Assessment Task Two Power Point

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Market Analysis Report


 Lead the category of vocational education and training

 Gain notoriety to establish and maintain high quality infrastructure supporting
clients and staff
 To be well led, high performing, profitable and accountable
 To develop our people and resources
The organization marketing has their decisions based on extensive and continuous
market research, targeting market segments and clients within industry. They include
offering attractive fee structures and improvement of the website. The business has
been performing adequately over the last years
Market Trends

Technological developments
The Technology has become an
integral part of Australian Education, it
is inside of all classes and types of
Now, Teachers need to develop new
skills and they should expect to see
changes in the ways they learn
throughout these new years to attend the
new generations.
Market Trends
Demographic trends
The Australian population are having receive
people around the world because of Education, this
is connected straight with the education and
workforces that the country is needing at the
moment. Part of this workforce is connected with
different age structures and sectors.
Economic Trends
The smaller universities are growing at a much slower pace than larger
universities. The Australian larger universities (top quartile for income in
2014) have grown by 5.5% p/a over the last 5 years (CAGR). Our smaller
universities (bottom quartile in 2014) have grown by 3% p/a over the same
Market Trends

Government regulations and legislation

The current law, have an Act directed to all regulations for schools with
VET a Training courses called: National Vocational Education and Training
Regulator Act 2011
Environmental trends
The good of this industry is have a good
environmental to explore, as a modern with a big
space for students, good location and easy access
to students and staff.

An analysis of the King Edward VII College data shows the following trends:
1. A lot of students came from around the world, the focus on Asia and South
America Countries is connected straight to the marketing that could have
potential to new enrolment. As the new public is coming overseas. Students
from China is the bigger number in the School.

2. The environment of KEVII is completely modern as indicate the trends and

have the perfect location close to metro station with easy access to all
students. It is very satisfied of all students.

3. The Staff is very happy and supportive for all students, this means not just
teachers as the administrative office part.

4. Don’t have any Australian students. This could be a problem to the college as
they do not work on Australian marketing or do not concentrate on this.
Should have a strategy around this.

5. The contain on the subjects are not enough.


Courses that should be included (connecting with the trends) are:

Cert. IV of Mental Health
Diploma of Mental Health
Cert. III of Cert. IV of Information Technology
Cert. IV of Information Technology
Diploma of Information Technology
Advanced Diploma of Information Technology
Diploma of Nursering
Diploma of Community Services
Diploma of Ageing Support
Diploma of Social Media Marketing

The courses offered are adequate for my needs 74% 82% 72%

The course content is challenging and satisfying 68% 72% 72%

In other way, the other parts of the

feedback are growing year by year and explore
a sensation of competitivity. Besides, is very
important study the competitors and understand
what is significant: What is the important on
the work market to supply what you need?
Knowledge and content.


PRODUCTS: Courses of technology, health and care, cookery, screen and media, creative and fashion, aviation and
maritime, tourism, hospitality, events, community services, automotive trades, hairdresser and beauty, fitness, animal and
agriculture environmental studies, finances etc.
OFFERS: Interstate Campus, Good Rates, Excellent feedbacks
COMMENTS: The variety of products on TAFE is very attractive for all the students overseas and potential customers,
besides they have one of the best feedbacks of country which is important to take a decision.

PRODUCTS: General English, Academic English, Academic Pathways, TESTS preparation.
OFFERS: Interstate Campus, Homestay, Free flights, Gym Membership
Comments: NAVITAS not just have quality of their product and they have a lot of marketing into the school, as the
partnership with the Anytime fitness and can get free flights for their students, which is very attractive for the marketing.

 Establishing a new campus in Brisbane and one in Adelaide (NEW CAMPUS)

 Offering online blended learning (ONLINE PLATFORMS)
 Providing face to face information sessions (PRESENTIAL SESSIONS)
 Continually improving the quality of service given to clients pre-enrolment, during course delivery
and through the provision of support services while remaining price competitive (QUALITY)
 Focusing on the provision of courses required by industry (NEW COURSES)
 Offering attractive fee structures to our clients (ATTRACTED ENVIROLMENT)
 Continually improving the skills, knowledge and effectiveness of King Edward VII College through
our commitment to training and development (NEW SYSTEM OF TEACHING)
 Regularly reviewing the effectiveness of all our operations and making improvements when and where
necessary. (IMPROVEMENT)

2019 Priorities Key performance indicators

July Improve web site information to attract more students 10% increase in students by June 2019
Improve market share by 5%
September Conduct annual internal audit Audit conducted, and continuous improvement
October Develop and implement a cultural sensitivity and All staff trained in cultural awareness
awareness program for staff
December Staff performance reviews All staff performance reviews conducted
January Provide information sessions showcasing the College Identify at least 50 potential sign ups
(existing campuses)
March Develop online learning for all courses All courses offered online by end 2019.
April Fit out new campus ready for intake in July. New campuses ready for operation
July Conduct annual internal audit Audit conducted, and continuous improvement
Increase student numbers by 12% by June 2020
November Staff performance reviews All staff performance reviews conducted
February Undertake scoping study for possible offshore campus Scoping study completed by June 20 and decision
made as to whether to proceed
July Conduct annual internal audit Audit conducted, and continuous improvement
Nov 20 Staff performance reviews All staff performance reviews conducted

Course 2018 2019 2020

Certificate IV in Bookkeeping and Accounting 84 120 160
Diploma of Accounting 38 55 85
Advanced Diploma of Accounting 22 40 65
Certificate III in Business Administration 96 150 180
Certificate IV in Business Administration 68 80 120
Diploma of Business 38 60 100
Certificate IV in Human Resources 0 - -
Diploma of Human Resource Management 12 - -
Certificate IV in Leadership and Management 32 60 100
Diploma of Leadership and Management 36 60 100
Certificate IV in Marketing and Communication 26 60 100
Diploma of Marketing and Communication 19 50 90
Certificate IV in Project Management 12 - -
Diploma of Project Management 0 - -
Cert. Screen and Media - 80 120
Diploma Social Media Marketing - 80 120
Total 485 895 1340

Sales 2019 2020 2021

Income from courses $2.640.000 $5.088.000 $7.500.000
Net Sales $2.640.000 $5.088.000 $7.500.000
Electricity and gas $7.260 $11.620 $15.000
Internet $2.660 $4.260 $6.000
Office supplies $3.190 $5.100 $7.000
Rent $440.000 $704.000 $1.000.000
Stationary $2.860 $4.580 $6.000
Wages and salaries $880.000 $1.408.000 $1.600.000
Superannuation $83.600 $133.760 $155.830
Travel and accommodation $6.770 $10.830 $12.000
Water $6.410 $10.260 $13.000
Work cover insurance $4.840 $7.740 $9.000
TOTAL EXPENSES $1.437.590 $2.300.150 $2.823.830
Profit or Loss before Tax $1.202.410 $2.787.850 $4.676.170

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