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Literature and

Subject matter :
Conditional Of

Najwa Alifia Grace Ester

Definitions !
Conditional Sentences are English tenses to
express conditionals. In Indonesian, we often
say which sentence to suppose something has
happened or will happen.
- Conditional
Type 0
- Conditional

l Type 1
-Conditional Type
-Conditional Type
Conditional Type 0

These conditional sentences are used to describe certain

facts or general truths. For example, if you heat water, it
will boil. It sure happened right?
For this type of conditional.

The formula is as follows:

If + simple present tense, simple present tense
Conditional type 1

Are used to describe situations that may or are

supposed to occur in the future and have a high
probability of actually happening.

The formula is as follows:

If + simple present tense, simple future
Conditional Type 2

Different slightly from type 1 conditionals, type 2

conditionals are used to describe situations that are
unrealistic or have a very low probability of occurring. For
example imagining something that is impossible or wishful

The type 2 conditional formula is as follows:

If + past tense, would + infinitive
Conditional Type 3

If the type 1 and 2 conditionals talk about conditions that

have not yet happened, type 3 conditionals are used to refer
to the past and wish how the current situation could be
different if what happened in the past was different.

The formula is as follows:

If + past perfect, would have + V3
Example type 0:
If you heat water, it boils. (Jika kamu memanaskan air, airnya akan
If you freeze water, it becomes ice. (Jika kamu membekukan air, airnya
akan menjadi es.)

Example type 1 :
If you study, you will pass the exam. (Jika kamu belajar, kamu akan lulus
If you wash your hands, you won’t get sick. (Jika kamu cuci tangan, kamu
tidak akan sakit.)
Example Type 2:
If I were you, I would rest right now. (Jika aku adalah kamu, aku akan
beristirahat sekarang.)
If you owned a theme park, what would you do? (Jika kamu mempunyai
taman hiburan, apa yang akan kamu lakukan?)

Example type 3 :
If I had done my homework, I would have been able to play now. (Jika
saja saya sudah mengerjakan PR saya, saya sekarang bisa bermain.)
If she hadn’t tried, she wouldn’t have gotten the scholarship. (Jika saja
dia tidak mencoba, dia tidak akan mendapatkan beasiswa.)
You !!

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