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Dr.Swapna V
With Entrainer
In azeotropic distillation a third component is added, which forms a
volatile azetropic mixture with one of the two components which is
drawn from top of the distillation tower.
The component forming the azeotrope is not necessarily the more
volatile, but it must be immiscible at low temperature with the other
component of the azeotrope, so that, when cooled down, the
azeotropes splits completely in its components.
Typical case: the azeotropic distillation with cyclohexane of the ethanal-
water mixtures. Ethanol is more volatile than water, but cyclohexane-
water azeotrope is more volatile than ethanol. So ethanol is the btm
product and the water-cyclohexane azeotrope the top one, which is then
cooled down and it splits almost completely into water and cyclohexanol
(the traces left of cyclohexane in water can be eliminated by a weak
• Distillation UNIT-1 and Unit-2

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