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Let’s have

a game!
What is always coming, but
never arrives?
What can be broken, but is
never held?
What is it that if you have,
you want to share me, and if
you share, you do not have?
How was it possible that
every single person in an
airplane crash died, but two
people survived?
- The two survivors were
What is it that goes up, but
never comes down?
Some months have 31 days,
others have 30 days, but
how many have 28 days?
-All the months have 28
Concept Paper

An abstract idea; A general notion
Concept Paper
As an extended definition

○ An explanation of an idea or concept

(extended definition)
Concept Paper ○ An outline of a project proposal
○ An in-depth analysis of any idea, situation,
or practice
○ Explains the ‘what-ness’ or nature of
○ It is written to inform and persuade.

Definition Paper Project Proposal

○ Targets the explanation (Concept Paper)
of an idea, theory, ○ Seeks to present an idea
practice, or principal for consideration by
per se others, possibly for
○ informs a target funding or support
audience ○ Entails persuasive intent
○ Uses rhetorical ○ Goes beyond the
techniques to examine definition to implement
the nature of or get support

Rhetorical Strategies
Extends a definition
Example ○ Strategy especially used in defining
abstract terms
○ Ex. To clarify the meaning of integrity, you
can give examples of behaviors and
situations that demonstrate it

○ When terms are unfamiliar or not popular

Comparison & with audience
Contrast ○ Ex. The concept of imperialism, may be
unfamiliar and difficult to explain, but if it
were used in a parallel situation of a
landowner being driven out of his land and
an intruder attempting to steal the
property from the owner, it would be
more understandable.

○ Physically describe something by giving its

Giving Details dimensions (shape, size, color, texture),
parts and functions
○ Nonphysical description by giving
characteristics to define something
○ Ex. To define ‘malicious’ intent, you can
use synonyms like malevolent and spiteful.

Giving Historical ○ Useful when concept’s definition has gone

Background through changes in time
○ Do research to improve the content of
your definition
○ Ex. Femininity’s definition has changed
given the socio-cultural changes that
every community goes through.

○ Discussing the idea’s components and/or

Analysis its implications (far-reaching consequences
of a concept)
○ Ex. Globalization can be defined through
its consequences: the homogenization of
cultures as a result of frequent exchanges
and interaction between and among
countries becoming very easy.

Styles in Defining
Formal or Informal, Technical
or Popular
○ Genus et Differentia (defined by first giving its class
Styles in Defining then discussion of the characteristics that make the
term different from other related terms)
- Ex. Sole proprietorship is a business (class) that is
owned and operated by one person (distinguishing
◦ Uses research-based information
○ Definition based on a person’s personal views
Technical Popular
○ Uses technical language or ○ Uses layman’s language
Styles in Defining specialized vocabulary of a field
○ Ex. A set is a group of things
○ A formal definition that belong together. Often
the group members can be
○ Ex. A set is a group whose
subdivided into subgroups.
members are called elements For example, a family is a
of the set. A member of a set is group of people who are
said to belong to the set. If one related by blood. One
set contains every elements of subgroup of the family is the
another set, then the second parents; another subgroup is
set is a subset of the first. the children.

○ A general statement that defines the term,
followed by sentences that develop and
Deductive Order detail the general statement
○ Followed by formal definition
○ Ex. Effective leadership is characterized by
a balance between gentleness and
firmness… (examples of situations that
illustrate that balance can be presented in
the succeeding sentences).

(Creative ○ Saying what it is not, then saying what it
Writing) is.
○ Ex. Love is not selfish and does not seek
harm. It is other-person centered and
seeks happiness and protection of the

○ For topics whose definition has changed

Chronological through time
○ Ex. During the Middle Ages, beauty was
defined as _________. In the Renaissance
Period, beauty was _________. In the early
19th century, beauty meant _________.
Today, beauty is a multi-faceted concept: it
can be physical, moral or economic.

Language Points
○ The present tense is usually used when
Language Points defining a term, with the past tense often
reserved for tracing the historical
development of the concept.
○ Use of indefinite article in the 1st part of
the definition (A, An, The)
○ Use of restrictive relative clause in the 2nd
part of the definition.

Restrictive Relative Clause:

○ Relative pronoun + verb + prepositional
Language Points phrase(s)
Helium is a gas which consists of two protons,
two neutrons, and two electrons
○ Relative pronoun + verb to be +
prepositional phrase(s)
Enamel is a hard, white inorganic material that
is on the crown of a tooth.

Restrictive Relative Clause:

○ Passive verb + additional information
Language Points A theater is a building specifically designed for
dramatic performances.
○ Relative pronoun + adjective ending in
-ble + additional information
A robot is a multiprogrammable device that is
capable of performing the work of a human.


Creative thinking inspires

ideas. Ideas inspire change.


Answer Enrichment 1 in page 57


Any questions?
By: Subong, Solamo, Egot, Baguna, Agus

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