Antennas: - Hertzian Dipole

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• Hertzian Dipole
– Current Density
– Vector Magnetic Potential
– Electric and Magnetic Fields
– Antenna Characteristics
Hertzian Dipole
Step 1: Current Density
Let us consider a short line of current placed along
the z-axis.
i(t)  I o cos  t   
Where the phasor I o  I s e
The stored charge at the ends resembles an electric
dipole, and the short line of oscillating current is then
referred to as a Hertzian Dipole.

The current density at the origin seen by the

observation point is
J ds  e  j  Rdo a z
A differential volume of this current element is

dvd  Sdz
 j  Rdo
J ds dvd  I s e dza z
Hertzian Dipole
Step 2: Vector Magnetic Potential
The vector magnetic potential equation is
I s dza z e  j  R
l 2
 do

A os  o
4  Rdo
l 2

A key assumption for the Hertzian dipole is

that it is very short so
The unit vector az can be converted to its
Rdo  r equivalent direction in spherical coordinates using
the transformation equations in Appendix B.

o I s l e  j  r a z  cos  a r  sin  a
A os  az
4 r

o I s l e  j  r
A os   cos  ar  sin  a 
4 r

This is the retarded vector magnetic potential at the observation point resulting
from the Hertzian dipole element oriented in the +az direction at the origin.
Hertzian Dipole
Step 3: Electric and Magnetic Fields
The magnetic field is given by
B os    A os

B os 1
H os =     A os 
o o
I s l e j r  1
H os   j    sin  a
4 r  r
It is useful to group  and r together The electric field is given by
I s l  2e j r  j 
1 Eos  o ar  Hos .
H os     sin  a
   
4  r  r

In the far-field, we can neglect the I sl  e  j r

Eos  jo sin  a .
second term. 4 r
 1 1
Far-field condition: r 
2 r  r 2
I s l  e j r
H os  j sin  a
4 r
Hertzian Dipole
Step 4: Antenna Parameters
Power Density:
P  r, ,    Re  Eos  H*os 

 o  2 I o2 l 2  2
P  r,    2 2 
sin  a r
 32 r 

o  2 I o2 l 2

Maximum Power Density: Pmax 

32 2 r 2
Antenna Pattern Solid Angle:
 p    sin 2  d     sin 2  sin d d

p 

Dmax   1.5
Hertzian Dipole
Step 4: Antenna Parameters
Total Radiated Power and Radiation Resistance :

The total power radiated by a Hertzian dipole can be calculated by

Prad  r 2 Pmax  p The power radiated by

the antenna is
 o  2 I o2 l 2 
2  l 
Prad  r 

 P  40   Io
Prad  I o2 Rrad
 32 r 
2 2

Circuit Analysis
Field Analysis
l 
Rrad  80  

Hertzian Dipole - Example

Electric Field:

Power density:

Maximum Power density:

Normalized Power density

Antenna Pattern Solid Angle:

 p    Pn   ,   sin  d d d     sin 3  cos 2 d d

p    sin  d    cos  d 
3 2

Radiated Power:

Radiated Resistance:

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