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Al-Mansour University College

Civil Engineering Department

Second Year/ 2017-2018 ) 10 ( ‫الــمــحــاضــرة رقــم‬

CHAPTER- 4 / FLUID Dynamic

.Ahmed Layth, R.E., M.S

Example (25)
A jet of water flowing freely in the atmosphere is deflected by a curved vane
as shown below. If the water jet has a diameter of 1.5 inch and a velocity of
25.5 fps, what is the force required to hold the vane in place?
Example (26)
Find the horizontal, vertical and resultant forces needed to support vane
shown in Fig. below. If Q1 = 80 lps, V1 = 15 m/s, Q2 = 0.4 Q1, A2 = A3 = 0.5 A1
and SGoil = 0.8.

V2, Q2, A2

Oil jet
V1 , Q1 , A1

V3 , Q3, A3
Example (27)
Water jet strikes a vane as shown in the figure below. If , calculate the
horizontal force F required to hold the vane.
(Ans. ) Vj = 10 m/s

Example (28)
A hose and nozzle discharge a horizontal water jet against a nearby vertical
plane as shown in the figure below. The flow rate of water is 0.025 and the
diameter of the nozzle tip is 30 mm. Find the horizontal force necessary to
hold the plate in place.
(Ans. 884 kN)

m 3.04
Example (29)
A jet of water having a velocity of 10 m/s and a flow rate 60 is deflected
through a right angle as shown below. Determine the reaction on the chute.
Neglect the friction of the chute.
(Ans. 849kN and 75⁰)
Example (30)
The water jet shown in the figure, moving at 45 ft/s, is split so that one-third
of the water moves toward A. Calculate the magnitude and direction of the
force on the stationary splitter. Assume ideal flow in a horizontal plane.

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