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Chapter 2: Component Of
Programming Language
Basic Operations

Program Elements

Contents Storage

Input and Output

Arithmetic Operations

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Basic Operations
6 types of basic operations :
1. Receive input
2. Produce output
3. Assign value into storage
4. Perform arithmetic and logic operation
5. Make selection
6. Repeating a set of actions

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Program’s elements
Generally a computer program has the following elements:
1. Input section
2. Storage allocation
• Constants
• Variables
• Data Structures
• Files
3. Processing using arithmetic or logic operation and control with either
sequential, selection or and repetition structure.
4. Output Section

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Program’s elements

int number1, number2, total;

cin >> number1 >> number2;

Arithmetic Logic
total = number1 + number2;

cout << total << endl

cin >> number1 >> number2; cout << total << endl
total = number1 + number2;
Input Processing Output


Storage variable

int number1, number2, total;

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• One of the essential resource of a program
• A location in computer memory that is allocated to the program
• Used to hold value of specific data type
• Identifier is the name given to specific storage
• Categories:
• Constants
• Variables
• Data Structure
• Files
• Data Types
• Integer number
• Floating point number
• Character
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Storage (cont.)
• Example:

int number;

Data type Identifier

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Storage (cont.)
• Identifier naming rules:
• Must begin with a letter
• Can be followed by a letter, number or underscore (‘_’)
• C++ is case sensitive
• Examples of valid identifiers
• Examples of invalid identifiers
average Salary

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Storage (cont.)
• Constant
• To hold fixed value that cannot be altered during program execution.
• Examples:
•PI value  3.1416
•Number of days per week  7
• Constant declaration:
const keyword is used to declare a constant and it must be
<data type> const <identifier> = value;
• Example:
float const PI = 3.1416;

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Storage (cont.)
• Variables
• To hold value that might be altered during program execution.
• Hold value on temporary basis
• Examples:
• score
• Temperature
• Speed
• Length
• Variable declaration:
<data type> <identifier> [ = initial value];
• Example:
int number;
float score1, score2;
int score, float number;
int count = 0;

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Storage (cont.)
• Data Structure
• An array or a pointer
• An array is a contagious memory locations that hold more than one
values of the same type.
• Hold value on temporary basis
• Examples:
• Name
char name[20];
• A set of students’ score
int score[20];

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Storage (cont.)
• Basic Data Types C++ Data Types
• Integer (90, 0, -78) int or long
• Floating point (4.5,1.0,-0.67) float or double
• Character (‘A’,’a’,’*’,’1’) char

• Examples
int number;
int score;
long population;
float temperature;
double accountBalance;
char gender;

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Example :
#include <iostream.h>
//program to calculate area of a circle
PI 3.1416
{ radius ?
//variable and constant allocation
float const PI = 3.1416; area ?
float radius, area;

//input section
cout << “Enter a radius : ”;
cin >> radius;

area = PI * radius * radius; //processing

//output section
cout << “Area of the circle is ” << area << endl;

return 0;
}//end main() 13
Enter a radius : __

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Enter a radius : 8

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#include <iostream.h>
//program to calculate area of a circle PI 3.1416

main() radius 8
//variable and constant allocation
area 201.0624
float const PI = 3.1416;
float radius, area;

//input section
cout << “Enter a radius : ”;
cin >> radius;

area = PI * radius * radius; //processing

//output section
cout << “Area of the circle is ” << area << endl;

return 0;
}//end main() 16
Enter a radius : 8
Area of the circle is 201.0624

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Input and Output Statement (cont.)
• Input Statement
• To received input from keyboard or read input from a file.
• Using cin keyword and input stream operator (>>).
• Syntax:
cin >> <variable>;

• Example

cin >> number;

cin >> number1 >> number2;

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Input and Output Statement (cont.)
• Example of a good input statement:
Prompt user to enter a number

cout << “Enter a score : ”;

cin >> score;

Read a number

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Input and Output Statement (cont.)
• Output Statement
• To display output on screen or to write output into file.
• Using cout keyword and output stream operator (<<).
• Syntax:
cout << <string|constant|variable|expression>;

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Input and Output Statement (cont.)
• Output Statement
• Examples:
• Statements Output
cout << “Hello World”; Hello World
cout << 80; 80
cout << area; content of area
cout << 8 + 4; 12

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Input and Output Statement (cont.)
• Output Statement
• What is the output of the following statements?
• Statements Output
cout << “Total is ” << 8 + 2; ?
cout << “8 + 2 = ” << 8 + 2; ?

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Input and Output Statement (cont.)
• End of line (newline)
• endl keyword will force the cursor to begin at new line.
• Examples:
• Code fragment Output
cout << 14; 1416
cout << 16;

cout << 14 << endl; 14

cout << 16 << endl; 16

cout << 14 << ‘\n’; 14

cout << 16 << ‘\n’; 16

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Arithmetic Operations
• FIVE basic operations:

• Addition (+)  Sum of two numbers

• Subtraction (-)  Different of two numbers
• Multiplication (*)  Product of two numbers
• Division (/)  Quotient of two numbers
• Modulo (%)  Remainder of division operation

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Arithmetic Operations (cont.)
• Examples
int number1, number2;
int sum, different, product, quotient, reminder;
number1 = 8;
number2 = 4;

sum = number1 + number2;

different = number1 - number2;
product = number1 * number2;
quotient = number1 / number2;
remainder = number1 % number2;

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Arithmetic Operations (cont.)
• Integer Division

IF two integers are divided, the result will be an integer number. Any
fraction will be truncated.
int / int  int

int a = 5, b = 2;
float c;
c = a / b; //the new value of c is 2

cout << a / b; //2 will be displayed

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Arithmetic Operations (cont.)
• Data type conversion

To avoid the effect of integer division the data type must be converted to float.

int a = 5, b = 2,
float c;
c = float(a) / b; //the new value of c is 2.5
c = a / float(b); //the new value of c is 2.5

//2.5 will be displayed

cout << float(a) / b;
cout << a / float(b);

c = float(a / b); //2.0 will be stored in c

cout << float (a / b); //2.0 will be displayed

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Arithmetic Operations (cont.)
• Invalid Statement!

number1 + number2 = total

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Arithmetic Operations (cont.)
• Type Conversion (Casting)
- store a value into a variable of a different type
- example : if you want to store a double value into an int variable
- expressed using static_cast keyword as follows :


- example :
int n = static_cast<int>(x + 0.5)

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Arithmetic Operations (cont.)

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Arithmetic Operations (cont.)
Exercise :
Write a program that does the following :
1. Prompts the user to input two decimal numbers
2. Find the sum, subtract and average of the two integers

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• Declare the suitable storage to hold the following data:
1. Number of days worked in a week
2. Student’s CGPA
3. Name of a person
4. Speed of a light

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• Translate the following flow chart into source code:

Read totalScore

Read count

average = total / count

Display average


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• Given the following declaration:

int a, b, c, v1, v2;

a = 8;
c = b = 3;
c = c – 1;
v1 = a / b;
v2 = a / c;

What is the final content of a, b, c, v1 and v2?

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