch: select either the “Personal Objective” option or the “Library Objective” option (refer to
pages 20-23 to see the mind-set and to pages 25-27 to view the analytical process)
33 Once the selection is made, complete the requested information: Category, Objective Description, Indicators, Due Date, Status, My achievements. Then,
click on “Save Changes” button
44 Added Performance Objectives appear in the PDP Form. Matrix Managers can only view the added Objectives.




24 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

PDP Form-Start of the Year
Add Personal Objectives
 Through selecting the “Personal Objectives” option, Objectives are
navigate to a pop-up window, where the below according to the
entity that
information should be completed: originates them

Category: Drop down list

Objective Description: Mandatory; open text
Indicators: Mandatory; open text

Due Date: Optional; set the due date from the calendar

Status: Mandatory; Drop Down List

My achievements: Optional; use this field as draft for
your achievements
 Once you complete all the requested information click on
“Save Changes” Performance
Objectives that can 22
be added: Min: 1,
Max: 5

25 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

PDP Form-Start of the Year
Add Library Objectives(1/2)
 Through selecting the “Library Objectives” option, the user is navigated to a pop-up window, where all available categories from which you
can find your preferred objective are depicted.
 Once you click on your preferred category, a drop down appears with all the available sub-categories

26 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

PDP Form-Start of the Year
Add Library Objectives(2/2)
 Once you open each objective sub-category, navigate to a pop-
up window, where you can select the specific objective you
want to add in the Objective Plan. Click on it.

 The information of:

“Objectives Description” & “Indicators” are filled, according
to your selection

 Afterwards, fill the:

Category: from the drop down list
Due Date: Select the due date from the calendar
Status: Drop Down List
My achievements: Use this field as draft for
achievements (optional for completion)

 Once you complete all the requested information click on

“Save Changes”

27 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

PDP Form-Start of the Year
Balancing Strengths and Development Areas
Can it be that a person has no strengths..? How do we select among strengths and development areas?
Can it be that someone has no areas to develop..? • Frequency:
It seems unlikely: When considering TLP we all have areas How often is this behavior displayed?
we are strong at and areas we could further develop. • Impact:
Therefore, if one of these sides is not described in a What is the result it produces?
balanced way in the form, a distorted message of “nothing Is it low or high in impact?
to improve” or “no good at all” is passed. • Meaningfulness:
How important is this behavior for a person’s current (or
Remember: future) role?
Strengths and Development Areas are easier to identify by What behaviors are critical for achieving performance
using the PDP supportive document objectives for the year?
Managers need to make a habit of collecting feedback
during the entire year, this is also facilitated by the system.

28 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

PDP Form-Start of the Year
My Strengths and Development Areas
11 Scroll down your page, and complete the “Strengths and Development Areas” section: 3 Strengths, & 3 Development Areas (mandatory for

22 Click on the Titan Leadership Platform: ‘Leading the Titan Way’ hyperlink, as to navigate to the relevant document. Consult the next page to utilize

the TLP document to the maximum.



29 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

PDP Form-Start of the Year
Strengths & Development Areas-TLP Behaviors
PDP Supportive Document

 Make a habit of collecting observations on an on-going

 Use as many concrete examples as possible to paint a fair
picture of the employee’s behavior throughout the year.
Don’t just focus on the last few months
 Ensure that observations are relevant to and important
for the person’s current role
 Examine areas of low evidence; why is it the case? There
could be several explanations
 The purpose of this exercise is to help Managers ‘connect
the dots’ among the variety of observations collected.
There are no right & wrong answers, just a tool to bring

30 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

PDP Form-Start of the Year
Development Plan at a glance
Strengths and Development areas are those which you have agreed with your direct supervisor during the feedback
discussion at the end of the PDP period and are included as Strengths and areas for Development in your PDP Form
in the Manager’s feedback part.

Having completed the Strengths and Development Areas, define

together with your direct supervisor, the priority areas where you will
place your focus during the year, based on your role priorities.
Use the formula 1 + 1 + 1
1 Strength
Describe the above priority areas in terms of the outcome you want
to achieve. Make a vivid picture of what success would look like at
the end of the year. +
Specify actions that will lead to this outcome.
1 Development
Be explicit ‘by whom’ these actions will be taken. Area
For this step you may find useful to consult the DID
Create a routine that will enable you to follow up your plan
e.g. regular developmental discussion with supervisor
1 Competence
31 Performance & Development Process_User Guide
PDP Form-Start of the Year
My Development Plan
11 Scroll down your page, and click on the Development Ideas Directory hyperlink, as to navigate to the relevant documentation useful for your
development goals elaboration. To utilize the DID to the maximum view instruction in the next 2 pages
22 Employees and Supervisors are able to add Development Objectives. Complete the “My development Plan” section, through clicking the “Add
Objective” selection. A pop up window appears with the information that should be completed: Category, My priority area, Actions, Status,
Behaviors (Optional)
33 Once you complete them click on “Save & Close” button



Three development
objectives can be 15

32 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

PDP Form-Start of the Year
Development Ideas Directory

How it came about How to best use it

During PDP trainings, Managers expressed the need for This document is intended as an extra resource,
additional support with Individual Development Plans, assisting us to create development plans that are
in the form of ideas and development actions other actionable, rich and related with our TITAN
than training. Leadership Platform (TLP) - Leading the TITAN way.
When we put together our development plan, we need It is an ideas catalogue, a non-exhaustive
to determine specific actions against our priority areas. compilation of indicative development actions to
At times, it might be difficult to identify development help achieve desired prioritized outcomes.
areas. As such, its usage from managers and employees
And once we do so, it may happen that we run out of alike is optional and selective.
ideas on targeted actions to help us materialize our

33 Performance & Development Process_User Guide
PDP Form-Start of the Year
Development Ideas Directory

 It is better to focus attention on few, yet important and non-overlapping development actions,
than to dilute effort across many fronts
 The best actions are those that happen; and once they happen, they make a true positive
difference in a person’s performance
 The development plan emphasizes the responsibility of employees to own their development.
Managers are their most important allies, fully supporting employees in the implementation of
the agreed plan
 Managers and HR work together towards continuous people development as TITAN’s future
growth depends on the talent, skills and creativity of its employees.

34 Performance & Development Process_User Guide
PDP Form-Start of the Year
Adding Learning Activities
11 Add “Learning Activity” per Development Objective: Click the “Add New Learning Activity” selection, placed on the right hand side, and from the
pop up window select “Find in Catalog”. Both Employees and their Supervisors are able to add Learning Activities.
22 Click the “Find in Catalog” option, as to browse from the learning catalog
33 Once the learning catalog opens, find your preferred learning item, and click on “Add to Learning Plan” placed at the bottom left corner
44 The learning activity appears in the development objective, in the “Learning Activities” section Once you assign the
learning item for a
development objective, it
will be placed as “assigned”
in the learning assignments.

44 11

35 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

PDP Form-Start of the Year
Save and Close
 As Supervisor, Matrix Manager or as an Employee after filling/viewing all the information click on “Save & Close”.

2019 Employee’s Name

e’s Name

Remember to always Save

and Close the form when
you exit as other people
working on the form will not
be able to access it at the
same time.

36 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

PDP Form-Start of the Year
Finalize Form
 As a Supervisor once you will complete all the requested information click on “Finalize Form”. Before Finalizing the form you can Save and Close
as well at any point. 2019 Employee’s Name


37 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

Performance & Development Process
Objective Management

User Guide

38 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

Objective Management
Cascade Objectives (1/2)
 Supervisors can cascade Objectives to their reports through the Objective Plan. 11

11 Access the Homepage 22

22 Click on the “Home” menu, & select the “Objectives” option. Automatically, the page will be navigated in the objective plan
33 Select a performance objective added in the objective plan, and click on the “Actions” (placed on the right hand side)
44 Click on the “Cascade” option

Objective Plan 2019


39 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

Objective Management
Cascade Objectives (2/2)
55 Automatically, the supervisor’s reporting list appears
66 Select on employees to cascade to, and click on “Next” 55

77 Review the Objective information and edit before performing

the cascade action, and click the “Cascade” button

Once the objectives are
cascaded they will appear to
the selected employees ‘
Objective Plan and PDP

40 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

Objective Management
Update Objective Status & Achievements
 The Status and Achievements of each Objective can also be tracked through the “Objective Plan” at any time regardless if
the user has access to a specific PDP form step. 11

11 From the drop down “Home” menu, select the “Objectives” option

22 The Objective Plan opens up

33 You are directed to your Objective Plan. Supervisors can either edit their objectives or one of their reports status by clicking
on the arrow next to their name. In this page all Objectives added appear.

22 Employee’s Name

33 Employee’s Name Objective Plan 2019

41 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

Objective Management
Update Objective Status & Achievements
44 Click on the 3 dots on the right of the Objective you wish to update. Select Edit.

55 The Objective opens up. Update the “Status”.

66 Update “My Achievements”. Remember that this field is only a draft. The official achievements per objective at the end of the Year need to be inputted
on the PDP Form

77 “Save Changes”. The objective should now appear updated.

Employee’s Name 44



42 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

Performance & Development Process
PDP Form: Interim Conversation

User Guide

43 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

PDP Form- Interim Conversation

…is an open conversation between us and our manager

to exchange views on where we are now and
what is the best way forward
in terms of both performance and development
for the remaining part of the year…

It is a mid-year check point.

It is forward looking. After completion of the
Interim Conversation
It is action oriented. the Performance
Objectives on the PDP
Form are locked

44 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

PDP Form- Interim Conversation
Interim Performance Conversation Steps

1 2 3
Preparation by Outcomes captured
Action oriented in PDP form
both manager and
employee (where/as needed)

• Update on current business context

• Clarify what needs to happen in the remaining
part of the year
• Validate or refine the development plan
• Agree what support is needed

45 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

PDP Form- Interim Conversation
Employee’s Input
11 Access your Homepage
22 Check your “To Do” tile, and track the pending “Review Performance” item
33 Click on the “Review Performance” box & find the “Interim Conversation” form
44 Open the form and review the content added in previous steps. Fill in the requested information: Date (that the Mid Year Review took place), &
“Comments” (both fields are optional to be completed)
55 Development and
Click the “Save and Close” button to complete the step
Objectives, added in
the previous step, are



33 Employee’s Name

46 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

PDP Form-Interim Conversation
Supervisor’s Input
11 Access your Homepage

22 Check your “To Do” tile, and track the pending “Review Performance” item

33 Click on the “Review Performance” box, & find the “Interim Conversation” form

44 Open the form and fill in the requested information: Date (that the Mid Year Review took place), & your “Comments” (from your discussion with the

Employee) – (both mandatory to be filled)

55 Click “Finalize Form” to complete the step

After the
completion of this
44 step, the
Objectives are

Employee’s Name

47 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

Performance & Development Process
PDP Form: End of Year
Employee’s Input
User Guide

48 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

PDP Form-End of Year
Employee’s Input-My Performance Objectives Employee

11 Access the “Homepage“

22 Check your “To Do” tile, & track the pending “Review Performance” item
33 Click on the “Review Performance” box, & find the “End of Year Employee’s Input” form
44 Navigate through the form and see the “Introduction”, “PDP Cycle”, “My Personal Details” information
55 The “My Performance Objectives” are depicted from the previous step. You can fill “My Achievements” comment box (Mandatory to be filled) per
Performance Objective
66 Edit the “Category” & the “Status” per added Performance Objective, by clicking the pencil icon

33 Employee’s Name

49 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

PDP Form-End of Year
Employee’s Input-My Development Plan
11 Scroll down and see the “Development Plan” elaborated in the previous steps
22 You can edit the Development Objectives added in the previous step, through clicking the pencil icon (placed next to each development objective label):
The editable information per development objective are: Category, My priority Area, Actions, Status, Behaviors



If you wish to Delete the learning activities added per Development Objective, you can do it
through clicking the bin icon placed next to each learning activity

50 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

PDP Form- End of Year
Employee’s Overall Input
11 Complete the “My Overall Input”: through completing one mandatory “My input regarding my performance & development during the past
year”, and one optional question “My comments regarding my professional and career aspirations”
22 Once you will complete the Overall Input, click on “Finalize Form” button, placed at the end of the page



51 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

Performance & Development Process
PDP Form: End of Year
Matrix Manager’s Input
User Guide

52 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

PDP Form-End of Year
Matrix Manager
Matrix Manager’s Input
11 Access the “Homepage“
22 Check the “To Do” tile, & track the pending “Review Performance” item
33 Click on the “Review Performance” box, & find the “Matrix Manager’s Input” form

44 Navigate through the form and see the information added by the employee and his/her Supervisor in the previous steps: My Performance Objectives, My

Strengths and Development Areas, My development plan, learning activities added per development objective, Interim Performance Conversation, My
Overall Input Matrix Manager's
comments are viewed by
55 Submit the “Year End performance Comments” (Mandatory to be filled) Supervisor so as to be
incorporated in End of
66 Click on “Finalize Form” Year Preparation for


33 66
Employee’s Name

53 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

Performance & Development Process
PDP Form: End of Year
Preparation for Calibration
User Guide

54 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

PDP Form-Preparation for Calibration
Access PDP Form
11 Access your Homepage

22 Check your “To Do” tile, and track the pending “Review Performance” tile

33 Click on the “Review Performance” box, & find the “Preparation for Calibration” form for the employee

44 Track the Introduction, PDP Cycle, My Personal Details

55 Scroll down and illustrate the added Performance & Development Objectives (you can still edit the Status of the Objectives added)



33 Employee’s Name

55 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

PDP Form-Preparation for Calibration
“Ask for feedback” Functionality (1/2) Supervisor

Through the “Ask for Feedback” functionality, the reviewer is possible to request feedback for the reviewed employee.

The Supervisor can ask for an external or internal source feedback, before completing the “Preparation of Calibration” step.
11 Access the Performance Folder and navigate to the “Team Overview” section
22 Click on the “Ask for feedback” blue button
33 A pop up window appears, where, the options as to request feedback from an internal or external source is possible. Search for employees or
add external source email


The “Ask for Feedback” can be
performed through the year
(in addition to Preparation for
Calibration phase)

56 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

PDP Form-Preparation for Calibration
“Ask for feedback” Functionality (2/2) Supervisor

44 Review the Message that will be sent to the internal or external source
55 Click on the “Send Email”, blue button, placed at the bottom of the page

The Feedback Giver will

receive an email to
provide input by
replying to this email.



57 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

PDP Form-Preparation for Calibration
Year End Performance Rating (1/2)
11 Scroll down and track the “Strengths and Development Areas”, “Interim performance Conversation”, “My Overall Input” information

22 Scroll down and complete the “Year End Performance Rating” information

33 Click the “Matrix Grid Informative Document” hyperlink, and view the relevant document

11 22


58 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

PDP Form-Preparation for Calibration
Year End Performance Rating (2/2)
44 Rate the Overall WHAT & Overall HOW, using the drop down lists (mandatory to be filled)

55 Click on “Save” icon, placed on the right hand side at the top of the page

66 The employee placement in the “WHAT-HOW Matrix” Grid is illustrated



59 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

PDP Form-Preparation for Calibration
Overall Rating and Year End Performance Comments
11 In the Summary Section, below the matrix grid, find the “Overall Form Rating”

22 Select the most suitable option from the drop down selections, according to employee’s placement in the Matrix Grid

33 In the “Year End Performance Comments” complete your comments (mandatory to be filled)

44 Click on “Finalize Form” and send the form to the next step

11 33



60 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

Performance & Development Process
PDP Form: Calibration

User Guide

61 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

PDP Form-Calibration
Calibration Meeting- Purpose & Outputs
 To increase consistency in assessing performance (WHAT & HOW) across the organization
 To enrich quality of messages to individuals by their direct supervisors

 Calibrated performance ratings (= rigorous, consistent, fair) taking into account the ‘WHAT’ and the ‘HOW’ of performance
 Ownership of calibrated ratings by people managers, equipped to substantiate them in the end of year conversation that follows
 Messages to be communicated to direct reports by their people managers

In SuccessFactors, Calibration Meetings will be held through Calibration Sessions, to which HR will invite Supervisors, Matrix Managers
and Indirect Supervisors of employees to be calibrated.
HR will facilitate the session and the Indirect Supervisor, as the Owner will Finalize the Ratings.

62 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

PDP Form-Calibration
Calibration Principles
Each employee is calibrated  Map out most appropriate calibration synthesis
only once
 Direct supervisor consults / aligns with function before calibration meeting
(when applicable)

Focus on facts / examples  Provide factual evidence on specific year

in specific year
 Not let previous ratings influence the thinking
 Collect input on observable behaviors (frequency / impact)

Outcome of calibration: binding for  Ratings finalized during the meeting

managers participating
 Outcome is not debated or second-guessed post-meeting
Overall ratings distribution ‘makes  Calibration meeting is not led by a forced distribution
 ‘Checks and balances’ before closure of meeting
 N+2 Manager takes ownership for calibration results
All parties come fully prepared  Respect of ground rules and timely preparation

Feedback to employee:  Discussion is confidential and stays in the room

strictly by N+1 Manager
 N+1 Manager takes ownership for rating and communication

63 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

PDP Form-Calibration
Comments Adjustment after Calibration Session
11 Access the PDP Forms by going to the Performance Folders

22 After selecting a preferred PDP Form, edit your comments adjusting them to the calibration outcome

33 Click on “Save & Close”

Post calibration Supervisors
are only given 1-2 days to edit
final comments before all the
forms are locked.
This happens with one click by
the N+2 who led the
calibration meeting.

You need to improve your communication skills


64 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

PDP Form-Calibration
Calibration Finalization Indirect Supervisor

 After Supervisors have finalized their comments on the PDP Form following the Calibration Session, it is time for Finalizing the Calibration Session

11 Access the Calibration Session through selecting the Calibration Tab in the Homepage, and click on the respective Session

22 Click on the “Finalize” box on the bottom of the page, in order to finalize your Calibration Session

33 You are requested to confirm your action, being reminded that further editing of the calibration session will no longer be allowed.
All Ratings will be finalized and the forms will no longer be editable. Confirm by clicking on “YES”.


11 11



65 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

Performance & Development Process
PDP Form: End Year Discussion
1:1 Meeting
User Guide

66 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

PDP Form-End Year Discussion
Constructive End Year Discussion
 It is essentially a self-evaluation
 It is also a dialogue ….therefore it is the STRUCTURE
opposite of a judgment
1. Positive opening
 It has to be prepared by both parties
2. Invite employee to speak first
 It is not a substitute for daily feedback
 What are you mostly proud of?
 It is designed to bring about
What are the strong points? How?
 What are the areas of improvement? What
 It should create the foundations of the
could have been done in order to…?
development plan for the following year
 What do you propose?
 It should take place in good conditions
How will we go about ...?’
3. Manager’s opinion
(Agree / Different / Extra points)
4. Development Action Plan
5. Follow – up

67 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

PDP Form-End Year Discussion
Confirmation of 1:1 Meeting Supervisor

Supervisor prints the PDP form or has it available on screen for the end year discussion
Supervisor performs the end year discussion
After completion, supervisor follows steps as described below:
11 Access the “Homepage”

22 Check the “To Do” tile, & track the pending “Review Performance” item

33 Click on the “Review Performance” box, find the “End Year Discussion” step, and select it in order to open the form.

44 Track all the information added in the previous steps; then, click on “Confirm 1:1 Meeting”



33 Employee’s Name


68 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

Performance & Development Process
PDP Form: Sign Off
Employee & Supervisor
User Guide

69 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

PDP Form-Sign Off
Supervisor’s Signature Supervisor

11 Access your “Homepage“

22 Check your “To Do” tile, and track the pending “Supervisor’s Sign Off” item

33 Find the “Supervisor’s Sign Off” form for the Employee and select in order to open the form. Scroll the form down and track all the information

completed in the previous steps

In the Sign Off step,
44 In the “Signature” section provide your comments each party, signing
44 the form, can also add
55 Click on “Sign” comments
(optionally), in the
relevant box


33 Employee’s Name


70 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

PDP Form-Sign Off
Employee’s Signature
11 Access your “Homepage“

22 Check your “To Do” tile, and track the pending “Employee’s Sign Off” item

33 Find the “Employee’s Sign Off” form. Scroll the form down and track all the information completed in the previous steps. Track Supervisor’s comments

44 In the “Signature” section provide your comments

In the Sign off step, each
55 Click on “Sign” party, signing the form, can
also add comments
(optionally), in the relevant



71 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

Performance & Development Process
PDP Form
Completed PDP Form
User Guide

72 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

Completed PDP Form View
11 As to illustrate completed PDP form navigate to your Homepage from the dropdown menu of the “Home” & select the

“Performance” option
22 Click on the “Completed” folder, and track the completed PDP Forms

33 Find the preferred PDP form, and open it (click on it). You can view the whole form in a non editable format.


Employee’s Name
Employee’s Name

73 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

Completed PDP Form View
Form Extraction (1/3)
Select either “Print” or “Save as PDF” option.
Select the sections you wish to Save. Then, click on “Show PDF” to preview the PDP Form Select which sections you
desire to print and exclude
introductions, from the
44 navigation menu which
33 appears on the left hand
side of the page

Employee’s Name

74 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

Completed PDP Form View
Form Extraction (2/3)
66 Print: Select from the options that appear on the left hand side of the page, which ones will appear on the printed pdf (tick or untick an option

according to your preferences) & click on “Print” button

77 Save as PDF: Select which sections will appear in the saved form, preview & then click the “Show PDF” selection

66 77

Employee’s Employee’s
Name Name

75 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

Completed PDP Form View
Form Extraction (3/3)
You can view details of all sections in the PDF/Printed version

2019 for Employee’s Name

Employee Details Employee Details

76 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

Performance & Development Process
Reporting: Performance &
Development Process Dashboards
User Guide

77 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

Performance & Development Process Reporting
Run Reports-Dashboards (1/3) Supervisor

11 Navigate to the "Homepage“ & open the “Home” drop down menu. Then, select “Reporting“

22 Choose a preferred report (Performance or Objective Dashboard) to view, click the three dots placed on the right hand side and select “Run”


22 22

78 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

Performance & Development Process Reporting
Run Reports-Dashboards (2/3) Supervisor

11 Apply the relevant “Filters” for the Dashboard, as to proceed

22 The available “Report Type” filters are: “Team View” (illustrate information about your Team. You can select how many hierarchical levels below your
position you can depict) , “Matrix Report” (illustrate information of your Matrix Managed Team, if any), “Custom Reports” (illustrate information about
custom relationships), “Other Filters” (illustrate information about all employees in your cone of visibility)
33 Set the "Division", "Department", "Location", "Local Position Title“ filters as to further specify your search

44 Datasets: select the “Custom Dataset”, choose the “PDP Form” you wish to see data for and click on “Done”

55 After applying the relevant filters, select the “Apply Filter” button



It is preferable to select
the “Team View” option
in the “Report Type”, as
to illustrate analytical
information for your
Team Members

79 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

Performance & Development Process Reporting
Run Reports–Dashboards (3/3) Supervisor

After applying the relevant filters:

66 Automatically, the Dashboard will be illustrated according to your preference

77 Select a specific part of the pie or the bar chart, and drill down to information



80 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

Performance & Development Process Reporting
Reports Extraction Supervisor

Reports can be extracted into 2 different formats: Excel, & CSV

11 In order to extract a Report to an Excel file format, click first on the report’s name. The report opens

22 Click the “Excel” or “CSV” icon

33 Your Report will be downloaded automatically

81 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

Performance & Development Process
PDP for new joiners

User Guide

82 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

PDP for new joiners
Useful Tips Supervisor

Creating a PDP form with It should be explicit that in

When an employee joins her/his manager can be the following calendar
in the last months of the valuable, year the new joiner will
year, he/she should not yet employee's participate in the PDP
participate in the full PDP performance can not be cycle
cycle given the limited formally evaluated and (e.g. someone coming in
time frame. rated if period is too short November 2018 will be
(i.e. less than ½ year) part of 2019 PDP)

83 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private company limited by guarantee (“DTTL”), its network of member firms, and their related
entities. DTTL and each of its member firms are legally separate and independent entities. DTTL (also referred to as “Deloitte Global”) does not provide services to
clients. Please see to learn more about our global network of member firms.
Deloitte Certified Public Accountants S.A., Deloitte Business Solutions S.A., Deloitte Accounting Compliance & Reporting Services S.A. and Deloitte Alexander
Competence Center S.A. are the Greek member firms of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private company limited by guarantee (“DTTL”). “Deloitte Certified
Public Accountants S.A.” provides audit and risk advisory services, “Deloitte Business Solutions S.A.” financial advisory, tax and consulting services and “Deloitte
Accounting Compliance & Reporting Services S.A.” accounting outsourcing services. “Deloitte Alexander Competence Center S.A.” based in Thessaloniki is a center of
innovation providing financial advisory, tax and consulting services.
“Koimtzoglou-Leventis & Associates Law Partnership” ("KL Law Firm") is a Greek law partnership qualified to provide legal services and advice in Greece.
Deloitte provides audit, consulting, financial advisory, risk advisory, tax and related services to public and private clients spanning multiple industries. Deloitte serves
four out of five Fortune Global 500® companies through a globally connected network of member firms in more than 150 countries and territories bringing world-class
capabilities, insights, and high-quality service to address clients’ most complex business challenges. To learn more about how Deloitte’s approximately 245,000
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This communication contains general information only, and none of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, its member firms, or their related entities (collectively, the
“Deloitte Network”) is, by means of this communication, rendering professional advice or services. Before making any decision or taking any action that may affect your
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© 2018. For information, contact Deloitte Greece.

82 Performance & Development Process_User Guide

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