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1 Jordan University of Science and Technology

Faculty of Graduate Studies

Mechanical Engineering Department
Renewable energy systems

Design of Onshore wind farm

Group members:-
Wafaa Sultan
Lujain Al Hazaimeh
Haneen Abu Hammam
Ammar Adnan
Islam Abu Awad

Ghassan Tashtoush

 Project description
 Wind Site Information
 Performance Matching
 Design layout of The Wind Farm
 Simulation Using SAM
 Economic Analysis
3 Project description
The main objective of this project is to design an onshore wind farm in Tafila, Jordan with
a total capacity of 6MW connected to the grid.

Design steps:

1) Select a suitable site with strong wind spectra distribution to install the wind farm.

2) Apply a performance matching to select the best wind turbine for the site.

3) Design the wind farm layout.

4) Simulate the model through SAM software.

4 Wind Site Information
  The wind farm is in Tafila governmental land with a total area of 10,467 km².
 A one year wind speed data with 10 minutes duration and a wind direction of
north-western, taken at a height of 50m.

 The scale factor (c) and the shape factor (k) has been found using Weibull

 Scale factor (C): Describe wind strength

 Shape factor (K): Describe wind distribution

Wind Site Information
Using the previous equations:
Mean velocity ) (m/s) Standard Deviation ( Shape Factor (K) Scale factor (c) (m/s)

7.285 3.995 1.924 8.220

Using Engineering Equation Solver program (EES):

Velocity contributing to the max energy ((m/s) energy density ()(KWh) annual energy density

12 478.1 4.18*10⁶

*The equations used for the following calculations are available in the appendix.
6 Performance Matching
 To identify the best wind turbine to be installed in the selected location according to
1. Total energy production (ET) of the turbine.
2. capacity factor (CF): reflects how effectively the turbine could harness the energy
available in the wind spectra.

 Six different wind turbines have been selected from Sam library according to:
Rated velocity of the turbine should be close to the maximum velocity contributing to the
maximum energy.
Rotor diameter Rated velocity Output power Turbine Turbine
(m) (m/s) (KW) name .No
28 11 200 Electriawind Garbi 1

27 15 225 vestas v27-225 2

30 13 250 wind energy solutions 3


30 14 275 vergent GEV MP C 4

33.4 13 330 Enercon E33 5

52 10 500 EWT Directwind 52 6

8 Performance Matching

  =12 turbine
9 EWT Directwind 52 500KW turbine power curve

Rated power

Cut-in speed

Rated speed

Cut-out speed
10 Design layout of Wind Farm

1) Determine of the total number of Rows.

Design layout of Wind Farm
2)11Determine spacing distances between turbine.
Design layout of Wind Farm
123) Determine the orientation of the wind farm.

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15 Economic Analysis
Cost Analysis of Wind Farm system
Total load
load of
of the
the system
system 6MW
Annual energy production 18.396GWh per year
Annual energy production 18.396GWh per year
Capacity factor for wind farm 0.35
Capacityof Turbines
factor for wind farm 12
Turbine Rated power 500KW
Number of Turbines 12
Expected Life time 20 years
Turbine Rated power
Price of electricity per KWh 500KW
0.12 $/KWh
Expected Lifeturbine
Price of wind time and Installation 20 years
per KW
Price of electricity per KWh 0.12 $/KWh
Payback Period (n)
Price of wind turbine and Installation $1500/KW
per KW
Payback Period (n)
16 Appendix

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