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To p i c 6 . 2

© 2018 NorhafezahKhairieJamilahNuredayu/SCCA1023/191/6.2-1
Learning outcomes
i. Describes the theory.
ii. Explain the theory applications.
iii. Discuss the relevance and
critiques of the theory

© 2018 NorhafezahKhairieJamilahNuredayu/SCCA1023/191/6.2-2
General Ideas
 What are we making
 How are we making it?
 How can we make better
social worlds?

© 2018 NorhafezahKhairieJamilahNuredayu/SCCA1023/191/6.2-3
 The beginning of
personal relationships are
fraught of uncertainties
(Berger, 1975)

© 2018 NorhafezahKhairieJamilahNuredayu/SCCA1023/191/6.2-4
Types of Uncertainty

 Behavioral uncertainty
 Cognitive uncertainty

© 2018 NorhafezahKhairieJamilahNuredayu/SCCA1023/191/6.2-5
8 Assumptions
These communication factors can reduce uncertainty:
 Verbal communication  Reciprocity
 Nonverbal warmth  Similarity
 Information Seeking  Liking
 Self disclosure  Shared networks

© 2018 NorhafezahKhairieJamilahNuredayu/SCCA1023/191/6.2-6
 Passive – observing a person interacting with others
 Active – asking a third party about a person
 Interactive – face-to-face discussion with the person

© 2018 NorhafezahKhairieJamilahNuredayu/SCCA1023/191/6.2-7
URT in Action

© 2018 NorhafezahKhairieJamilahNuredayu/SCCA1023/191/6.2-8
 Too linear – how information seeking could
decrease uncertainty
 Goal of interpersonal communication – to reduce
uncertainty or to know about others?

© 2018 NorhafezahKhairieJamilahNuredayu/SCCA1023/191/6.2-9

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