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Part of Speech and Word


Part 2

01 Object of Prepositions

O n t e n t
02 Prepositions of time

03 Word order: Place and time

录 04 Adjective to describe Noun

05 Noun as Adjective
Object of
Direction: Underline and identify the adjectives (ADJ) in the sentences.

1. The students wrote

2. Deserts are dry.
3. Crocodiles have big teeth.
4. Knives are sharp.
5. Dark places frighten small children.
6. The audience laughed at the funny joke.
7. Sensible people wear comfortable shoes.
8. Steve cleaned the shelves of the refrigerator with soapy water.
9. The local police searched the stolen car for illegal drugs.
10. Before the development of agriculture, primitive people gathered wild plants
for food.
Don't look at the passage in Part II on the next slide. First write the
words asked for in Part I. Don't use the same word twice. Then turn the
next slide and use the words to complete Part II.
Write the words on your list in the blanks. Some of your completions might
be a little odd and funny. Read your completed passage aloud in a group
or to the rest of the class.
Thanks for listening
Part of Speech and Word formation

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