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Which of these apply to

you? (LEFT)
___ I am very organized.
___ I remember faces more
than names.
___ I think things through
before making a decision.
Which of these apply to
you? (LEFT)
___ If someone’s mad at me,
I can tell even without the
person saying a word.
___ I work best in a quiet
Which of these apply to
you? (RIGHT)
___ I daydream a lot.
___ I hate taking risks.
___ I tend to get emotional.
___ I make a to-do-list.
___ I trust my “gut instinct”.
If you have more “yes”
answers from the left column,
you are probably left-brain
dominant, while if you have
more “yes” answers from the
right column, you are probably
right-brain dominant.

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