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Life Saving


Compiled By Capt. Amol Athalye

Life Saving Appliances on a Cargo Ship
A Cargo ship is provided with :
• Sufficient number of lifeboats on each side of the ship so as to
accommodate 100% complement on board.
• These lifeboats should be of totally enclosed type. However, self
righting partially enclosed type lifeboats may be permitted if the
ship remains in warm climate.
• Additionally life rafts - capable of being launched on either side and
of such aggregate capacity as will accommodate the full
complement. If the
life rafts cannot be readily transferred then, life rafts placed on each
side accommodating 100% of the ship’s complement.
• All Life Saving appliances shall be of highly visible color and fitted
with retro reflective tapes.
• Date of Expiry should be clearly marked on all equipment.
• Float Free Launching : The method of launching a survival
craft automatically from a sinking ship and is ready for use.
• Free Fall Lifeboat : The Boat with its complement of
persons and equipment on board is released and allowed to
fall in to sea without any restraining apparatus
• Launching Appliance : A means of releasing a survival craft
from its stowed position safely to the water.
• Rescue Boat (rigid or inflatable)
• The Boat designed to rescue persons in distress and
marshal survival craft.
• It should be capable of carrying five seated and one lying
person and of running at speed 6 knots for a period of at
least 4 hours.
• Survival Craft : A Craft capable of sustaining the lives of
persons in distress from the time of abandoning the ship.
A ship is provided with sufficient number of fully
enclosed life boats on each side of the ship to
accommodate all the persons on board.

A Partially enclosed boats may be permitted if the

ship remains in warm climate.

 These boats are stowed on davits and provided

with system of quick launching in emergency.
• Sufficient number of life rafts are provided to the
ships and stowed on upper deck for quick

• All Life rafts are stowed with the painter

permanently attached to the ship and with a float
free arrangements

• Float Free Launching arrangement automatically

releases the lashing of a life raft when the ship
sinks and inflates the raft.
LSA: Life - Buoy
 A minimum number of lifebuoys depending on the size of ship
is provided to all the ships and stowed on upper deck
 8 for ships under 100 m length
 10 for ships of 100 meters and above but below 150 meters
in length.
 12 For ships of 150 meters and above but below 200 meters.
 14 For ships of 200 meters and above in length
 Evenly distributed through out the length of the ship.
 Not less than half are provided with self ignited lights.
 At least one lifebuoys on each side is fitted with a buoyant
line of 30 meters length without lights or smoke marker.
 At least two are provided with self activated smoke signals
kept on the bridge for immediate release
LSA: Life Buoy - Details
Outer diameter not more than 800 mm and inner
diameter not less than 400 mm
Made of inherently buoyant and non inflammable
Inflatable lifebuoys are not permitted
Should support at least 14.5 kg of iron in fresh water
for 24 hrs.
Weight not less than 2.5 kg . But 4 Kg if attached to SI
light or smoke signal. Weight not more than 6 Kg
Should be marked in English with name of ship and
port of registry
Lifebuoys Details
Should have a grab line of 9.5 mm diameter and 4
times the diameter in secured equidistantly to form
four loops. These loops should never be tied together.

Self Igniting lights should show for at least for 2 hours

a fixed light or 50 to 70 flashes per min.

 Self activated smoke signals should emit highly

visible smoke( orange ) at a uniform rate without flame
for at least 15 minutes.

Buoyant life lines should be at least 8 mm diameter,

non kinking and 5 KN breaking strength.
How to Donn (wear) a Lifebuoy

• Press down on its rim closer to you

• Lifebuoy will topple over your head

• Rest your armpits over the buoy and allow

the head to get inside the life buoy. (That
is why the loops should not be tied
Lifebuoys with marker
 The marker is mounted in such a position in
the ship that it can be released from its
stowage to fall unobstructed in to the sea.
 The markers are sited on both bridge wings
and on both sides in the after part of the

 The purpose of this marker is to give a

seamark by day or night for a man
overboard casualty.
 When activated , the marker gives off a
dense orange-colored smoke for about 15
minutes. and shows two white lights for a
minimum of two hours thus having day and
night location facility.
 The marker is also attached with a life buoy
with 4 meters rope for casualty to catch
hold of this lifebuoy and survive till the time
other rescue arrangements are made.
 SART : ( Search and Rescue Transponder) . One on each side of the
ship. It can indicate its location to the rescue ships and aircraft by a
series of equally spaced dots on their radar screen. These shall be so
stowed that they can be readily placed in any survival craft.
 ROCKET PARACHUTE DISTRESS FLARES : Not less than 12 are kept
on the bridge. When fired vertically up , it reaches an altitude of 300
meters and releases a red flare which burns for at least 40 seconds.
 EMBARKATION LADDER : Long enough to reach water level when the
ship is at her lightest draft and heaviest trim and listed 20 degree either
way condition. Minimum one ladder must be provided on each side of
the ship.
 EMERGENCY ALARM SYSTEM : For sounding the general emergency
alarm signal( seven or more short blasts followed by one long blast)
from the bridge or any other strategic points is fitted in
accommodation and crews working places.
communication between bridge and emergency control station, muster
and embarkation station and other important positions on board.
 LIFEJACKET : A lifejacket for every person on board + 10% extra
including Child life jackets. Additional life jackets are carried for
persons on watch and for use at remotely located survival craft
 IMMERSION SUIT : At the rate of at least three for each lifeboat.
Thermal Protective aids are provided for persons onboard without
Immersion suits.
 LINE THROWING APPLIANCE : Consisting of at least 4 projectiles
and 4 lines of 2 ton breaking strength capable of carrying the line
at least 230mtrs in calm weather.
between ship and rescue boat /survival crafts. Capable of
operating for 4 hours.
 ONE BUOYANT EPIRB : So stowed that it can be easily placed in
any survival craft.
 ONE FLOAT FREE EPIRB : Which automatically get released from
sinking ship and starts transmitting distress signal
Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon
 The EPIRB is provided to all the vessels
to alert search and rescue services in the
event of an emergency and to guide them
to the position.

 It is installed on upper deck.

 It is designed to transmit a coded

message on distress frequency .

 The message is relayed via satellite to

nearest Rescue Coordination Centre

 After receiving the distress message

from EPIRB the satellite can determine
your ship particulars and position of ship
and pass on to concerned authorities.
 All ships must carry at least two SART.

 The principal use of the set is to help rescue

services quickly locate the ships position.
When activated in a distress situation, the
SART responds to radar interrogation by
transmitting a signal which generates 12 blips
on the radar and turns into concentric circles
as the range between the two reduces

 It is a Radar transponder , which will operate

with most maritime radars.

 The working range is 40 miles from Air craft

and 5 miles from ship. When it transmits a
line of dots seen on the Radar display .

 Standby for 96 hours and transponder

response for 8 hours continuously.
Signal Display on 3cm Radar Screen
 The principle use of these
sets are to provide a means
of communication with
other rafts and to liaise with
rescue services as they

 They are also used to

transmit MAY DAY, monitor
channel 16 for rescue
activities and during man
overboard recovery.

 As the batteries have a

maximum life of 12 Hours it
must be used sparingly.

 Made of non inflammable material

 Can be worn within 1 minute
 Can not be worn incorrectly
 It turns the body of an unconscious man around on
his back at an angle of 20 to 50 degrees from vertical
and keeps his face at least 12 cm clear of water
 Comfortable to wear
 Allow the wearer to jump in to water from at least 4.5
meter height without injury
 Allow him to swim a short distance and board a
survival craft
 It is impossible to wear a life jacket while in water. So
always put it on before you get into water
 It also acts as a warm clothing in preventing loss of body
 Inflatable life jackets must have two compartments and
inflate automatically on immersion. In addition, they should
be capable of being inflated by a single manual motion and
also by mouth.
 Every life jacket is fitted with a plastic whistle for attracting
 Also fitted with a fixed or flashing light which burns for at
least 8 hours
 Flashing rate is at least 50 flashes per minute.
 As far as possible avoid jumping in to the water
 Try to board the survival craft by ladder, ropes etc.
 Life boats are boarded from embarkation deck.
 If it becomes necessary to jump -
 Do so from height of less than 6 meters
 Tapes of the life jacket should be tight to avoid injury
 Make sure there are no obstructions in the way
 Do not jump in to a boat or on the canopy of a life raft
 Look parallel to the horizon, hold down life jacket by
one hand and block your nose and mouth by the other
hand, keep your feet together and jump feet first.
Anti Exposure Suit
Anti Exposure Suit
Anti Exposure Suit : A Protective suit designed for use by
rescue boat crew and marine evacuation party.
 Has a lateral field of vision of 120 degrees
 It shall not sustain burning or continue to melt after being
totally enveloped in a fire for a period of 2 seconds
 Normal work must be able to be carried out upon wearing
 The wearer should be capable of climbing up and down a
vertical ladder of at least 5 meter in length
 The wearer should be able to swim through water for at
least 25 meters and board a survival craft
 The wearer of the suit, with or without the lifejacket shall
be able to turn from a face down position to a face up
position in not more than 5 seconds
Anti Exposure Suit

 Non flammable and water proof material and reduce

chances of heat stress during rescue/evacuation
 International ORANGE in color which is highly visible
 The suit should be unpacked and donned within 2
minutes without any external help or assistance
 Cover entire body except face and hands
 Pocket for VHF set
 Also fitted with light and whistle
 Do not allow the body temp to fall at a rate of more
than 1.5 deg per hour when in water of temp 5 deg C
for half an hour
Immersion Suit
Immersion Suit
Immersion Suit : A protective suit which reduces the body heat
loss of a person wearing it in cold water.
Non flammable water proof material, will not burn or continue
melting after being totally enveloped in fire for period of 2 s.
Immersion Suits may be of the kinds that are Insulated, Un-
insulated, wearable with life jacket (all should have sufficient
The wearer should be capable of climbing up and down a
vertical ladder of at least 5 meter in length & jump from a height
of not < 4.5m.
The wearer must be able to swim a short distance
Does not allow the body temperature to fall more than 2 deg C
when a man is in water of 5 deg C for one hour in case of non
insulating material Or 6 hours for waters of 0 deg temp in case
of insulating material
Immersion Suit

 Cover the entire body except face and can be worn in 2

minutes without any assistance.
 If a lifejacket is required along with the immersion suit, then it
should be worn over the immersion suit and without
 An immersion suit which has buoyancy & designed to be worn
w/o a life jacket shall be fitted with a light – white flashing : 50
– 70 flashes/min, luminous intensity 0.75 cd, for a period of
 Internationally RED in color which is highly visible. Note that
most other LSA equipment are bright ORANGE
 Note- Immersion suits and TPAs are not provided if the life
boats are totally enclosed or partially enclosed type or if the
ship plies in warm climate.
Thermal protective Aids (TPA)
Thermal Protective Aid (TPA) : A bag or suit
made of waterproof material with low thermal

 Water proof insulating material

 Made of non flammable material

 International ORNAGE in color that is highly


 The TPA shall reduce the convective and

evaporative heat loss from the wearer’s body
 Worn over the life jacket

 Cover whole body except face

 Thermal Insulation to body in temp from
Minus 30 degree C to + 20 degree C
Line Throwing Appliance
Purpose - Passing a line to a ship at a distance for rigging to
rescue the crew of a stranded ship or for passing a towing line to
a disabled ship.
• Consists of a projectile and a line of 2 ton breaking strength
capable of carrying the line at least 230 meters in calm weather.
• Powered by a Rocket Projectile attached to a long line which can
run out freely
• Either a rocket or compressed air used to eject and propel the
• Compressed air system is preferred for use on tankers/ gas
• A rocket attached to a wire tail is neatly packed inside a
cylindrical yellow container
• On firing, first the rocket and then the line run out freely without
• Container has a handle on top which is fitted with a trigger and a
safety catch
Line Throwing Appliance
Line Throwing Appliance…contd.
An arrow is marked on the handle to show the side where the
rocket is going to come out from
Side of the container has a transparent plastic cover
 Operation of LTA
Remove the cover
Take out the free end of the line which has a loop
Make fast the loop to the end of a heavy hawser
Catch the handle near the arrow with the left hand
Remove the safety catch and place the index index finger of
right hand on the trigger
Point the arrow a little to leeward of direction in which you wish
to throw the line and pull the trigger
Rocket tends to go to windward due to effect of wind on the
trailing line
Thank You

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