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Analog Communications

Dr. M. Venu Gopala Rao

A.M.I.E.T.E, M.Tech, Ph.D(Engg)
Cert. in R.S.T ( City & Guild’s London Institute, London)
F.I.E.T.E, L.M.I.S.T.E, I.S.O.I., S.S.I., M.I.A.E.
Professor, Dept. of ECE, K L University
C (t )  Ac cos  2 f ct   

AM: The amplitude of the

carrier signal is varied
according to the instantaneous
value of m(t)
s (t )  [ Ac  m(t )]  2 f ct   
C (t )  Ac cos  2 f ct   

FM: The frequency of the

carrier signal is varied
according to the
instantaneous value of
Lectrure - 1

AM-FC (or simply AM)
1. Introduction
Single Tone, Multi tone and Baseband signals
 Time domain description
 Frequency domain description
 Power and Current Relations

2. Modulators
 Switching Modulator
 Square Law Modulator

3. Demodulators
 Square Law Demodulator
 Detector Demodulator
 Envelope Detector

4. Virtues and Limitations of AM

Types of Amplitude Modulation

Non Linear
Linear SSB
Amplitude Modulation (AM)
The Amplitude Modulation (A.M.) is defined as a
system of modulation in which the amplitude of the
carrier is made proportional to the instantaneous
amplitude of the modulating signal.

 DSB C: Double Side Band with Carrier

 DSB FC: Double Side Band with Full Carrier
 DSB LC: Double Side Band with Large Carrier
 DSB TC: Double Side Band with Transmitted Carrier
Block Schematic Diagram of AM

Time Domain Description:
The standard form of an A.M wave as a function of
time is represented by
c(t )  Ac cos 2 f ct
s (t )  [ Ac  m(t )]cos 2 f ct
 Ac [1  k a m(t )]cos 2 f ct
where is k a  1/ Ac constant called the amplitude
sensitivity of the modulator.
The term a (t )  A [1  k m(t )]is called envelope of
c a
AM wave
Case1: Single Tone Modulation
Let a message signal be m(t )  Am cos 2 f mt
Time domain Representation of AM
s (t )  Ac [1  ka m(t )]cos 2 f ct  Ac [1  ka Am cos 2 f mt ]cos 2 f ct
 Ac [1   cos 2 f mt ]cos 2 f ct
where    k a Am Modulation index

s (t )  Ac cos 2 f ct   Ac cos 2 f mt cos 2 f ct

 Ac  Ac
 Ac cos 2 f ct  cos(c  m )t  cos(c  m )t
2 2
Freq. domain Representation
Ac cos 2 f ct  Ac   (ω  ωc )   (ω+ ωc ) 
   ( f  fc )   ( f + fc )
 Ac FT  Ac
cos 2 ( f c  f m )t    { f  ( fc  f m )}   { f + ( fc  f m )}
2 4
 Ac
   ( f  fc  fm )   ( f + fc  f m ) 
 Ac FT  Ac
cos 2 ( f c  f m )t    ( f  fc  f m )   ( f + fc  f m ) 
2 4
A  Ac
S ( f )  c   ( f  fc )   ( f  fc )    ( f  f c  f m )   ( f + f c  f m ) 
2 4
 Ac
  ( f  fc  f m )   ( f + fc  f m )
Single Tone Modulation

0   1
AM Signal
Ac  Am cos mt Amax  Ac  Am

Carrier Signal Modulating Signal

Amin  Ac  Am
 ( Ac  Am cos mt )
Amax  Amin
Amax  Amin
Transmission Bandwidth
The AM transmission bandwidth is defined as the
frequency range occupied between upper
sideband and lower sideband.
The AM transmission Band Width = USB – LSB =
( fc  f m )  ( fc  f m )  2 f m
which is the twice of the
message signal
frequency (or bandwidth).
AM for various Modulation Indices
Power Relations in AM
Pt  Pc  PLSB  PUSB
where Pt the total power,
Pc carrier power,
PUSB lower sideband power
higher sideband power
s (t )  Ac [1   cos 2 f mt ]cos 2 f ct
 Ac  Ac
 Ac cos 2 f ct  cos(  c )t  cos(  c )t
2 2
Carrier Signal
Power Relations in AM

If R = 1 ohm
Transmission Efficiency of AM
Carrier Power Vs Sideband Power
Ex2: In an AM transmission the carrier signal
5cos 2 (105 )t is modulated with a message signal
2 cos 2 (100)t
(a) What is the modulation index? (b) What are the
frequency components are available in AM signal?
(c) Determine the Carrier power, sideband power
and total power. (d) What is the efficiency of the
AM system?
(c) Determine the Carrier power, sideband power and
total power.

(d) What is the efficiency of the AM system?

Ex3: A 400W carrier is modulated to a depth of
75%. Calculate the total power in the modulated
wave. Also determine the total sideband power
Ex4: A broadcast radio transmitter radiates 10 KW,
when the modulation percentage is 60. Determine
the carrier, lower sideband, upper sideband and
total sideband power.
Current Calculations
Let I c be un-modulated current and It be the
total or modulated current of an AM transmitter
both being rms values. If R is the resistance,

Pt It2 R It2 2
 2  2  It  I c 1 
Pc I c R I c 2

Ex5: The antenna current of an AM transmitter is 8 A, when

only the carrier is sent, but increases to 8.93 A, when the
carrier is modulated by a single sine wave. Find the
percentage of modulation. Determine the antenna current
when the modulation index is 0.8.
Ans: (a) Given that the carrier current and total currents are

I c  8 A and It  8.93 A
The total current and carrier currents are related by
It  I c 1 
2    70.1% or 0.701
(b) For   0.80
It  I c 1   9.19 A
Given an Amplitude Modulated waveform as shown.

(a) Find the modulation index

(b) Find the expression of the modulated wave.
(c) Determine the total average power of the modulated signal, the
carrier power, the USB power and the LSB power (assume unit
(d) Determine the modulation efficiency.
Develop Matlab codes for the following problem
Case2: Multitone Modulation
Let a message signal consists of three sinusoidal
signals of different frequencies.
m(t )  A1 cos 2 f1t  A2 cos 2 f 2t  A3 cos 2 f 3t
s (t )  Ac [1  ka m(t )]cos 2 f ct
 Ac [1  1 cos 2 f1t  2 cos 2 f 2t  3 cos 2 f3t ]cos 2 f ct
 1 Ac 1 Ac 
 Ac cos 2 f c t   cos 2 ( f c  f1 )t  cos 2 ( f c  f1 )t  
 2 2 
 2 Ac 2 Ac 
 2 cos 2 ( f c  f 2 )t  cos 2 ( f c  f 2 
) t
 2 
 3 Ac 3 Ac 
 2 cos 2 ( f c  f3 )t  2 cos 2 ( fc  f3 )t 
 
Case2: Multitone Modulation
The frequency domain representation Multitone
modulation is expressed as
S ( f )    ( f  fc )   ( f  fc ) 
1 Ac
  ( f  fc  f1)   ( f  fc  f1)   ( f  fc  f1)   ( f  fc  f1)  

2 Ac
  ( f  fc  f 2 )   ( f  fc  f 2 )   ( f  fc  f 2 )   ( f  fc  f 2 )  

3 Ac
 ( f  fc  f3 )   ( f  fc  f3 )   ( f  fc  f3 )   ( f  fc  f 3 ) 
Case2: Multitone Modulation
Modulation Index for Multitone
modulating signal
• The total magnitude of several sinusoidal modulating
signals may be represented as
At  A12  A22  A32    
• By dividing by Aon both sides of the equation, we get

2 2 2
At  A1   A2   A3  2   2   2  
t    
  
      1 2 3
Ac A A
 c  c  c A
• For three sinusoidal signals
At  A12  A22  A32
t  12  22  32
Ex6: A certain transmitter radiates 9 KW power with the carrier
un-modulated and 10.125 KW, when the carrier is
simultaneously modulated. Calculate the modulation index. If
another sine wave corresponding to 40% modulation is
transmitted simultaneously, determine the resultant modulation
index and total radiated power.
Ex7: The antenna current of an AM broadcast
transmitter modulated to a depth of 40% by an audio
sine wave is 11 A. It increases to 12 A as a result of
simultaneous modulation by another audio sine wave.
What is the modulation index due to the second
Case3: Baseband Signal Modulation
Let a message signal m(t ) is band limited to ‘W’ Hz
Then AM signal is represented in time domain by
s (t )  Ac [1  k a m(t )]cos 2 f ct

Frequency domain representation of AM wave is

given by
S( f )    ( f  f c )   ( f  f c )
Ac k a
  M ( f  f c )  M ( f  f c )
AM (Baseband Signal)
Transmission Bandwidth = USB-LSB = 2W
Conditions for AM
1. The amplitude of ka m
is (always
t ) less than unity. That is
0   1
for all t.
If envelope distortion is introduced.
 1
2. The carrier frequency is much higher than that of
message frequency W ,
f c  W at
Otherwise envelope cannot be visualized satisfactorily
the receiver.

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