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School overview and the

principal's interview
Assessment 1 - Coursework: Presentation and Report

EDU4103 - Managing Innovation and Change in Education

Done by:
Mahra Bahkeet Alaleeli -H00328199
Mariam Khalifa-H00300001
Instructor :Fatema Al Awadi
• Table of content:

The principal permission evidence ………………………………......…………….

The School and principal overview …………………...……………………………

Ministry of Education Vision 2017-2021 ……………………..………………………

School organizational structure ………………………………………………………

Principal duties …………………………………………………………………..………

Leadership style and model …………………………………………………….....…

Administrative process ……………………………………………………………….

Relationship with MOE …………………………………………………………………

The decision-making process ……………………………………………………..…

Recommendations for development ………………………………………………

References …………………………………………………………………………..…..
The principal's permission evidence:

This is the permission

Email that I sent to the
school principal.

The school principal response.

I thanked her for quick

response and for sending me
her answers.
The school and
principal Overview:

- The school
names is: Alzawra
kindergarten. - The
- The total number
- The school is of children per- - There are 18 teachers,
- It is a name is:
following the MOE level is 22 student. and they all are Arab.
government Fatema Ali
curriculum for both - Their ages are
school. Ahmed.
levels KG 1 and KG between four to
2. five years old and
- It is located in - She is
all of them are
Ajman specifically Emirate
in Musherif. principal.
Ministry of Education vision 2017-2021:


“Innovative education for a

knowledge, pioneering, and global

(Ministry of Education Strategic Plan 2017-2021, n.d.)

School organizational:

The school use the organizational structure which

means: “ The consists of the various jobs and
responsibilities in the departments”.
The school principal sometimes changes or delegates
the jobs according to any situation needed. They
principal said that: “ We use the organizational
structure and sometimes the powers are delegated to
the work teams”.

(Organization Structure, n.d.)

School organizational structure:
School organizational structure:

Kindergarten structure


Council Secretary

Head of the Children Affairs and School vice Director of Academic Affairs
Services Unit Teachers
Security, safety and health Professional academic Specialist Learning Resources
specialist advisor

Workshop specialist
Principal Duties:
Follow-up teacher's goals


Do Meetings with the teachers

School Leadership style:
Bureaucratic style
* Bureaucratic leadership is focused by its adherents on a consistent
chain of command and strict rules (Lee, 2020).

Hierarchical structure Follow the MOE vision

“The vision of the school stems from the vision of the Ministry of Education”
Principal Leadership style:

The school principal leadership styles is collegial style.

“My leadership style is –Work as a team and delegation of powers and moving away
from central work”.

In addition, she also prefers to delegate someone to do a job for her when she is away.
She said that: “The delegation of powers is very important in work to qualify second-
row leaders to lead”.
School Management:

The principal follow the MOE vision, discuss and implement it in the school. According to the
principal, she said that: “The vision of the school stems from the vision of the Ministry of Education
and from the state's strategies and implementation The national agenda”.
Administrative process:
Recourse and finance:
The school delegate the head of student affairs and school services
unit to manage the recourses and finance. According to the principal,
she said that: “The head of student affairs and school services unit is
responsible of managing the finance and recourses of the school”.

In case of shortage of money, the school contact the finance team to

manage the finance. According to the principal answer, she said

that” Through the finance team, we manage the shortage of money”.

In addition, the school and the principal encourage the parents to

participate financially for the activities and events. Ms. Fatima said

that: “Yes, I encourage parents to know that they are part of the

responsibility”. (finance, n.d.)

Co-curricular activities:
The school are keeping a special budget for the sports activities
which shows that they care about providing different kinds of
sport activities for the students. According to the principal, she
said that: “Yes, there is a budget for sports and activities”.

The principal do both internal and external communication
methods. Ms., Fatima said that: “For internal, we communicate
via social media such as; WhatsApp, telegram and Teams .
Moreover, For external, we use Official e-mails (ministerial e-
mail) and do direct meetings”.
Record keeping:
The principal’s methods in keeping the teacher’s and student’s
records are both manual and electronic. According to her answer, she
said that: ” Some records are kept electronically, some are manual
records, some are manually used and electronic together”.

Ms. Fatima keeps all different kinds of necessary and important

records of the teachers and students.

According to Ms. Fatima, she said that: “The kinds of records are; A
record for each teacher and it contains all the information for
teachers, Attendance and departure record works in emergency cases,
Class visits blog record, School activity record and Student

achievement record”.
In Alzawra kindergarten, they follow the “Baraem Al

Mostaqbal” curriculum from the MOE and they do have a

specified curriculum for the special need students.

"According to her answer, she said that: "The Integrated

Kindergarten Curriculum Baraem Al Mostaqbal is a rose

curriculum. Yes, Special education and class teacher under

the consent of the guardian”.

(Organization Structure, n.d.)

The principal believe that, the discipline is essential to make the
work perfect and to avoid chaos and issues. Accordion to her
answer, she said that: “Discipline is important, because one of
the basics of work is discipline, poor discipline leads to chaos at

The principal agree that psychological guidance aids good
discipline. According to MS. Fatima, she said that: “Yes, of
course, it leads to a result, but it is a behavior that stems from
inside the person and the principal of taking responsibility”.

(discipline, n.d.)
Relationship with MOE :

Official Emails & meetings.

According to MS. Fatima, she said that: “we use Official e-mails (ministerial e-mail)
and do direct meetings”,
The decision-making process:

The principal meets the teachers and stakeholders.

She works with the teachers and stakeholders as a team.
The principal do meetings with them if necessary.
“My leadership style is –Work as a team”.
“ I do meetings with the secretary and teachers”
Recommendations for development:

1- Specify a day to make brainstorm for the education improvement,

enhance the teaching strategies and to find possible solutions for any issues

2- Encourage the parent's participation through meeting them, make

surveys for their suggestions for the school improvements and education.
Ministry of Education Strategic Plan 2017-2021. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Bush, T. (n.d.). Theories of Educational Leadership and Management. Retrieved from mylearn:

discipline. (n.d.). Retrieved from

finance. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Lee, S. (2020, May 13). What Is Bureaucratic Leadership? Retrieved from torch:

Ministry of Education Strategic Plan 2017-2021. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Organization Structure. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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