Introduction To Java Programming: Week 5

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Introduction to Java Programming

Chapter 7
Week 5
More Than Two Dimensions
• Java does not limit the number of dimensions that an array may have.
• More than three dimensions is hard to visualize, but can be useful in
some programming problems.
More Than Two Dimensions - Example
• String[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] courses=new String [numUniv] [numColleges] [numDept]
[numFac] [numCourses];
• courses[3][0][1][5][2] is course number 2 taught by instructor number 5 in
department number 1 in college number 0 of university number 3 in the state
The ArrayList Class
• Similar to an array, an ArrayList allows object storage
• Unlike an array, an ArrayList object:
• Automatically expands when a new item is added
• Automatically shrinks when items are removed
• Requires:
• import java.util.ArrayList;
Creating and Using a Generic ArrayList
• Create an ArrayList object with no-args constructor
Type of Data stored in ArrayList

ArrayList<String> nameList = new ArrayList<>();

• To populate the ArrayList, use the add method:

• To get the current size, call the size method
nameList.size(); // returns 2
Creating and Using an ArrayList
• To access items in an ArrayList, use the get method

In this statement 3 is the index of the item to get. The index starts
with 0 as with ordinary arrays.

• Example:
Using an ArrayList
• The ArrayList class's toString method returns a string
representing all items in the ArrayList
This statement yields :
[ James, Catherine ]

• The ArrayList class's remove method removes designated item

from the ArrayList
This statement removes the second item.
• See example:
Using an ArrayList
• The ArrayList class's add method with one argument adds new
items to the end of the ArrayList
• To insert items at a location of choice, use the add
method with two arguments:
nameList.add(1, "Mary");
This statement inserts the String "Mary" at index 1
• To replace an existing item, use the set method:
nameList.set(1, "Becky");
This statement replaces “Mary” with “Becky”
• See example:
Using an ArrayList
• An ArrayList has a capacity, which is the number of items it
can hold without increasing its size.
• The default capacity of an ArrayList is 10 items.
• To designate a different initial capacity, use a
parameterized constructor:
ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(100);
Using an ArrayList to hold other objects
• ArrayList can be used to hold any type of objects
• Write a class named PhoneBookEntry that has fields for a person’s
name and phone number. The class should have a constructor and
appropriate accessor and mutator methods. Then write a program
that creates at least five PhoneBookEntry objects and stores them
in an ArrayList. Use a loop to display the contents of each object
in the ArrayList.

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