Lec7-Selection of Artificial Teeth

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Prosthodontics Stage 4 31/3/2019

Dr. Dana

Selection of
artificial teeth

3 Sheets
What are the objectives for tooth selection?

To construct denture that

1- function well efficient for mastication.
2- allow patient to speak normally.
3- esthetically pleasing.
4- will not abuse tissue over residual ridge.
5- should maintain the vertical dimension.
Two way for selection of teeth

pre extraction record -1 without pre extraction record -2

1- pre extraction record

Extracted tooth

Mounted cast

photograph radiograph
2- without pre extraction record

We do it
In 2 step

a- selection of 6 anterior teeth

b- selection of the posterior teeth

A- selection of six anterior teeth

• We have several point to be consider

• Size, form, colour,and material
• *size------------------(length and width)
• The determination of the length depend on
• 1- correctly oriented upper bite rim
• 2- high lip line
• Width of the anterior teeth depend on
• 1- corner of the mouth
• 2- ala of the nose
• 3- mathematical methood
• It should be in harmony with form of
• 1- the patient face
• 2- sex of the patient
* colour
• It depend on
• 1- age
• 2- sex
• 3- skin colour
• 4- eye colour
• 5- hair colour
• (acrylic or porcelain)
• Porcelain has colour stability also it resist wear, so we use it unless we have
• 1- insufficient inter arch space.
• 2- opposing teeth with gold restoration
b- selection of posterior teeth

• There are many factor

• 1- mesiodistal length of the posterior teeth
• 2- bucco-lingual width of posterior teeth
• 3- colour
• 4- occlusal form
• 5- material of the posterior teeth
Non anatomical teeth
• These teeth used in
• 1- patient not giving centeric relatiion
• 2- flat ridge
• 3- flabby tissue
• 4- sever CI II and CI III
Differences between acrylic and porcelain teeth

acrylic porcelain
not brittle but poor abrasion Brittle more resistance to abrasion

thermal expansion same as Much lower than acrylic causes

Acrylic denture base Stresses in acrylic denture base
esthetic very good Excellent
chemical bonding with denture mechanical bonding by pens or under
Base cut holes
can be ground and easily Difficult to grind and polished
transmit less forces to the Transmit more forces to the mucosa
No clicking on contact clicking occur on contact with opposing

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