Bullying Lesson Plan: By: Angel R, Dameara B. and Essence W

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Bullying Lesson Plan

By: Angel R, Dameara B. and Essence W.

Why Is It Important to teach children about bullying?
● It helps children understand what bullying is.
● It also teaches them how to stand up to bullying.
● When being bullied, you will understand what to do and who to go to.
● You will know what to do if someone else is being bullied.
1. Bullying is when someone is trying to harm or boss you around.
2. They may take things from you and say that it is theirs.
3. The person bullying you might say mean things about you to other people that you
4. You should tell a trusted adult if you are being bullied so they can help you stop the
1. What is bullying?
2. Could your friend be a bully?
3. Who should you tell if you are being bullied?
4. True or False?: It is okay for me to bully and be mean to other people.
Learning activities

#1 #2
Personal Bullying Story
When I was in Preschool, I was bullied by a preschooler who was 1 year older than me. I
was four and she was five. She always teased me and made me feel uncomfortable. Soon, I
was afraid of her. My other preschool friends were all nice and tried to be supportive, but
they were afraid of her too. I eventually decided that I wasn’t going to let her push me
around and bully me anymore so I told my teacher. My teacher handled the situation very
well and my bully eventually came and apologized to me. After that day, I no longer had
anymore problems with preschool bullies.
1. Mean V.S Nice Flashcards:
● There will be 5 flashcards that have either a mean, or a nice scenario on them. For
example, “Billy kicks Jimmy’s block tower over.” It is your job to decide if Billy’s
actions were nice or mean. In this case, mean would be the correct answer.
1. Say something kind to one of your classmates:
● You will be partnered up with a classmate. Tell your classmate two things that you like
about them. Once you and your partner are done sharing, we will go around in a circle
and ask who your partner was, and one thing that you liked about your partner.
Mean V.S Nice Flashcards
Scenario 1: Billy kicks Jimmy’s block tower over while Jimmy was still building. (“Were
Billy’s actions nice or mean?”)

Scenario 2: Sarah shares her apple slices with Lizzie. (“Were Sarah’s actions nice or

Scenario 3: Tommy pushes Jessica off of the swings. (“Were Tommy’s actions nice or

Scenario 4: Bradley calls Jared a frog face. (“Were Bradley’s actions nice or mean?”)

Scenario 5: Eric gives Erica some of his markers to color with. (“Were Eric’s actions nice or
Evaluation questions
Do you think this presentation would be helpful to someone who is being bullied?

Did this presentation help you understand what to do when being bullied?

Do you understand how being bullied might affect you?

Did the activities help you learn more about bullying?

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