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Evolution of the NSTP

In keeping with the concept of national service, the

1987 Philippine constitution enshrined in its
Declaration of Principles that the Filipinos are duty-
bound to protect the country and, as such, they may be
subjected to undergo service programs.

Legal basis:
The Philippine Constitution
National Defense Act
National Service Law
R.A 7077 The CAFP Reservist Law
R.A 9163 NSTP Act of 2001
Prime duty of the Government
 The prime duty of the Government is to serve
and protect the people. the government may
call upon the people to defend the state, and in
fulfillment thereof, all citizens may be required ,
under conditions provided by law, to render
personal military or civil service. (legal basis-
The Phil. Consti. Art.II Sec 4)
The role of the Youth

 The state recognizes the vital role of the youth in nation-

building and shall promote and protect their physical,
moral, spiritual, intellectual, and social well-being.
 It
shall inculcate in the youth patriotism and
nationalism , and encourage their involvement in public
and civic affairs
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
 What is the NSTP Law – is a program aimed at enhancing civic
consciousness and defense preparedness in the youth by
developing the ethics of service and patriotism.

 What are the Program Components of NSTP

 Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC)- renders military training and
mobilize them for national defense preparedness
 Literacy Training Service (LTS) – train the students to teach literacy
and numeracy skills to school children, out of school youth and other
segments of society in need of their services.
 Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS)- refers to activities contributory
to the general welfare and betterment of life for members of the
community or the enhancement of its facilities, especially those
developed to improving health, education, environment,
entrepreneurship, safety, recreation and moral of the citizenry and
other social welfare services.
 Civic welfare activities//community service
Who shall take the NSTP
 All incoming freshmen students enrolled in tertiary and vocational courses

How shall take the NSTP be taken up?

 Each of the NSTP components shall be undertaken for an academic period of
(2) semesters and credited for three (3)units per semester with 54 to 90
training hours per semester.

Will a student who has completed all the academic requirements

of his course except ROTC or CWTS be allowed to graduate?

 No, provided he is a certified candidate by the school on or before the

effectivity of the NSTP which is March 23, 2002.
What if the NSTP cannot be taken up
during the regular semester?
 A one (1) summer program in lieu of the two (2)
semester-program may be designed, formulated
and adopted by DND, CHED and TESDA subject
to the capability of the school and the AFP to
handle the same
What if the NSTP program component chosen
by a student is not offered in his/her school?

 Schools that do not meet required number of students in

order to conduct a program component or do not offer the
component chosen by their students shall allow them to
cross-enroll to other schools irrespective of whether that
school is under CHED or TESDA and for ROTC, whether
they are managed by different AFP branches of service.
What will become of NSTP Graduates?
 Graduates of non CWTS/LTS shall belong to the National Sercice Reserve
Corps (NSRC) that could be tapped by the State for literacy and civic welfare
 ROTC graduates shall form part of the AFP Citizen Armed Force subject to
DND requirements.

Importance of NSTP
 The program will enable the students to learn the spirit of community service
and volunteerism, develops them how to become a good and responsible
citizen of our country and to become a good leader and builders of our nation
in the future.
 A requirement for graduation.
The Primary Objective of NSTP
- is to highlight the role of the youth in building a strong
Republic, invoking gender equality and development through
the inclusion of female students in national service training.
As such, it aims to develop the youth to become civic or
military leaders and volunteers through a modified, re-
structured and reinforced training package whom could be
called upon by the nation in cases their services are needed
and in the event of disasters or emergencies.

The NSTP as a form of citizenship training affords its

student-trainees the opportunity to demonstrate
practical and functional knowledge as well as life
skills, especially problem-solving in daily life, that the
Program offers to them in the course of training.
“Citizenship consist in the service of the country”
-J. nehru
 Reference: understanding the national Service Training Program a Modular Worktext for NSTP 1 by F.
Labuguen, et. al

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