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Criminal Liability for the spread of COVID -19 and applicability of mensrea

Submitted By:- Submitted To:-

Amarendra Kumar Dr. Ivneet Walia
Roll No – 18133 Patiala, Punjab

 Corona viruses are zoonotic.

 Regular indications of disease incorporate

respiratory side effects, fever, hack,

windedness, and breathing challenges.
 Precaution - normal hand washing, covering

mouth and nose when hacking and wheezing.

Rules made in India

 Initially, the Indian Penal Code as of now

recommends discipline for spreading disease:
 Section 269 endorses half year detainment as

well as fine for the individuals who spread

perilous disease due to carelessness.
 Section 270 awards a two-year term for the

individuals who harmfully spreading disease.

Debating the Moral Personhood
of Individuals with Intellectual
 Are those with cognitive disabilities due the
same respect and justice due to those who
have no significant cognitive impairments?
 Are the people with cognitive disabilities,

especially those labeled as "mentally

retarded," distinct, morally speaking, from
nonhuman animals?
Definition of Person and Human

 Human and person—operate very differently

within philosophical theorizing.
 Person is a technical philosophical and

normative term that refers to moral status.

 Our sense of who and who is not a person will

determine who can enjoy rights and

protections, as well as the responsibilities.
Conclusions & Suggestions

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