Science, Technology, and Society: Reported By: Kyrea Kassardra Dcouto

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Reported By: Kyrea Kassardra Dcouto

Major Time Periods:
 Ancient Times
 Medieval/ Middle Ages (5th-15th)
 Modern Times (16th-Present)
Ancient Times:
 Stone Age
 Bronze Age
 Iron Age
Ancient Times
Stone Age
 From the beginning of time, man has
strived to improve his way and quality of
life. The caveman discovered how to
make and use tools, developed a logical
sequence for activities, and evolved
processes that added value to his life.
Early Stone Tools
Invention & Discovery
Two elements governed man’s technical
 Discovery- recognition and careful
observation of new natural objects and
 Invention- mental process in which
various discoveries and observation are
combined and guided by experience into
some new tool or operation.
The Use of Fire
Fire was the most important discovery of
Paleolithic Man.
 Warm the Body
 Food Preparation
The Use of Fire
Advances in Stone Tools
Technology and Aspects of Early Society

Trade: Bricks, Semi-precious stones, sea

shells were currencies
Society is changing, with it is technology.
Domestication of Animals
Beginning of Agriculture
•people travel in search for food and shelter or
•to trade for surplus good
Bronze Age

Bronze- an alloy of copper (combined with


Bronze and Copper- widely used in this

age as chief materials for making
weapons and other implements.
Weapon and Ornaments
 important in the discovery of new places
and establishment of new alliances with
other tribes.
 for security and protection when
stronger nations tend to invade weaker
ones in taking much needed resources.
Believes to have started from third millennium BC

3 Broad Phases
1. Early Bronze Age (3300BC-2200BC)
2. Middle Bronze Age (2200BC-1550BC)
3. Late Bronze Age (1150BC-1200BC)
Bronze Age Writing System

 Egyptians built pyramids for their belief

of after-life and god-kings.

 Mesopotamians made very high towers

to “reach the heavens”.
Iron Age

1200 BC

-Technological, Economical, Political

advances Less orderly but more flexible
Best Iron:

 China’s seric iron

 India’s wootz steel
Agricultural and Military Impact

 Bronze are expensive and it is equipped by elite

 Iron is the most popular and abundant resources
and it is available to common folk.
 Deforestation, Drainage of water bodies.
Cultural and Trading Impact

Advantages of the water transportation system

 Cheaper
 Faster
 Profitable
 Expansion of territories
 More trading opportunities
 Exploration

Disadvantages of the water transportation system

 Fall of the empires surrounding the water
 Piracy
Cultural and Trading Impact

 Athens (172,000 of 320,000 citizens)
 Rome (+1,000,000 slaves)
Cultural and Trading Impact

Commodity Production
 Labor
 Sustainability
 Survival

 Oligarchy
 Tyranny
 Democracy

- Resulted to Rivalry between States

Cultural and Trading Impact

Economics and Education

Metallic Money (Coins)

Phoenician Alphabet
 Spread of Literacy
 Removal of Literary Elitism
 Further emergence of written literature
The End of Reporting. . . .

Thank You

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