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Sore Throat

Is a very common ailment that

usually resolves by itself and rarely
needing antibiotic treatment.
What is a sore throat?
• It is a pain at the back of your throat.
• Usually caused by an infection most
commonly a virus.
• Sometimes caused by an allergy.
• The tonsils may also be affected.
What are the symptoms?
• Pain
• But you may also have –
• Hoarseness
• Mild cough
• High temperature (fever)
• Headache
• Tiredness
• Swollen neck glands
• Feeling tired and sick
If your tonsils are also inflamed (Tonsillitis)
then your symptoms are usually more
severe particularly :
• Very high temperature.
• Feeling very unwell.
The tonsils when seen in a mirror, are
swollen, red and may show spots of pus.
What should I do for a sore
• Have plenty to drink to avoid
dehydration (lack of fluid in the body).
• Take paracetamol to ease the pain and
bring down the temperature.
• Use gargles, lozenges and sprays to
ease the pain.
Do I need an Antibiotic?
• Usually no (most throat infections are
caused by viruses and not bacteria).
• Antibiotics only kill bacteria and not
• Antibiotics can cause side-effects.
• Only the doctor could decide if or
when to take them.
When would the doctor prescribe
an antibiotic?
• If the infection is severe.
• If not caused by a virus.
• If not any better after a few days.
• If you have a problem with your
immune system.
• If you have heart valve problems or
had rheumatic fever in the past.
When should we seek a doctor’s
• For all small children.
• For severe or unusual symptoms such as
-difficulty in breathing or swallowing saliva
or opening mouth.
• Very high temperature (38°C and over).
• Symptoms not any better after 3 or 4 days.
• All the frail and the elderly.
• If you are on Carbimazole treatment.
• If somewhat concerned.
Remember :
• Most throat infections heal by
themselves and do not need an
• Take plenty of fluids.
• Take paracetamol or the equivalent
• See a doctor if symptoms are severe or
do not improve after 3 to 4 days.

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