Speech According To Manner of Delivery

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Speech According to

Manner of Delivery
Group 2

▸ How to differentiate them in a distinguished and
effable way?
▸ An Extemporaneous ▸ Description ▸ Disadvantages
speech is given time to be
▸ • Speaking with limited ▸ • May not have adequate
planned and is presented in
preparation time to plan, organize, and
a direct, spontaneous
manner. This type of ▸ • Guided by notes or rehearse
speech is conversational in outline ▸ Tips
tone. It give the audience ▸ • Delivered
members the impression ▸ • Create an outline •
that you are talking to them Organize your points
▸ • Most popular type logically (most important
directly and honestly. It has
some disadvantages. It is ▸ Speaking Situations to least important or vice
difficult to keep exact time versa)
▸ • When you are a
limits, to be exact in ▸ • Use facts and real-life
candidate for a post in a
wording, or to be experiences as your
student government and
grammatically perfect with examples
you deliver your campaign
an extemporaneous speech. ▸ • Manage your time well
speech before a voting
▸ Sandwiched between public ▸ • Rehearse, rehearse,
the memorized and improm ▸ • When you are assigned to rehearse
ptu delivery styles you find
report a topic in class
the extemporaneous speech
style. For this style, the ▸ Advantages
speech is not completely ▸ • Helps you look confident
written out.  
▸ • Engages the audience
Did you know?
Extemporaneous comes from the Latin Word
“Ex tempore” which means out of time.
Impromptu SPEECH
▸ Impromptu speech is ▸ Description ▸ Disadvantages
spontaneous by ▸ • Speaking without ▸ • Tendency to be
definition but it’s advanced preparation • disorganized
delivery style is Unrehearsed speech
▸ • Lacks connection with
necessary for informal ▸ • Spoken conversationally the audience
talks, group discussions, Speaking Situations
▸ • Nerve-wracking for
and common on others ▸ • In an event where you are inexperienced speakers and
speeches. asked to say a few words beginners
▸ Theoretically, an ▸ • First day at work or in ▸ Tips
“impromptu” speech is class, or during an
interview ▸ • Once you are requested to
“made up on the spot.”
say something, pause for a
It is unprepared and ▸ Advantages moment to plan in your
unrehearsed. ▸ • Spontaneous or natural head what to say.
▸ Impromptu speeches are speaking ▸ • State your main point
generally short and are ▸ • More focused and brief briefly and deliver it at a
often given with little or pace your audience can
no notice. Notes are rare follow.
and the speaker ▸ • End by saying thank you.
generally looks directly
at the audience.     
Did you know?
Impromptu is derived from the Latin word
promptu which mean readiness.
Manuscript Speech
▸  Manuscript speeches ▸ Description ▸ Disadvantages
are read word for word ▸ • Boring and uninteresting
▸ • Speaking with advanced
from a prepared text. preparation presentation
They are necessary ▸ • Lacks audience rapport or
▸ • Planned and rehearsed
when you are speaking connection
for the record as when ▸
▸ • Reading aloud a written Tips
speaking at legal
message ▸ • Rehearse the speech over
proceedings or when
▸ Speaking Situations and over again until you
presenting scientific sound natural.
findings.  ▸ • News casting with a
TelePrompter or an ▸ • Observe accomplished
▸ The word  manuscript  news anchors and note how
autocue device
is the clue to the style. conversational they sound
The speech is written ▸ • Presenting the legal when they deliver the
and the speaker reads it proceedings and verdict in news.
word for word to the
audience. Originally, it ▸ • Reading the rules and
criteria in a contest
was done from the
hand-written paper
manuscript. ▸ • Exact repetition of the
written words
▸ • Guided speech
Memorized SPEECH
▸ Memorized speeches ▸ Description ▸ Disadvantages
are those learned by ▸ • Speaking with advanced ▸ • Speakers might end up
heart and are the most preparation
speaking in a monotone
difficult and often the ▸ • Planned and rehearsed speech pattern. Alternatively,
least effective. They ▸ • Reciting a written message he/she might take a fast
word-for-word from memory pace.
often seem excessively
formal.  ▸ Speaking Situations ▸ • When the speaker cannot
▸ • When you perform in a stage control his/her stage fright,
▸ The memorized play he/she might have
style of speaking is ▸ • When you deliver a difficulty remembering
when the manuscript is declamation, oratorical, or his/her memorized speech.
committed to memory literary piece
▸ Tips
and recited to the ▸ • When an actor or actress in a
scene performs a script from ▸ • Rehearse the speech over
audience verbatim
memory and over again until you
(word for word). In the sound natural and feel
▸ Advantages
days confident.
▸ • Exact repetition of the written
when elocution was ▸ • Observe how
words from memory
taught, this was a actors/actresses perform
▸ • Free to move around the stage
typical approach. their script in a theater,
television, or movie scenes.

Speaking with limited preparation • Guided
by notes or outline • Delivered
conversationally • Most popular type
Speaking without advanced preparation •
Unrehearsed speech • Spoken
Speaking with advanced preparation •
Planned and rehearsed speech • Reading
aloud a written message
• Speaking with advanced preparation •
Planned and rehearsed speech • Reciting a
written message word-for-word from

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