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General overview:

Exile in • Practiced medicine

• Pursued scientific studies
Dapitan • Continued his artistic and literary works
under the • Widened his knowledge of language
• Established a school for boys
missionary • Promoted community development
jurisdiction projects
• Invented wooden machine for making
, for 4 bricks and wooden lighter
years • Engaged in farming and commerce

“That RIZAL publicly retract

his errors concerning
religion and make
statements that were clearly
pro-Spanish against
2. That he perform the church rites and
make general confession of his past life.

3. That henceforth he conduct himself in an

exemplary manner as a Spanish subject and
a man of religion.

4. Rizal did not agree with these conditions.

Consequently, he lived in the house of the
commandant, Captain Carnicero.

The debate
started when
Pastells sent Father
Rizal a book Pastells told
by Sarda Rizal commit Rizal that
along with bitter against human
The debate
an advice friars intelligence
can be read
that Rizal because they is limited
in 4 letters
should desist commit thus he
from his abuses needs
majaderas guidance of
(foolishness) GOD.
in viewing
casa real
• “ A Don Ricardo
• Home of
• Where Rizal stayed
from  July 17, 1892
up to March 1893.
Life in Dapitan

He built his own house

The members of his by the seashore,
family took turns in surrounded by a garden
visiting him in order to of fruit trees. He had also
lessen his loneliness in another house for his
Dapitan. school boys and a
hospital for his patients.
Rizal’s work in Dapitan
All his available time he devoted to the practice of:
• Medicine
• Literary
• Educational
• linguistic and scientific pursuits
• to his agricultural and business activities
• to certain civic projects
• And his extensive correspondence with Blumentrit,
Joest, Rost, Meyer, Knuttel, Kheil, and other scientists of
• Rizal conducted his school at his home in
Talisay, near Dapitan, where he had his farm
and hospital.
• In honor of this tree, he wrote a poem entitled
Himno A Talisay for his pupils to sing.
What if you win a million peso?

Think and list

down the Approximate
price each
that you like
to spend on. items.
• The Casa Residencia is a replica
of Rizal’s former house in Talisay.
• Reconstructed in 1960, this
rectangular house sheltered the
national hero from March 1893
until he left Dapitan on July 31,
• It has a bedroom and features a
veranda on three of its four walls
and a comfort room accessible
through a bridge at the rear.
• On various occasion, the house
also sheltered Rizal’s mother
Teodora Alonzo, his sisters
Trinidad, Maria, and Narcisa,
some nephews, his niece
Angelica, and Josephine Bracken.
• The Casa Redonda is a
replica of the octagonal
clinic of Rizal.
• It also served as a
dormitory of some of his
• Reconstructed with
similar materials as the
main house, it now
stands as a reminder of
the numerous
medications performed
by Rizal during his exile in
• It was also here where he
removed his mother’s
community benefited in this way by his charity in addition to
the free treatment given its poor and prescribed herbal
• The Casitas de
Salud are replicas of
the hospital houses
of Rizal and
composed of two
little huts with a
floor area of 70
square feet.
• Each hut, one for
male and the other
for female, could
accommodate two
• The Casa Redonda
Piqueña is a
replica of the
hexagonal poultry
of Rizal.
• Restored to its
original hexagonal
form with similar
materials as the
other huts, the
poultry house is
big enough to
accommodate a
few dozen
• The Talisay Water
System is composed
of a dam and an
• Constructed by Rizal
in 1895 with the
help of his pupils,
the water system
provided adequate
and year-round
water supply for
Rizal‘s farm and
household needs.
• Mr. H.F Cameron
praises Rizal
engineering skills.
Facing Dapitan Bay, José Rizal and later on with Josephine Bracken,
spent quiet moments in Mi Retiro Rock or simply Lovers’ Rock.
Because Rizal was one of the most prominent members of the
masonry, several masonic symbols and structures
He was engaged in
the abaca business
and logging in
Dapitan from 1892-

Its purpose were “to improve

the farm products, obtain better January 1, 1895- Rizal
outlets for them, collect funds organized the
for their purchases and workersCooperative Association
by establishing a store where in of Dapitan Farmers to
they can buy prime break the Chinese
commodities at moderate
prices. monopoly.

Rizal as Farmer

He bought 16 hectares of He wrote Trinidad, my land

land in Talisay where he is half an hour from the
built his home, school sea. It is very poetic and
very picturesque. If you
and hospital planted and our parents come I will
cacao, coffee, sugarcane, build a big house we can
coconuts and fruit trees. all live in.

The total land holdings

He also introduces
reached 70 hectares
modern agricultural
containing 6,000 hemp
methods to Dapitan
plants, 1,000 coconut trees,
farmers and imported
and numerous fruit trees,
agricultural machinery
sugarcane, corn, coffee and
from the United States.
“The mothers revenge
• The vengeance of the mother dog
on the crocodile while devoured
her puppy to death
• Rizal was fluent in twenty-two languages
(Hebrew, Filipino, Ilokano, Bisayan, Subanon,
Chinese, Latin, Spanish, Greek, English,
French, German, Arabic, Malay, Sanskrit,
Dutch, Japanese, Catalan, Italian, Portuguese,
Swedish and Russian) and had a knack for
switching from one language to another when
he was writing.
• The Casa Cuadrada is a
replica of the pupils’
dormitory and workshop.
• Rizal effected the
construction of the house to
accommodate the growing
number of pupils in his
Talisay School.
• The area underneath the
hut served as workshop of
his pupils.
Rizal as teacher
In 1893, he established a school which existed until the end of his exile in
July 1896.

It began with 3 pupils and in the course of time the enrolment increased to
16 and later 21.

In his letter with Blumentritt dated March 13, Rizal said that he had 16
pupils in his school and these pupils did not pay any tuition.
He thought his boys reading, writing, languages (Spanish and English), geography,
history, mathematics, arithmetic and geometry, also industrial work, nature study,
morals and gymnastics.
He trained them how to collect specimens of plants and animals, to love
work, and to behave like men.

During recess, pupils built fires in the garden to drive away insects, trimmed
the fruit trees and fertilize the soil.
Rizal as Scientist
Research the following: Read and Understand most of its
meaning are self-explanatory no need to discuss…

• Al Nino Jesus
• Un Recuerdo A Mi Pueblo
• Por La Educacion Recibe Lustre La Patria
• A La Juventud Filipina
• Sa aking mga Kabata
• Brindis
• Junto Al Pasig
• El Consejo delos Dioses
• La Allianza Sobre La Religion y La Buena Educacion
• Mi Piden Versos
• Letter to the Women of Malolos
• Mi Retiro
• A Mi Musa
• Mi Ultimo Adios
• A Las Flores de Heidelberg
• Himno Al Trabajo
• A La Defensa
• La Verdad Para Todos
• Vicenta Barrantes Teatro Tagalo
• Una Profanacion
• Verdades Nuevas
• Differencias
• Crueldad
• Ingratitudes
• Inconsenquencias
• Llanto y Risas
• Filipinos Dentro de Cien Anos
• Criticism of Filipinos Passions for
• Sobre La Indolencia De Los Filipinas
To the Young Women of Malolos
(Summary and Analysis)
• He addresses all kinds of women-
mothers, wives, the unmarried etc. and
expresses everything that he wishes
them to keep in mind.
• It was written originally in Tagalog.
• He penned his writing when he was in
London, in response to the request of
Marcelo H. Del Pilar. The salient points
contained in his letter are as follows.
The Letter contain as follows:
• The rejection of the spiritual authority of the friars- not all the
priests in the country that time embodied the true spirit of
Christ and His church.
• The defense of private judgment
• Qualities of Filipino mothers need to possess- as evidenced by
this portion of his letter, Rizal is greatly concerned of the
welfare of the Filipino children and the homes they grow up in.
• Duties and responsibilities of Filipino mothers to their children.
• Duties and responsibilities of wife to her husband- Filipino
women are known to be submissive, tender, and loving. In
order to preserve the identity of the race.
• Counsel to young women on their choice of a lifetime partner.
Analysis: Five Salient Points
1. Filipino mothers should teach their children love of God.
2. Filipino mothers should be glad and honored, like
Spartan mothers, to offer their sons in defense of their
3. Filipino women should know how to protect their dignity
and honor.
4. Filipino women should educate themselves aside from
retaining their good racial values.
5. Faith is not merely reciting prayers and wearing religious
pictures. It is living the real Christian way with good
morals and manners.

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