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Behavioral Theory

By Ajeesh R
Behavioral Approach

` Emphasis that strong leadership is the

result of effective role behaviour.

` Leadership is shown by a person¶s

acts more than by his traits.
` Four basic elements affect each other
in determining suitable behaviour
‡ Leaders
‡ Followers
‡ Goal
‡ Environment

` Theories proposing that specific

behaviours differentiate leaders from
` There are four three different
behavioural theories of leadership:
‡ Ohio State Studies
‡ University of Michigan Studies
‡ Managerial Grid
Ohio State Studies

` Most comprehensive and replicated

of the behavioural theories.
` Researchers at Ohio State University
beginning with over a thousand
dimensions, eventually narrowed the
list to two dimensions.
‡ Initiating structure
‡ Consideration
1. Initiating Structure
` Refers to the extant to which a leader is
likely to define and structure his or her
role and those of the employees in the
search for goal attainment.
` Includes behaviour that attempts to
organize work, work relationships and
` Here leader is someone who ³assigns
group members to particular tasks´,
³expects workers to maintain definite
standards of performance´ and
³emphasize the meeting of deadlines´.
. Consideration
` The extant to which a person is likely to
have a job relationships that are
characterized by mutual trust, respect for
employees¶ ideas and regard for their
` The person shows concern for the
followers¶ comfort, well-being, status and
` Leader high in concentration is the one
who helps employees with personal
problems, is friendly and approachable
and treats all the employees as equals.

` The study added little to the knowledge about

effective leadership.
` Consideration was more strongly related to the
individual ,i.e. The followers of the leaders
who were high in consideration were more
satisfied with their jobs and more motivated
and also had more respect for their leader.
` Initiating structure was strongly related to
higher levels of group and organization
productivity and more positive evaluations
University of Michigan Studies

` Objective was to locate behavioral

characteristics of leaders that appeared to
be related to measures of performance
` Michigan group came up with two
dimensions, viz.
± Employee oriented
± Production oriented
1. Employee-Oriented dimension

` Emphasizing interpersonal relations;

taking a personal interest in the needs
o the employees, and accepting
individual differences among
. Production-Oriented Leader

` One who emphasizes technical or

task aspects of the job.
` Concerned about accomplishing the
group tasks.

` Closely related to Ohio State Dimensions.

` Employee oriented leadership =
Production oriented leadership = initiating
` Michigan researchers strongly favored the
leaders are employee-oriented in their
` Employee-oriented leadership were
associated with higher group productivity
and high job satisfaction.
` Production-oriented leaders were
associated with low group productivity and
lower job satisfaction.
` Michigan studies emphasized on
employee-oriented relationship over
production-oriented leadership , the Ohio
state studies suggested that both
consideration and initiating structure are
important to effective leadership.

` Organizational Behavior; page # 405-

407, Stephen.P.Robbins
` Organizational Behavior; page # 318-
319, L.M.Prasad
` R.M.Stogdill & A.E.Coons; Leader
Behavior ,page # 88
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