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Hydroquinone Effect on Mus Musculus Mouse Lung Fibroblast Cells and p53 Expression

Viktoria Farian and Hannah Judy

Division of Natural and Health Sciences, Seton Hill University, Greensburg, PA
The 158 chemicals found in cigarettes smoke can cause toxicity to an A B

individual's cells when the smoke is inhaled (Fowles & Dybing, 2003).
These chemicals mostly affect the lung cells due to the inhalation of
toxins. The cells that are being examined in this research are normal
Mus musculus mouse lung fibroblast, acquired from ATCC. These
Figure 5: SDS-PAGE: Protein Electrophoresis and Western Blotting with p53 expression results from Mus
cells were treated with a chosen chemical from a cigarette. The musculus mouse lung fibroblast cells treated with hydroquinone concentrations. Phospho-p53 was used for
chemical used in this study is hydroquinone. This chemical is the protein expression marker. The band present in the 3rd lane indicates that the lowest dose 20 µM exhibit
p53 expression. No expression results were present for doses 40 µM and 50µM. As the dose concentrations of
hazardous, as it is highly suspected to be carcinogenic and toxic to Figure 1: A. Hydroquinone chemical structure (Hydroquinone n.d.) B. p53 protein structure (PDB101) hydroquinone increased,  p53 expression decreased. The smear at the bottom right of the image cannot be
confirmed actin. Thus, no actin was presented on this blot. The gel was treated with a rabbit anti goat
several organs (Hydroquinone n.d.). To observe the levels of gene primary antibody and a goat anti rabbit secondary antibody.   

expression, a protein of interest was chosen to be p53. When DNA is Results: Conclusions:
damaged, the cell will attempt to repair the DNA or activate • Our hypothesis was rejected due to the increase in
A Average Percent Survival [Hydroquinone] Average Percent Attachment [Hyroquinone]
apoptosis, which is regulated by the p53 protein (Alberts, et al 2014). 120
hydroquinone dose concentrations causing a decrease in the
When the cell undergoes stress, p53 expression levels are increased 100
p53 protein expression (Figures 4a-b).
• Percent survival and percent attachment results indicate that

(Gibbons, Byers, Kurie 2014). Hydroquinone is known to cause stress

Percent Attachment (%)

Percent Survival (%)
upon the cell which will increase the need for p53 expression
80 80
as the concentrations of hydroquinone doses increase, the
(Levine, A.J., 2001). We will be using cell culture to grow and treat 60 60 percent survival and percent attachment of the cells decrease
(Figure 2a-b). This suggests that the chemical was toxic to the
the normal Mus musculus mouse lung fibroblast cells with different 40 40

doses of hydroquinone. Our hypothesis is that the treatment of 20 20
• The SDS-PAGE, protein electrophoresis and western blotting
normal Mus musculus mouse lung fibroblast cells with various doses 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 results showed that p53 was expressed at the lowest dose, 20
of hydroquinone will decrease cell survival and increase the [Hydroquinone] (µM) [Hydroquinone] (µM) µM. There was no expression results shown for 40 µM and 50
expression of p53. Figure 2: Average Percent Survival of the Cells following exposure to Hydroquinone. µM (Figure 5). The multiple bands that appeared may have
Three trials were completed for the control, while only two doses were performed for the 20µM, 40µM, and
been due to the presence of the phospho-p53 antibody. Lack
Methods: 50µM concentrations. A. A high percent survival rate was shown for the control, but as the doses of
hydroquinone increased, a decrease trend in percent survival was observed based on the line of best fit. The of protein expression could have resulted from the loss of cells
Cell Culture: Mus musculus mouse lung fibroblast cells were passaged in order to standard error was only able to be taken for the three control trials and was shown to be small. The standard
transfer the cells to new plates to avoid overcrowding and contact inhibition, with the deviation of the two trials of the concentrations of 20µM, and 50µM were also recognized as a small error. The during the scraping of the plates.     
use of standard aseptic tissue culture technique. The cells were placed in a 5% CO 2
40µM had a large standard deviation. B. The high percent attachment was observed for the control, but as the
doses of hydroquinone increased, a major decreasing trend was displayed by the line of best fit. The standard
• The results from the qRT-PCR were expected to indicate an
incubator at 37°C
error for the three trials of the control was minimal. The standard deviation of the two trials of 20µM and increase in p53 expression as the doses increased in
40µM concentrations showed a small standard deviation, while the 50µM concentration should a large
Dosing: The cells were dosed with concentrations of 2.0µM hydroquinone in order to standard deviation. concentration. The results revealed that only the 20 µM dose
observe the chemical effect occurring on the cells at various concentrations. had a 2X fold increase relative to control while the 40 µM had
Cytotoxicity Assay: no change and the 50 µM decreased (Figure 4a-b). These
Qualitative: The cells were counted in a hemocytometer to calculate the amount of results could have been due to the cells resorting to necrosis
cells per milliliter of solution. Trypan blue was used to aid in determining cell instead of apoptosis in the higher levels of hydroquinone.         
survival. Future Studies:
Quantitative: The cells were seeded in the chamber wells, dosed with • A future study could be conducted to determine if hydroquinone
concentrations of hydroquinone, and incubated at 37°C. The cells were stained reacts with other chemicals within a cigarette to cause the same
with EthD1 and Calcein AM, incubated for 30 min at 37°C, and observed under a cell survival rate, or if it would cause a greater increase or
fluorescent microscope. decrease in cell survival. This could a help conclude the cell
qRT-PCR: The mRNA was isolated by centrifugation and lysing of the cells. The cells toxicity variance levels that hydroquinone has on its own versus
were incubated at room temperature, and a stop solution was added to the cells. The Figure 3. Cytotoxicity Assay of Mus musculus mouse lung fibroblast cells treated with 0 µM, 20 µM, and 40 µM
when it reacts with other chemical (Peters, Jones, Monks, & Lau,
of hydroquinone and observed under fluorescent microscopy. The cells were stained with Ethidium
cells were incubated again at room temperature before being placed in a fridge at 4°C. Homodimer-1 (Fig. D, E, F) and Calcein AM (Fig. A, B ,C) and viewed under 100x magnification. The cells were 1997).
cDNA was created and added to each of the master mixes, GAPDH master mix and dosed 24 hrs and incubated at 37°C prior to observations under a fluorescent microscope. In figures A and D, the
• Same experiment could be repeated to determine statistical
cells were treated with 0µM concentration of 2.0mM of hydroquinone. In figures B and E, the cells were dosed
p53 master mix, to obtain the specific concentration levels. The cDNA , master mix with 20µM concentration of hydroquinone. In figures C and F, the cells were treated with 40µM concentration of significance on the effect of hydroquinone treated normal Mus
concentration solutions were centrifuged and analyzed with a qRT-PCR to determine hydroquinone. As the dose concentrations of hydroquinone increased, the percent of cell survival was shown to
decrease when compared to the corresponding cytotoxicity assay concentration. musculus mouse lung fibroblast cells and p53 expression
the levels of p53 expression.
• Hydroquinone effect on different proteins to observe if
SDS-PAGE : Protein Electrophoresis and Western Blotting: Concentration levels of Hydroquinone and the
A B Concentration of Hydroquinone and Corresponding hydroquinone has this same toxic effect on other proteins
The proteins were isolated with the use of a lysis solution and centrifuged to obtain a Corresponding p53 Protein Expression Fold Increase/Decrease of p53
(Enguita & Leitão, 2013).
supernatant for each concentration. Half of the supernatant for each concentration
Please use this font and style 2.5

• Due to the great amount of floating cells that were observed on

was transferred to new microcentrifuge tubes and boiled for 4 min. All the 2
the plates after dosing with the concentrations of hydroquinone,
Fold Increase/Decrease (X)

microcentrifuge tubes were placed in a freezer box. Protein electrophoresis was

conducted using a gel, membrane, and filter papers in a cassette. After the
further studies could be performed to determine p53
electrophoresis, the membrane was placed in a blocking solution and situated on a 1 underwent apoptosis or necrosis (Yeung, 1998).
rocker. The membrane was cut at the band marker; the bottom half was placed in a 0.5

Maybe for hereactin,
can haveblocking
a figuresolution and to
that has a rabbit
do with antiyour
goat primary 0 References:
0 20 40 50

antibody, and the top half was placed in a solution for p53 that contained a blocking • Alberts, Bray, Hopkin, Johnson, Lewis, Raff, Robers, and Walter. (2014). Essential Cell

solution and a goat anti rabbit secondary antibody. (The gel was created prior to
Concentration of Hydroquinone (µM) Biology (Fourth). New York, New York: Garland Science.
• Fowles, J., & Dybing. (2003, December 01). Application of toxicological risk assessment principles to the chemical constituents of cigarette smoke. Retrieved March
28, 2019, from
Figure 4: qRT-PCR Amplification Plot of protein p53 expression with hydroquinone treated Mus musculus mouse • Gibbons, D. L., Byers, L. A., & Kurie, J. M. (2014). Smoking, p53 mutation, and lung
experimentation). lung fibroblast cells. The qRT-PCR amplification plot displays a CT threshold value for the p53 expression (bright cancer. Molecular cancer research : MCR, 12(1), 3-13.
• Hydroquinone. (n.d.). Retrieved from
blue horizontal line). The qRT-PCR amplification plot was normalized to the GAPDH master mix. A. The red line
displays a 0µM (control) concentration of hydroquinone, the blue line displays the 20µM concentration, the green • Levine, A. J. (2001, April 11). P53, the Cellular Gatekeeper for Growth and Division.
Retrieved from
line displays the 40µM concentration, and the pink line displays the 50µM concentration. B. The fold increase and • PDB101: Molecule of the Month: P53 Tumor Suppressor. (n.d.). Retrieved April 26, 2019, from
decrease were displayed in a bar graph to represent the protein expression for the increasing concentrations of • Yeung, M. C. (1998, September 25). Michael C. Yeung. Retrieved from
• Enguita, F. J., & Leitão, A. L. (2013). Hydroquinone: Environmental pollution, toxicity, and microbial answers. Retrieved April 26, 2019, from
hydroquinone. With comparison to the control, the fold increased for the 20µM concentration by 2.14X. Minimal
change in fold was calculated at the 40µM concentration (1.07X). The fold decreased for the 50µM concentration • Peters, M. M., Jones, T. W., Monks, T. J., & Lau, S. S. (1997). Cytotoxicity and cell-proliferation induced by the nephrocarcinogen hydroquinone and its nephrotoxic
metabolite 2,3,5-(tris-glutathion-S-yl)hydroquinone. Carcinogenesis,18(12), 2393-2401. Retrieved April 26, 2019
by 0.307X.

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