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Please note … this activity does not take into account the fact that the maximum frictional

force is
different when things move compared with when they are stationary and also models the dog on a skateboard as if it was a box

Things on wheels are rarely this simple.

It also neglects the fact that the max frictional force will change according to the equation
F = μR So although the surface can stay the same things with larger weight or dogs that are being pulled at an angle to the
horizontal will experience a smaller maximum frictional force (and a smaller kinetic frictional force)

No dogs were hurt in the making of this ppt.

SITUATION - The dog is stationary and nothing is pushing him
The dog has a mass of 1 kg. How many forces are acting on the dog? 2
What are the names of the two forces? Weight and Normal Contact Force
Calculate the Weight of the dog W = mg  1 x 10 = 10N
Draw the forces using a scale of 2 cm = 10N
What is the resultant force on the dog? 0
Which one of Newton’s Laws is this? Newton’s Ist
Calculate the acceleration of the dog. 0

Normal Contact Force = 10N

(on a skateboard)

Weight = 10N =0N

SITUATION - The dog is stationary and nothing is pushing him
Is there any work being done on the box? No
What must there be for work to be done on an object? A Resultant Force

Normal Contact Force = 10N

(on a skateboard)

Weight = 10N =0N

SITUATION - Now a force of 5N acts to the right (a rope pulls on the dog). The
ground is able to provide a frictional force up to 8N max!
What two extra forces (and their magnitude)
are now acting on the dog? 5N Pull and 5N Friction
Draw the forces to scale 2cm = 10N
What is the resultant force on the dog? 0
Which of Newton’s Laws is this? Newton’s 1st

Normal Contact Force = 10N

DOG Pull Force = 5N

(on a skateboard)
Friction Force = 5N

Weight = 10N = 0N

SITUATION - Now a force of 5N acts to the right (a rope pulls on the dog). The
ground is able to provide a frictional force up to 8N max!
Is there any work being done on the box? No
What must there be for work to be done on an object? A Resultant Force

Normal Contact Force = 10N

DOG Pull Force = 5N

(on a skateboard)
Friction Force = 5N

Weight = 10N = 0N

SITUATION - The Pull force is now increased to 12N.
The ground is able to provide a frictional force up to 8N max!
Which two forces have changed magnitude? Pull and Friction
What is the new values for these forces? Pull = 12N, Friction = 8N
Draw the forces to scale 2cm = 10N
What is the resultant force on the dog? 4N to the right
Which of Newton’s Laws is NOT true now? Newton’s 1st
What law do we use to figure out the acceleration? Newton’s 2nd
What is the acceleration? a = F / m  4 / 1 = 4 m/s2
Assuming the dog started from stationary, how long did it take to travel 4
metres? s = 1/2at2  4 = 0.5 x 4t2  1.4 seconds
Normal Contact Force = 10N

DOG Pull Force = 12N

(on a skateboard)
Friction Force = 8N

= 4N to the
Weight = 10N
SITUATION - The Pull force is now increased to 12N.
The ground is able to provide a frictional force up to 8N max!
Is there any work being done on the box? YES
Remind me again, what is the resultant force? 4N to the right
Remind me again, what is the acceleration? 4 m/s2
The box moves 4 metres, how much work is done on it? Fs = W  4 x 4 = 16J
How much work is done by the pull force? F x s = W  12 X 4 = 48J
How much energy is dissipated as heat through friction? F x s = W  8 x 4 = 32J
What is the efficiency of this system? 16/48 = 0.33 or 48 – 16 = 32J
It took 1.4 seconds to travel 4m. Calculate the average power delivered to the
box. 16/ 1.4 = 11.3 W
Normal Contact Force = 10N

DOG Pull Force = 12N

(on a skateboard)
Friction Force = 8N

= 4N to the
Weight = 10N
THE SITUATION - The same pull force (12 N) is angled at 30 degrees to the horizontal)
The ground is still only able to provide a frictional force up to 8N max!
Will the horizontal force be the same as before? No
Draw the pull force on a diagram
By using trig or a scale diagram calculate the
12cos 30 = 10.4N
horizonal component of the Pull Force
Draw and figure out what the friction force is (hint – consider only the horizontal
forces) Friction = 8N
By using trig or a scale diagram calculate the
12sin 30 = 6N
vertical component of the Pull Force?
By considering the vertical forces only what is the normal contact force now? 10 – 6 = 4N
Calculate the resultant force and hence the acceleration . F = 10.4 – 8 = 2.4N
Assuming the dog started from stationary, a = 2.4 / 1 = 2.4 m/s2
Normal s = 1/2at  4 = 0.5 x 2.4t  1.8 seconds
how long did it take to travel 4 metres? 2 2

Technically this is wrong. Force = 4N Pull Force = 12N
The here
max to reveal
frictional force
DOG Angle = 30 degrees
decrease as the
(on a skateboard)
reaction force decreased
Friction Force = 8N

Weight = 10N 2.4N

To the right
SITUATION - The Pull force is now increased to 12N.
The ground is able to provide a frictional force up to 8N max!
Is there any work being done on the box? YES
Remind me again, what is the resultant force? 2.4N to the right
Remind me again, what is the acceleration? 2.4 m/s2
The box moves 4 metres, how much work is done on it? Fs = W  4 x 2.4 = 9.6J
How much work is done by the pull force? Fcos30 x s = W  10.4 X 4 = 41.6J
How much energy is dissipated as heat through friction? F x s = W  8 x 4 = 32J
What is the efficiency of this system? 9.6/41.6 = 0.23 or 41.6 – 16 = 32J
It took 1.8 seconds to travel 4m.
Calculate the average power delivered to the box. 9.6/ 1.8 = 5.3 W

Technically this is wrong. Force = 4N Pull Force = 12N
The here
max to reveal
frictional force
DOG Angle = 30 degrees
decrease as the
(on a skateboard)
reaction force decreased
Friction Force = 8N

Weight = 10N 2.4N

To the right
SITUATION - The same pull force (12 N) is angled at 60 degrees to the horizontal)
The ground is still only able to provide a frictional force up to 8N max!
Will the horizontal force be the same as before? No
Draw the pull force on a diagram
By using trig or a scale diagram calculate the
12cos 60 = 6N
horizonal component of the Pull Force
Draw and figure out what the friction force is (hint – consider only the horizontal
forces) Friction = 6N
By using trig or a scale diagram calculate the
12sin 30 = 10.4N
vertical component of the Pull Force?
By considering the vertical forces only what is the normal contact force now? 0N!!
Calculate the resultant force and hence the acceleration . – 10 = 0.4N Up!
F = 10.4
a = 0.4 / 1 = 0.4 m/s2 Up!... Also
there would be a resultant force to
Technically this is wrong.
the right click on the blue box 
The max
Clickfrictional force
here to reveal
Pull Force = 12N
would decrease to 0! as the
reaction force decreased to 0 DOG Angle = 60 degrees
(on a skateboard)
Friction Force = 6N

Weight = 10N 0.4 N up!

SITUATION – The box is now pulled up a slope inclined at 30 degrees to the
horizonal. The force is 12N, parallel to the slope and the slope can still only
provide a force of 8N max! The Dog is initially stationary.
In Pencil, draw arrows to represent the 4 forces acting (not to scale right now)
Calculate the component of the Weight down the ramp 10sin30 = 5N
What is combined Pull Force and The Weight down the ramp?12 – 10sin30 = 7N
The Friction will increase up to a max of 8N.
What is the frictional force? 7N
10cos30 = 8.6N
Calculate the component of the Weight perpendicular to the ramp
State the Normal Contact force 8.6N
Are the forces balanced or unbalanced (is it in equilibrium?) Balanced, YES

Normal Contact Force = 8.6N

e = 12N

DOG oard)
s kateb
(o na 0
N Weight = 10N
rc e=7
tio n Fo
Fric N1/N2
SITUATION – The Pull Force is now increased to 15 Newtons

In Pencil, draw arrows to represent the 4 forces acting (not to scale right now)
Calculate the component of the Weight down the ramp 10sin30 = 5N
What is combined Pull Force and The Weight down the ramp?15 – 10sin30 = 10N
The Friction will increase up to a max of 8N.
What is the frictional force? 8N (so resultant force = 2N)
10cos30 = 8.6N
Calculate the component of the Weight perpendicular to the ramp
State the Normal Contact force 8.6N
Are the forces balanced or unbalanced (is it in equilibrium?) Unbalanced, NO
What is the acceleration and in what direction? 10 – 8 / 1 = 2m/s2
Normal Contact Force = 8.6N
e = 15N

DOG oard)
s kateb 2N
(o na Resultant

N Weight = 10N
rc e=8
tio n Fo
Fric N1/N2

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